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       #Post#: 10791--------------------------------------------------
       Monday 7-23
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 23, 2012, 7:26 am
       Gooood Morning........................
       are you up and moving?
       #Post#: 10793--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 23, 2012, 7:29 am
       I'm up and doing several little things, trying to be quiet as DH
       is still sleeping.
       We are leaving a little before lunch.  It's about a 4 plus hour
       drive, depending on traffic.  First stay is on Marco Island.
       not sure about internet connections, so may or may not get on
       If I don't, I'll be back next Tuesday.  Have a wonderful week.
       #Post#: 10794--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: SherrieScraps Date: July 23, 2012, 8:04 am
       Have a great vacation Peggy.  I'm at work (is it Friday yet?)
       and looking at another busy week as fall registrations are in
       full swing.
       I did get an album made over the weekend for Joey's first
       birthday present!  I can't believe he'll be a year old on
       #Post#: 10798--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: favorite grandma Date: July 23, 2012, 8:12 am
       thanks Sherrie.
       I can't believe he's a year old either!  Happy Birthday to
       #Post#: 10799--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: Milie Date: July 23, 2012, 8:23 am
       Have a great time Peggy!!!!!!!!!!!
       Really slow this morning.. I had a super busy weekend.. and even
       napped some but it was out of exhaustion... Bella didn't want to
       go to school either which SUCKS big time for drop off..
       We had some rain which was good.. my scraproom cabinets should
       come in this week, the tracking says NOTHING since Jul 19th!!
       Ugh.. hope itmeans good news, but obviously not out for delivery
       today.. I started clearing the mess table.. which is done..
       sorting out everything on the formal dining room.. then now
       tackle the shelves which has a lot of things already organized
       in shoe boxes like my ribbon, etc. The main thing to do is
       incorporate all of Marc's grandma's scrappy stuff in mine..
       since her stuff is still in boxes...
       At work.. I still have tons to do..
       Have a great day ladies!!
       #Post#: 10801--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: maddawg Date: July 23, 2012, 8:45 am
       Slow moving this morning too. Have a nail appt later. and it
       looks like its going to rain again. which is all good because
       there are draughts everywhere else. dh is san diego wish i
       could've gone. maybe next time. not much else going on. going to
       see if i have some scrappiness in me.
       #Post#: 10807--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: Resa Date: July 23, 2012, 8:54 am
       I'm up!! ;)
       I am exhausted. We are setting up a new M's here in Charlotte
       and I elected to help to make some extra cash. WHAT A LOT OF
       WORK!! I spent all day yesterday putting up pegs in the wilton
       aisle. The store is gorgeous, you would never know it's a M's.
       My new classroom is da bomb, I will take photos in a couple of
       weeks to share after they get all the "move in" stuff out of
       Today is my day off and then back to the trenches to start
       putting product on the shelves on Tuesday. I am planning on
       scrapping today. I need to create a few more samples for the new
       classroom. Have a good day.
       #Post#: 10809--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: Diana Date: July 23, 2012, 9:25 am
       Good morning, I need to schedule a doctors appointment since I
       have a cough that is not going anyplace fast.
       pretty slow here.
       Peggy, I grew up in Naples, and every weekend we use to go to
       Marco fishing of the pier and to get blue grabs (no more
       everything is build up) Marco is gorgeous have a great time.
       #Post#: 10826--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: Barb Date: July 23, 2012, 12:22 pm
       Good afternoon I cant sleep anymore I was up at 5 AM now I am
       such a grumpy butt.......
       I have a huge list of things I need to get done today then I am
       going to scrap later if I get my list done two things down now
       going to the bathroom to clean
       #Post#: 10833--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Monday 7-23
       By: jscraps4u Date: July 23, 2012, 5:38 pm
       Crazy day!  Hubby stayed home with an upset stomach.  Went to
       gymnastics.  Max swallowed a plastic coin.  It is 106 degrees
       outside and I think I'll be scrapping tonight.  Woohoo!!
       Peggy, have fun on your vacation!