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       #Post#: 10221--------------------------------------------------
       Hi Ladies...
       By: AngieSaylorAleszczyk Date: July 11, 2012, 8:54 am
       Good morning....Where the heck has the summer gone?????..The
       hubby said STAPLES has HUGE back to school sales already...he
       wanted to go...I said
       NO....NO WAY.....I will not take part inand back to school sale
       before Aug....no way.....
       Any way....Kitchen redo is moving along slowlyI had no clue that
       there was going to be so many choices....tired of thinking aobut
       it all.....just want it done
       looks like cabinets will be here July 26..then the install will
       begin....I have been taking photos every day...wanted to do a
       "smash book" each day but  that did not happen so taking photos
       so I will do layouts may be a book not sure....
       well gotta get going just wanted to pop in and say hello.....
       #Post#: 10226--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hi Ladies...
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 11, 2012, 10:09 am
       hello......glad to have you pop in when you can.  so happy the
       kitchen is coming along even if it feels like it's moving slow.
       DH went to staples yesterday and picked up a ton of school
       stuff.  Disney does a huge drive from cast members and with both
       DD's working for Disney we always contribute also.  these
       supplies will be distributed to kids in need.
       #Post#: 10227--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hi Ladies...
       By: maddawg Date: July 11, 2012, 11:09 am
       I ran back to my lss because the second punch didn't work or so
       i thought. I got there and to my shock. it worked. boy did i
       feel stupid. lol!!! anyway - hopefully that'll lead to more