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       #Post#: 10530--------------------------------------------------
       Happy Hump Day!
       By: Milie Date: July 18, 2012, 6:18 am
       Wow.. Wednesday already!
       I was an idiot yesterday.. I bought Philly Cheesesteak
       SANDWICHES instead of the MEAT at Costco... so dinner was a no
       go last night... we headed out to Five Guys then which I don't
       care for now during pregnancy.. I was SO mad.. who the heck buys
       premade sandwiches? And they were SMALL too.. I hope to give
       them to BIL.. what  a waste of money...
       Today at work.. I am almost done picking colors for the
       nursery.. need to order soon.. we have a lunch meeting so that
       puts a hinder on it..
       Hope y'all have a great day!!
       #Post#: 10539--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!
       By: maddawg Date: July 18, 2012, 8:17 am
       Ack Millie - some like them for convenience but the bread has to
       stink. awww welll...
       dh just left for a mini road trip - will be back tomorrow night.
       Not much going on - I think I'll play some more. Not much else
       going on.
       #Post#: 10543--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!
       By: KikiJames Date: July 18, 2012, 8:50 am
       This will be a long day for me. Bomber is doing VERY well. I had
       to sleep on the couch last night to make sure he went outside
       when he needed to. He only went out a couple of times with 4 hrs
       in between, but that 4 hrs is the time I had a hard time
       sleeping, of course. So, I think I will be napping in a bit.
       I am also going to get some laundry and MAYBE scrapping (Or, at
       least cleaning up from my last project) done today.
       #Post#: 10544--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!
       By: pam Date: July 18, 2012, 8:55 am
       Good morning,I think
       Milie,being the lone person in my household makes meals a whole
       new challenge. I fall for some of that pre-made stuff from time
       to time and am disappointed every time. What am I thinking?
       Cereal is a better meal,lol It just seems like a whole lot of
       trouble to get all the pots and pans out,for just me,KWIM?
       Well, weed wacker day it is, I have stalled long enough, hate
       that job,always procrastinate about it and why can't I just do
       it and get it over with?Always glad when it's over.
       I am working on some cards,understatement, I have the paper out
       and the rest is a guess. MOJO needed,asap.
       Well, off to the weeds I go, telling myself all the way, "you
       will be glad when it is over"
       #Post#: 10552--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 18, 2012, 11:23 am
       good afternoon
       off to the grocery store after I eat some lunch.  other than
       that, not much going on around here.
       #Post#: 10554--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!
       By: Resa Date: July 18, 2012, 11:45 am
       getting ready to head out the door. I have a number of things to
       do today and a lack of energy to get them done. I think really
       it's the lack of funds in my pocket that is slowing me down.
       ho hum...........off i go.
       #Post#: 10568--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!
       By: tallulah Date: July 18, 2012, 5:26 pm
       My biz partner buys those all the time for her kids...   But
       then again she isn't a very good cook either.
       I would rather make my own!   lol
       #Post#: 10569--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Hump Day!
       By: jscraps4u Date: July 18, 2012, 5:28 pm
       Today...what a weird day.  Got my birthday present...iPad
       ...then got a speeding warning...then gymnastics...now home.
       I'm loving my new toy!  I'm hoping (keeping fingers crossed) to
       scrap tonight!