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       #Post#: 10857--------------------------------------------------
       Happy Tuesday!
       By: Milie Date: July 24, 2012, 6:28 am
       Morning ladies!
       Supposed to be a very HOT day today! Got crab legs on the menu
       for tonight.. I have been craving mashed potatoes, so that again
       and some corn on the cob with rolls.. at work right now.. still
       sitting on my boppy pillow lol..
       Bella still iffy in the morning at drop off.. I hate doing it..
       Not much else planned, I got a LOT of stuff ordered, and now
       just need to get stuff and then execute 1) paint 2) furniture
       delivered 3) organize room 4) wash clothes 5) buy remaining
       items rug, lamp, ceiling fan and small decorations.. ;-)
       Any plans for today? Have a fabulous day!!
       #Post#: 10868--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: maddawg Date: July 24, 2012, 6:51 am
       Nope. Just hanging out. Maybe ride to the store
       later..........actually it'll be sooner to either dodge the rain
       or heat. lol!!! Hope to get some scrapping in but the mojo is on
       vacation i think.
       #Post#: 10871--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: pam Date: July 24, 2012, 8:57 am
       Plans,who has plans? lol Rainy here,so inside I am. Please send
       #Post#: 10876--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: Barb Date: July 24, 2012, 9:33 am
       Good morning I cleaned the house yesterday and now I am going to
       try and scrap gotta get some mojo so I am going to put on some
       music and I also need to help my DH with the building today I
       need that building for storage Have a scrappy day all!
       #Post#: 10884--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: nfaband Date: July 24, 2012, 3:03 pm
       Spent my morning shredding papers, tons and tons of papers ...
       that while I waited for a dumpster to be delivered to my
       driveway.  I was supposed to be their first delivery today, but
       of course they didn't get here until 11 a.m., 3 hours late.
       Then I ran a few quick errands and stopped in at the bank to
       transfer the mortgage payment to the mortgage account.  Meeting
       with a real estate agent tomorrow ...  hoping all goes well, the
       whole thing is just giving me the worst headache.  I applied for
       a job today on craigs list, something I've never done, but I
       guess I have to get back in to the work world, I'm running out
       of money.  Morgan also applied for a job today, hoping that she
       gets it, it's not a teaching job, but it's a full time job and
       will come with benefits, so right now it's better than what she
       Going through my scrappy stuff, sorting, and getting ready to
       give alot of it away .... that also makes me a little sick, but
       I'll save some just in case.
       Hoping you're all well .. miss you girls so much.
       #Post#: 10904--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: Diana Date: July 24, 2012, 7:34 pm
       I spend the day running errands, finally went to the doctor and
       have bronchitis probably pneumonia will know Friday when the
       results from my chest xray is ready.
       Tania...I'm on the job hunting too, it's not easy, but just
       don't get discourage.  I don't know there but here there's like
       200 people for one job.  Apply to as many places as you feel
       going to scrap a little.
       #Post#: 10913--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: Resa Date: July 24, 2012, 10:10 pm
       the day is over already. i worked hard. came home exhausted and
       spent the evening watching Hell's Kitchen and masterchef. I am
       off to bed now. Talk to you tomorrow!!