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       #Post#: 10048--------------------------------------------------
       By: Diana Date: July 8, 2012, 9:08 am
       What's everyone doing today.
       I know what I'm doing, nothing absolutely nothing.  I'm
       Scrapping got my mojo back and I'm using it.
       Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
       #Post#: 10049--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday!!
       By: maddawg Date: July 8, 2012, 9:10 am
       still trying to finish my travel hubs. sigh. all of a sudden i
       developed amnesia. not much else going on. we had a lazy day
       yesterday and i'm hoping for another one.
       #Post#: 10050--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday!!
       By: tallulah Date: July 8, 2012, 9:28 am
       Still drinking my 1st cup of tea.......  I was SO tired last
       night, feel better today, got some challenges to get done in my
       contests.  then maybe play with some ideas from Expo.  Or maybe
       incorporate them???  lol
       #Post#: 10052--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday!!
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 8, 2012, 10:51 am
       good morning - back from Church, we help serve a early dinner at
       the food pantry. I offered to make dessert, plan to do a peach
       not sure what else I'll get done today. DD wants me to teach her
       more about sewing, she knows the basics. we're going to look
       into getting my old machine overhauled so she can have that. I
       have fabric for a skirt for Katie, so maybe she can sew some of
       those seams, the waist band and hem and I can see how much she
       have a great day!
       #Post#: 10053--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday!!
       By: SherrieScraps Date: July 8, 2012, 1:30 pm
       Went to church this morning, it was so hot we had the service in
       the Christian Education Hall instead of the santuary.  Today is
       supposed to be the last hot date for a while (yesterday it was
       105) so am looking forward to next week!
       Sent I spent all day yesterday in the pool I guess today will be
       making up for that.  Laundry and a little cleaning, my parents
       are coming for dinner so I'll make something simple.
       #Post#: 10054--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday!!
       By: nfaband Date: July 8, 2012, 2:48 pm
       Spent a few hours sorting and going through boxes my husband had
       packaged away.  It's so sad to be going through the things he
       cherished and so wanted to keep and yet I have no attachment to
       these things which he collected throughout his life.  What does
       one do with all this stuff when you just can't bring yourself to
       throw it away because it's good ... but you also can't just give
       it away either.  I don't want this stuff ... but grrrrr it
       belonged to Brian and he loved it all.
       I'm taking a break now ... and will be making some dinner soon.
       Hope you're all having a great day ... stay cool everyone.
       #Post#: 10056--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday!!
       By: Benji Date: July 8, 2012, 7:31 pm
       I left camp at 530 this morning and travelled in the cooler part
       of the day, arriving at home about 9am....its good to be home.
       We went to church and then some of us went for a picnic after
       church.  I had a little nap and now I am looking through some
       photos I took this week.
       The camp I was at is a wonderful place to see an amazing sunset!
       So I have to scrapbook those photos!
       I have lots to catch up on this week before we go back to the
       camp on Sat, but I hope to get some scrapbooking  in
       there...probably some digital scrapbooking.
       #Post#: 10087--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sunday!!
       By: SherrieScraps Date: July 9, 2012, 3:54 pm
       Tania, does Brian have any nieces or nephews that might like his
       things?  Perhaps a brother or sister?
       I still haven't gone through everything of Burt's. When I'm
       ready I guess I will, but for the time being, it's all where he
       left it.