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       #Post#: 10469--------------------------------------------------
       Happy Tuesday!!
       By: Milie Date: July 17, 2012, 6:59 am
       Hi ladies!
       What's shaking in your neck of the woods today?? Chiro helped my
       tailbone some.. she said it takes 6-8 WEEKS for it to HEAL!!
       OMG... This sucks!!
       I ordered cabinets for my scrap room last night!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO
       excited... I can't wait to get them, I need to start organizing
       my stuff so when it comes I can put stuff away!!!! YAY!!! $616
       not a happy camper though..LOL..
       Next up finalize the nursery details, order bedding.. get the
       paint picked and bought.. get a ceiling fan..and work on Bella's
       Doesn't look like mom is coming, I am so sad about it... she has
       dr. appt on 31st to find out surgery schedule.. so this sucks
       BIG BIG time..she was supposed to come back Aug 5th  :(
       Have a great day!!!!
       #Post#: 10481--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 17, 2012, 8:17 am
       good morning
       Milie, welcome back!   sorry about your Mom not coming back.
       lazy day for me.  do a load of towels, clean the bathroom.  DD
       is fixing dinner.  hope to find my MOJO and tackle a challenge.
       #Post#: 10485--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: nfaband Date: July 17, 2012, 9:13 am
       Good morning ladies ... it's been a bit, so I thought I'd pop in
       and check things out.  I've been busy sorting, sorting, sorting,
       trashing stuff and trying to keep up with every day life.
       Listing the house hopefully this week, just waiting for a call
       back from the realtor, not sure I've picked the right person
       though, I really need someone to be on top of this and push to
       sell this big monster of a house.  I have an attorney doing my
       probate stuff for me, which is helping.  Morgan is still looking
       for a full time job, nothing yet on the teaching track, ugh.  We
       are still not sure where we want to end up when this house sells
       ... I'm praying about it though.  Trying to keep my sanity some
       days its difficult, and yesterday the business office manager
       for the school district where my husband worked has sent me over
       the edge, she forgot to bill me for the Cobra insurance ... so
       now the bill for 3 months is over $4000, I'm livid and trying to
       figure out how to get it all together.
       Not much else is new ... no scrapping here, no time for now.
       Missing all of you.
       #Post#: 10489--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: maddawg Date: July 17, 2012, 9:21 am
       awww Tanya hugs and prayers my friend.
       Life is chugging along here. Not much going on. Gonna wolf down
       a banana - make the bed and take a shower. Got some pix begging
       to be on a page. Need to work on that.
       #Post#: 10493--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: SherrieScraps Date: July 17, 2012, 11:37 am
       Milie, can't wait to see pictures of your new scrappy room!
       Tania, thinking of you and hating to see you go through this.
       COBRA is one of the reasons I went to work full time after Burt
       passed away.  I simply couldn't afford the monthly bill, it's
       ridiculously high and doesn't give you the coverage that a
       normal policy does.  Here's hoping you and Morgan both find good
       jobs soon!
       Peggy and Lynne, get scrappin'!!  I just posted my layout for
       the July color challenge, it was a fun layout to do!
       #Post#: 10498--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: pam Date: July 17, 2012, 1:31 pm
       Hello all
       Tania,hugs your way, I am almost at the 2 year mark, 7/20, seems
       like forever in some ways. Life has sure changed for me and
       every day I am reminded of how much I miss my DH. Hope the best
       for you and the girl.
       Milie, hope the TB gets better, the youngest DS is finally
       better after almost 6 weeks of back misery. The Dr. said he had
       5 vertebrae out of place,one bulging disk and some residual
       deficit with numbness in his lt leg. He has never been ill or
       even injured so it has been very hard for him. He just wants to
       be back to normal.
       Looks like rain here,but until it happens,I won't be a believer.
       Lots of dark clouds and wind is picking up.
       I am in the newly revamped scrap room and it is starting to take
       shape once again. Still need some shelving in the closet
       organizer and more "stuff" needs to be put away. I am anxious to
       get back to scrapping soon.
       Hope you are all busy,smiling and taking lots of photos,HAGD
       #Post#: 10506--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: jscraps4u Date: July 17, 2012, 2:16 pm
       Oh Millie...can't wait to see the new nursery and scrap room.
       Tania...that totally stinks.  I'm totally keeping you in my
       prayers and hope the house sells fast for you!  And thanks for
       popping in.  I miss you!
       Me...I think I know where my mojo went.  I have a birthday this
       week and it is my first without my mom.  I've been in a funk
       since vacation and couldn't firgure out why.  I think this is
       it.  Who knew I'd miss her soo much on my day, but it is my
       first without her and she was always there making it special in
       some way.  My dad is coming to visit, hopefully that will help a
       bit.  No wonder my creativity is squashed.  Sadness does that!
       Anyway...staying in today.  100's plus humidity is too much for
       #Post#: 10515--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: Resa Date: July 17, 2012, 5:28 pm
       it's been a yuck day today as was yesterday. hoping to feel
       better tomorrow as i have to go back to work on Thursday. i will
       be vegging in front of the tv watching Hells Kitchen and
       Masterchef. then probably off to bed early. have a good
       #Post#: 10528--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: Milie Date: July 18, 2012, 6:15 am
       Ohh Janet..  :'( HUGS!
       Pam- it sucks and apparently takes WEEKS to heal! CRAZY!
       Resa- I am not big into Hells Kitchen but am MasterChef! OMG
       that was crazy.. it gets harder and harder each week to send
       someone home I bet..
       #Post#: 10556--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!!
       By: Resa Date: July 18, 2012, 11:53 am
       [quote author=Milie link=topic=822.msg10528#msg10528
       Resa- I am not big into Hells Kitchen but am MasterChef! OMG
       that was crazy.. it gets harder and harder each week to send
       someone home I bet..
       I can't believe how much they are putting Christine through. I
       swear I don't remember past seasons having so much "running" to
       do as this one. (She is blind for anyone that does not watch the
       show and has to run and tag team with others. they had her
       grilling corn one day this week, like she could see how high the
       flames were on the grill. And last night she had to tag team
       with another contestant to make sushi. She did not know where
       the girl had left knives, food items, etc. because she could not
       see them. She does a great job though!!)