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       #Post#: 1351--------------------------------------------------
       Adirondack Outlaw
       By: tge98 Date: October 23, 2019, 6:48 pm
 (HTM) https://poststar.com/news/local/great-escape-s-proposed--foot-tall-ride-panned-by/article_32f7b0db-0d9b-5389-82fb-018b04c91190.html#tracking-source=home-top-story-2
       It looks like the new ride is proposed in an area of the park
       where it exceeds the maximum height limit set out in the GEIS of
       2001. It sounds like GE tried to sneak this by but it seems like
       there are quite a few angry residents that showed up.
       I've always know that there were 3 height zones with the lowest
       point of hot rod USA having the highest limit of 200Ft. (hence
       why Sasquatch at 192 Ft. was approved.)  When I first read that
       the 165 Ft. ride was going in ghost town my first thought was I
       thought that GT had a 135FT limit since it's on the hill, but
       then I thought that Six Flags wouldn't put a ride in a spot
       where they aren't allowed to. I also found it interesting that
       The board countered and tried to compromise by not putting a
       light package on the ride and GE refused.
       At the end of the day I see no way of this ride passing,
       especially since it is pretty clearly sitting in a zone that it
       isn't allowed to be put in. In a perfect world they move this to
       another part of the park (somewhere in the fest area maybe
       across from skycoaster.) Then hopefully next year we get
       something actually built in Ghost Town. I never did like the
       ride placement.
       #Post#: 1354--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Mrceagle Date: October 23, 2019, 7:00 pm
       I would assume they expected to get a waiver from the city. I
       mean the neighbors can complain but 90% of the time its noise
       and this is about as far from the houses as you can get.
       Who knows what can happen but if they get turned down I don't
       see TGE getting another ride unless another park gives up their
       flat and they get this.
       A compromise would be to relocate greezed lightning to a ghost
       town and rename it and install the attraction where greezed
       lightning is now.
       #Post#: 1355--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: tge98 Date: October 23, 2019, 9:01 pm
       The issue isn't noise or lights, it's residents of Glen Lake
       being able to see it from the water. They've largely been
       successful with that.
       I'm not saying they should get a different ride, but rather put
       this elsewhere in the park. The ride will be below the max
       height in all areas of the park with the exception of ghost
       town. The other two height zones the ride would fit.  I was
       referring a new ride for ghost town next year
       #Post#: 1356--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: depotrat Date: October 24, 2019, 6:48 am
       I am always the first to criticize local people that complain
       about airports, amusement parks etc.  But in this case there was
       an agreement made between the parties 20 years ago.  Current
       residents may have based their purchase of property there based
       on that agreement.  Now the park wants to circumvent the
       agreement.  This time it is the park that is on the wrong side
       and I am surprised that only 20 residents showed up at the
       #Post#: 1357--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Mwbugsy Date: October 24, 2019, 7:35 am
       I also have to agree with the residents on this one.  They
       already fought this battle getting an agreement in place not
       even 20 years ago. While Ghost Town really does need something
       new, there are plenty of other options available.  Last time I
       was there, I was trying to envision where this ride would go,
       and it just seems like an awkward location. I’m curious to see
       what happens
       #Post#: 1361--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Mrceagle Date: October 24, 2019, 7:31 pm
       [quote author=depotrat link=topic=217.msg1356#msg1356
       I am always the first to criticize local people that complain
       about airports, amusement parks etc.  But in this case, there
       was an agreement made between the parties 20 years ago.  Current
       residents may have based their purchase of property there based
       on that agreement.  Now the park wants to circumvent the
       agreement.  This time it is the park that is on the wrong side
       and I am surprised that only 20 residents showed up at the
       Thanks for the info.
       The area by comet does need more rides.  Or it could replace the
       pirate ship spot. Might have to clear some trees though.
       #Post#: 1392--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: dellice45 Date: November 1, 2019, 2:42 pm
       We released a video on our YOUTUBE channel on this very topic.
       My personal thoughts are The Park is in the Wrong, but I also
       think the people as well should be working with the park a bit
       to make it happen, more people In the park equals more tax
       revenue , but in all honesty the park should move it elsewhere
       for 2020 and revamp for 2021 in Ghost Town or risk not having an
       attraction for 2020 or doing a switcharoo with another six flags
       park for 2020.
       I do really dislike town people lol I bet most of the people
       move in after the parks opening, but I do agree maybe some
       residents took into count for the view and the agreement, but
       maybe there is a chance down the road to alter the agreement
       between the town, the residents and the park.  Trees do grow and
       as they grow they should be able to build taller attractions.
       Maybe the park should feed the trees miracle grow or something
       #Post#: 1405--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Canobie Coaster Date: November 2, 2019, 3:30 pm
       If Great Escape really wants the ride in that location, maybe
       they can get the slightly smaller model as a compromise.  It
       meets the height restriction and would be equally as thrilling.
       #Post#: 1406--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: Mrceagle Date: November 3, 2019, 9:17 am
       If they downsive the ride which might be a good idea.  They
       shoudl use the savings to get a bigger sestign arangemnt so it
       has better capacity.
       #Post#: 1409--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Adirondack Outlaw
       By: tge98 Date: November 4, 2019, 8:23 am
       I think the 16 Seat model will have just fine capacity for TGE.
       It's still not really clear tho if they went with the 8 seat
       version or the 16 seat version. I would be a bit concerned if it
       were the 8 seat version as the only other ride with 8 seats is
       screamin eagles, and that can be one of the longer lines in the
       park. Plus this will definitely have a longer load/unload time
       than Eagles.
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