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       #Post#: 11428--------------------------------------------------
       August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: Milie Date: August 1, 2012, 6:44 am
       Wow.. I cannot believe it's AUGUST!!!!!!!!!! I am having a baby
       next month.. (hopefully not this month) lol.. cut off is Sept.
       27th if she doesn't come on her own on the 20th.. so I guess no
       October baby..
       Mom is going to hospital this morning for screening and her
       surgery is in about 3 weeks  :( :( :(
       Bella will be 2 on Monday!!! Wow.. Nursery was painted last
       night, the painter finished dang.. the pink is BRIGHT OMG it's
       BRIGHT!!! *sigh* The Aqua I love..  calling later to get the
       furniture delivered this weekend.. Bella's party is on the 11th
       so I need to work on a frame for signatures, order
       cake/cupcakes, and get some stuff at Party City..
       Busy day today, my boss is out most of the day and I have so
       much to do... arghhh...
       Felt ill this morning and threw up.. really ODD... not sure what
       that was about.
       Have a great day ladies!!!!!!
       NEW CHALLENGE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D
       #Post#: 11430--------------------------------------------------
       Re: August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: scrapmouse Date: August 1, 2012, 6:52 am
       I know! I cannot believe that it is August either.  My baby
       leaves for his first year of college in 16 days!!!!!!!!!! :-\
       Looking forward to the new challenges!
       #Post#: 11436--------------------------------------------------
       Re: August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: Diana Date: August 1, 2012, 7:04 am
       Milly your plate is pretty full.  How exciting about the new
       baby, time flies.
       Heading to work, just stopped by real quick to post the QOTW and
       SQOTW don't want to be late again.
       My challenge will be up later tonight, I was working on it last
       night and watching the Olympics decided I could not do both and
       see everything  so  the Olympics won.
       Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
       #Post#: 11442--------------------------------------------------
       Re: August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: Barb Date: August 1, 2012, 7:33 am
       Good morning
       Millie enjoy the day a little love that new feeling of a room
       in progress
       Sharon college days wow I remember that feeling when they just
       fly !
       Diana you work to much I cant believe the Olympics won lol
       I am posted mine soon remembered this month I have a book I need
       to finish then go the library then I think  scrap a little have
       a fun day all
       #Post#: 11462--------------------------------------------------
       Re: August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 1, 2012, 8:33 am
       good morning, have the laundry running with beach towels.  need
       to run to the grocery store.
       I'll get to work on my challenge in a bit.
       have a great day ladies.
       #Post#: 11469--------------------------------------------------
       Re: August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: maddawg Date: August 1, 2012, 9:20 am
       Good a.m. had a lovely evening last night dining with pals and
       bobbing up and down in their warm pool til I shriveled like a
       raisin. Fun stuff. Have a page in progress and DH coming home
       today. Fun stuff.
       #Post#: 11510--------------------------------------------------
       Re: August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: jscraps4u Date: August 1, 2012, 1:25 pm
       Man I'm tired today.  And I feel like I'm constantly late.
       At practice right now. Have laundry to do when I get home.
       Kelly's team was taped yesterday.  They will be on the 4 pm news
       #Post#: 11540--------------------------------------------------
       Re: August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: ScrapHappyGabi Date: August 1, 2012, 4:50 pm
       None of you know me .. lol HI! :)
       Sounds like everyone's keeping quite busy! Good luck to all who
       have big things on the horizon
       #Post#: 11555--------------------------------------------------
       Re: August 1st!!! Happy Hump Day!
       By: Diana Date: August 1, 2012, 9:44 pm
       Welcome Gabi..
       Tomorrow I'm just going to have time to post so I'm giong to
       post QOTW tonight, Just I have a long day at work then I have a
       Jewelry show. So I probably won't be getting home until after
       10:00 don't know if I will be able to get on the computer
       probably just go to my bed and watch the olympic, which it what
       I'm doing now.
       Good night!