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       #Post#: 12316--------------------------------------------------
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 10, 2012, 6:12 am
       Good morning...............are you glad it's Friday???
       #Post#: 12317--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: favorite grandma Date: August 10, 2012, 6:12 am
       doesn't make much difference to me.
       have an appointment for my hip today.
       load of laundry and figure out something for dinner.  would like
       to finish up the layout on my table if my MOJO shows up.
       have a fabulous day.
       #Post#: 12318--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: Barb Date: August 10, 2012, 6:50 am
       Good morning
 (HTM) http://i717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/1sm218coffee2.gif<br
       />I have to say my page is still in the same place it was before
       need to finish it I want to add glitter and a title need to glue
       it all down also. It is raining today so that means I will want
       to watch netflex.  ::)  I am glad its Friday its the first
       weekend my DH is not tied to his phone. I took out steaks to
       have for dinner and the wine is a chillin. Have a fun day all.
       #Post#: 12319--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: Milie Date: August 10, 2012, 6:56 am
       Lots to do.. at work until 11... pick up Bella... run to
       Michaels.. make a signature frame.. MIL is coming over to help..
       Costco.. Furniture coming in between 1-5.. set up nursery crib
       ;-) and start decorating... party is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       Have a great day ladies!!
       #Post#: 12326--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: maddawg Date: August 10, 2012, 8:20 am
       Got the page done I was working on yesterday - it had an
       interesting flow. I get my boobs mashed for sure today -
       hopefully it'll all work out. Friday's are good because hubby
       has off so we'll have a good time.
       #Post#: 12330--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: Diana Date: August 10, 2012, 10:19 am
       Good morning,
       My weekend got cancelled again, but our friends invited us to
       spend the night at their condo, on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale,
       so I'll make the best of that.  I love spending time with them.
       Very good Karma.
       No scrapping from me, however I did clean up my desk so that is
       a good thing.
       Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
       #Post#: 12334--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: SherrieScraps Date: August 10, 2012, 12:22 pm
       I'm glad it's Friday, the last day of our vacation in OBX.
       Vacation started off great last Saturday but quickly went
       downhill when one of our cars was struck by a pickup just after
       they left the house Monday afternoon.....
       It hit the rear passenger door on the drivers side and DD#2 and
       her friend Chris took the brunt of it. Chris's pelvis fractured
       in four places so they had to transport her to Norfolk Trauma
       Center.  DD#2 doing okay, released from the hospital late Monday
       Now trying to figure out how to get 10 ppl home in two vehicles.
       Have been fighting with insurance company to get rental car but
       no coverage for that on policy. They did pay for a limo to
       transport Chris home from Norfolk yesterday (medical transport)
       but won't cover a simple rental for us. No rental agencies in
       OBX, nearest one is at Norfolk airport.
       It's been a stressful vacation to say the least!  I did get some
       good pictures of Joey at the beach Monday morning, though...
       #Post#: 12336--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: tallulah Date: August 10, 2012, 4:56 pm
       Dang Sherrie!
       What a week, keep us posted !
       #Post#: 12337--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: Resa Date: August 10, 2012, 5:13 pm
       Just got home from the scrapbook convention!! SO much fun!!! Had
       to work outside of my comfort zone a bit, but I am  ok now!!! I
       am not a blingly, frilly, cutesy kind of scrapper, but today i
       was. Made some really cute tags that I will share soon and came
       home with lots of new things to play with. STILL no hexagon
       cutter though. the booth was out by the time I got there. Met
       Stephanie from Stamps for Life. Got to buy one of her sets I
       have been eyeing for quite some time. Guess I should have had
       her sign it, LOL!!!
       Hubby met me at the convention and took me out to lunch. Now he
       is slaving away making dinner since he was home before me. Let
       me go help make some side dishes. Hoping to scrap after dinner.
       c-ya!! :)
       #Post#: 12340--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friday
       By: jscraps4u Date: August 10, 2012, 6:03 pm
       Oh Sherrie...that totally sucks!!!
       I hope you find a solution!
       Today we had our last home study!  Yahoo...I managed to convince
       my hubby to take the girls to practice and hope to have a
       relaxing evening scrapping!
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