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       #Post#: 12266--------------------------------------------------
       Happy Thursday! 08-09
       By: Milie Date: August 9, 2012, 6:15 am
       Morning ladies!
       Feeling weak this morning and queasy.. not sure what that is...
       Went to bed early with Bella I think she finally fell asleep
       around 8.30 so did I.. so this morning I woke up 15 min earlier
       to prep her breakfast and lunch..
       Tonight I MIGHT make some spaghetti.. we did Longhorns last
       night... the painter is coming back to check on the stripe that
       is bothering me around the edges. Furniture gets delivered
       tomorrow, and the party is Saturday!! Crazy days tomorrow and
       Saturday! I can breathe a little more SUNDAY!!
       Any special plans today??? Have a super day!
       #Post#: 12272--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Thursday! 08-09
       By: Barb Date: August 9, 2012, 6:47 am
       Good morning
 (HTM) http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/1sm218coffee2.gif<br
       /> I am scrappin a bit this morning before it gets hot my scrap
       room is small and gets hot so I want to finish my page and I
       woke up thinking it needs glitter
 (HTM) http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/Smiley11-1.gif<br
       />keep cool and have a good day.
       Millie you need to rest lady!!!!
       #Post#: 12275--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Thursday! 08-09
       By: maddawg Date: August 9, 2012, 6:52 am
       I agree with Barb - you need to rest Millie - I was having
       issues yesterday, and I hope I'm over them today.
       Dh coming home later - not sure when and I want to tidy up. Not
       that its messy its just easier to make noise when I don't have
       to tippytoe around his conference calls. Other than got nothing
       going on. I'm hoping the mojo keeps aflowing.
       #Post#: 12278--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Thursday! 08-09
       By: Milie Date: August 9, 2012, 7:39 am
       I will soon.. I really miss having mom here.. she would have
       come Aug. 5th  :'(
       #Post#: 12281--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Thursday! 08-09
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 9, 2012, 7:57 am
       good morning ladies.
       nothing much going on here.  sent out the cards for our Church
       ministry.  need to think up something for dinner.
       have a great day ladies.
       #Post#: 12284--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Thursday! 08-09
       By: jscraps4u Date: August 9, 2012, 9:42 am
       DH is home for the next two days...I may go crazy!  Not sure
       what I'm doing today...maybe pool...maybe scrap...maybe run and
       hide!  LOL!
       #Post#: 12288--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Thursday! 08-09
       By: Resa Date: August 9, 2012, 10:12 am
       been scrapping all morning. I have to head to work for 1 so I am
       beginning to wrap things up for today. I will share this
       weekend. I started working on my altered canvas and some wooden
       scrapbook photo frames.
       I am so excited for tomorrow. Heading to Charlotte for CKC
       convention all day. I signed up for three classes with lots of
       down time in between to shop and crop!!!
       Talk to you when I can!!!
       Have a good weekend just in case!! :)
       #Post#: 12305--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Happy Thursday! 08-09
       By: AprilSaysSo Date: August 9, 2012, 3:51 pm
       Howdy my peeps :)
       that's all I've got for now LOL  ;)