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       #Post#: 12070--------------------------------------------------
       Happy Tuesday!
       By: Milie Date: August 7, 2012, 7:11 am
       Baby girl was too excited and did not want to go to sleep last
       night!! Exhausting!!! FINALLY around 9.30!! I did my first
       attempt at 7pm!!! We started bedtime routine at 6.30!!! Going on
       2 weeks.. figure it's with the age.. when she turned 1 we had 3
       weeks of craziness...
       She had fun yesterday! Now gearing up for her "big" party on
       Saturday.. placed my order with Maggianio's yesterday.. MIL
       making a salad.. and I sent pics of the cake to the bakery
       yesterday hope to finalize that today... got balloons ordered on
       Friday.. so almost set.. just tidy up and decorate!
       Nursery progress going along! Furniture coming in on FRIDAY!
       They were full booked.. geesh..
       Have a great day ladies!! ANy special plans today? I got to
       work.. and then not sure about dinner.. I am too tired right now
       to cook! LOL!
       #Post#: 12075--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: maddawg Date: August 7, 2012, 7:30 am
       Gotta go get some blood sucked out of my arm. After that. I have
       a challenge. ack. garbage day. brb.
       #Post#: 12076--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: Diana Date: August 7, 2012, 7:33 am
       Good morning, Today is my first day at a new Part-time job I
       However, my interview yesterday went really well and I really
       need to work full time, I just cant stay home once the kids go
       back to school, just not good for me.  So keep my in your
       prayers that they call me.  However, my Jewelry Party on
       Saturday went very well I work 3 hours and made 250.00 not bad
       wish I had more like that.
       Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
       #Post#: 12088--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 7, 2012, 7:56 am
       good morning.......
       Diana - will think good thoughts about the job.
       need to run to pick up some medicine at Target and clean the
       kitchen floor.  other than that, not sure what else I'll get
       done today.
       have a great one ladies!
       #Post#: 12091--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: Milie Date: August 7, 2012, 8:43 am
       GOOD LUCK DIANA!!!!!
       #Post#: 12092--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: jscraps4u Date: August 7, 2012, 8:50 am
       Good Luck Diana!
       Today is the first Tuesday of the fall gymnastics practice
       schedule which means NO practice!  Yahoo.  I have dinner planned
       (hopefully) and kelly has sports performance training for an
       hour locally!
       My home study got rescheduled for friday.  So yesterday I got
       the up stairs done, today will do the basement.  Then the house
       will be clean for a while and I can focus on scrapping and
       getting ready for school.
       Make it a great one everyone!
       #Post#: 12097--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: pam Date: August 7, 2012, 9:17 am
       Good luck Diana, as soon as they see what a good worker you
       are,they will want to add you to full-time, I am sure.
       Slept late,felt good...... Must give the orchids some TLC
       today,then maybe a little yard work,since it has cooled a bit.
       Milie, I must confess,when  I read about your daily happenings,I
       feel like such a slacker. I do,however, remember those days when
       there was never an idle moment. . Hope your party is perfect!!
       Well, DS will be here for lunch soon.... HAGD
       #Post#: 12105--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: Barb Date: August 7, 2012, 9:58 am
       Good morning today is the first day of my DH working outside of
       the home seems odd!
       Good luck Diana
       I am hoping to finish this messy scrap space then scrap. I need
       to order my pic for Lynns challenge then I hope to scrap a page.
       Have scrappy filled day.
       #Post#: 12163--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Tuesday!
       By: Resa Date: August 7, 2012, 7:38 pm
       home from work. vegging out in front of the computer. home from
       work tomorrow. yahoo!!