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       #Post#: 2305--------------------------------------------------
       Shanghai Disney reopens
       By: depotrat Date: May 11, 2020, 1:50 pm
       Shanghai Disney reopened on Monday.  There were many new rules.
       First, it was advance tickets only (don't know how Season pass
       holders were accommodated) and 30% capacity (24,000 guests) was
       the limit.  Also, every guest had to pass a temp check and have
       a green rating on the Chinese Government Health Ap.
       Once in the park, no pics with characters, almost no indoor
       shows, masks required at all times except when eating, social
       distancing to be observed in all queues, and no nighttime
       spectacular shows. Non stop sanitizing was evident.
       It is certainly a big big change from normal.  It looks like
       Hong Kong Disney will be next to open.  This will probably be
       the blueprint for all Disney parks.  Remaining profitable at 30%
       and staying at 30% with large #s of season pass holders at some
       locations seems challenging.
       #Post#: 2306--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Shanghai Disney reopens
       By: Mrceagle Date: May 11, 2020, 7:06 pm
       It's hard to see 24,000 as scaled-down. but that's still not a
       bad attendance and if people have to spread out their visits
       they might actually have a better experience.
       The temp checks are something we can expect to see heer in the
       US. I have already gone through a couple of checks bringing my
       friend to her appointments. though that app is very unlikely to
       be a thing here.