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       #Post#: 10248--------------------------------------------------
       Bomber update 7/11
       By: KikiJames Date: July 11, 2012, 8:45 pm
       I thought I posted this somewhere yesterday, but now I can't
       find it. :-P
       7/10: His numbers went up a little, but she was okay with it
       because it wasn't too much and considers his liver numbers to be
       He also had his annual check up and he's great! Heart and lungs
       are good, arthritis is actually BETTER, and he has a hazy right
       eye, but that's just "old" age.
       He will be going in Monday to have his bladder stones removed
       and teeth cleaned. They will do the stones first and if any
       problems arise, they will be able to bring him out from the
       anesthesia quickly and address them.
       SO, with all that said, it was a good report. Not looking
       forward to the "cone of shame" though. lol
       7/11: Bomber's bladder stone surgery and teeth cleaning has been
       scheduled for Monday morning. He will be coming home Tuesday
       afternoon with the cone of shame. :(
       They will be doing the surgery first to make sure he does okay.
       He will be under a low dose (What they give babies) of
       anesthesia, so if any complications arise they can wake him up
       quickly to deal with them. If (WHEN) he does, they will continue
       with the teeth cleaning.
       Pray that all goes well and for mommy and daddy's nerves!!