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       #Post#: 10378--------------------------------------------------
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 16, 2012, 6:53 am
       Good morning............es everyone sleeping in?  or do you have
       a busy day planned?
       #Post#: 10379--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 16, 2012, 6:54 am
       I am making a pasta salad and dessert for dinner, SIL is
       grilling burgers.  other than that, not sure what else I'll be
       #Post#: 10382--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: KikiJames Date: July 16, 2012, 8:13 am
       I wish I were sleeping in! I may have to have a nap today.
       Dropped Bomber off at the vet at 7:30AM. It will be a long
       May meet a friend for coffee (Or DC or Hot Chocolate for me.
       LOL) just to take my mind off.
       May scrap...we'll see what the day brings. :)
       #Post#: 10383--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: maddawg Date: July 16, 2012, 8:20 am
       I have a dentist appt to get the ole chopppers cleaned. Not much
       else going on. Will attempt to scrap later.
       #Post#: 10391--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: Diana Date: July 16, 2012, 9:14 am
       Good morning, I'm cleaning and packing.
       Leaving for Orlando tomorrow for Daniel's orientation at UCF.
       Going with my BFF and we will hit Island of Adventure for one
       see you all on Friday.
       #Post#: 10395--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: jscraps4u Date: July 16, 2012, 9:58 am
       Oh Diana...what fun!
       I have gotten soo far behind with vacation and the party this
       weekend.  Plus, I messed up my blood sugars!  I was exhausted
       yesterday and took a nap.  That totally messed up my sleep.
       Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
       Will be leaving for gymnastics in about an hour.  Have laundry
       and bill stuff too.  Looks like another busy day for me!
       #Post#: 10406--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: pam Date: July 16, 2012, 11:31 am
       Hey girls, landed at the home nest long enough to say a big
       hello to you all. Hope everyone is enjoying some parts of summer
       with their families. So much to see and do this summer, lots of
       trips and parties. I haven't scrapped in weeks. SIL did get my
       wood floor done in the scraproom-except for the trim. Looks
       snazzy and now to put everything in its place,lol. Well, many
       things need done,haven't been home for weeks,so where do I
       start? HAGD
       #Post#: 10420--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: Milie Date: July 16, 2012, 2:03 pm
       Afternoon!! Back from Florida... setting back into reality...
       this weekend was insane.. my tailbone still hurts HORRIBLY...
       going to chiro.. Bella had so much fun at the beach... all in
       all a greattrip! Janelle sorry I missed you at the expo how was
       Some pics..
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       #Post#: 10426--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: Resa Date: July 16, 2012, 3:09 pm
       having a stressful day... that's all I am saying. posted my
       challenge late, but it's there.  :o
       i hate coming back from vacation more stressed than when i left
       to go.
       #Post#: 10453--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 
       By: jscraps4u Date: July 16, 2012, 8:25 pm
       Oh Resa...that totally stinks!  Go have a cold one and curl up
       with a good book!