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       #Post#: 10586--------------------------------------------------
       It's Thursday!!!
       By: Milie Date: July 19, 2012, 8:01 am
       ALMOST Friday!!! Whoo hoo...  Happy Birthday JANET!! Hugs
       today... Yay for the Ipad!!!
       Got a crock pot pot roast going for tonight... at work.. had two
       leg cramps last night it was awful.. so now I walk and sit
       funny! lol..
       I ordered the bedding for the crib last night... now ordering
       other misc things, need to figure out who is going to sew the
       other items since mom won't be here.. freaking out about that...
       now that she's not coming also Isabella will have to spend the
       night at MIL instead of her own house and room.. :-(
       Not much else, besides work.. and ordering stuff.. getting ready
       for baby and party! No scrapping in sight.. and the cabinets
       have not shipped yet!!! ARGH!! Will start organizing my scrappy
       room this week by sorting stuff and putting them in bins for
       when the cabinets come I can quickly get it done....
       Have a great day!!
       #Post#: 10588--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday!!!
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 19, 2012, 8:25 am
       good morning.
       Milie, you have a super busy day planned.  leg cramps are awful.
       not much going on here, need to finish the quilt for great
       nephew and write my Mom.
       have a great day ladies!
       #Post#: 10589--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday!!!
       By: maddawg Date: July 19, 2012, 8:28 am
       ack. leg cramps are no fun. hope you feel better Milli.
       I need to ride. So maybe a trip to the store would be in order.
       I have a half done page on my desk and rearranged things to my
       sewing machine could be set up instead of hidden all the time.
       Not much else going on.
       #Post#: 10594--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday!!!
       By: jscraps4u Date: July 19, 2012, 9:22 am
       Hey all...fighting insomnia.  Woke at 3 am...fell back to sleep
       6ish only to be woken by dh getting up!  GRR!!!
       Anyway...Dad and MaryLou are coming in today and we will be
       going out to dinner tonight!  Woohoo.  I hope (again fingers
       crossed) to get some scrapping in before he gets here!  Man,
       sadness really trumps the mojo!
       #Post#: 10615--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday!!!
       By: Barb Date: July 19, 2012, 3:34 pm
       Good afternoon Ladies I am just trying to get caught up. I had a
       great time with my company and at the beach It was great seeing
       Jaclyn,Tom and Kennedy but I miss them so much already!  I have
       scrapped a little and found my layout I started before Josh and
       Alyssa came to visit. I am not sure what it was
 (HTM) http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/Smiley11-1.gif<br
       />I thin kI started junes DP challenge so I am gooing to look no
       Hoping to finish it Going to my sisters tomarrow borrowing her
       punch for scraplift challeng I am excited have a good day all !
       #Post#: 10619--------------------------------------------------
       Re: It's Thursday!!!
       By: Resa Date: July 19, 2012, 3:49 pm
       home from work. need to dream up dinner cuz i did not stick
       anything in the crock today.
       then I am hoping to do something creative tonight.
       I bought a 12 X 12 canvas to play with. maybe I will start