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       #Post#: 2563--------------------------------------------------
       Pedophile Issue within ACE
       By: dellice45 Date: September 23, 2020, 9:45 am
       I'm sure that people have seen the news from the videos, i've
       been posting about personal issues as well as others.  The
       person that is the culprit has gotten atleast 4 kids. Plus the
       other incident that happened in ohio with harassing two young
       women.  it seems that they are protecting pedophiles!
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/4_Ao7sBI5sU
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/lLYpyXtOu4g
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/SH92nRXjJCc
       #Post#: 2565--------------------------------------------------
       Re: <a href=
       By: Mrceagle Date: September 23, 2020, 12:32 pm
       First off congrats on the wedding. I did hear about it and am
       very happy for you.
       As for the video I watched the first one when it was released
       but this is my first time watching the second 2. I don't get the
       message it seems very calas and while I don't think it meant as
       shut up it definitly feels like a, well if you don't like it you
       can leave, sort of reponse.  I get there resistance ot take any
       blame that sort of thing opens them up to lawsuits but just an
       acknowledgment that they are still looking into it or are taking
       your claims seriously, go a long way.
       I'm heartbroken that you, your son, and the rest of your family
       are going through this.  I don't know all of you to the extent
       that others in my family do but I know you enough to know you
       wouldn't make this up.
       Brushing this or simply the knowledge off to the side is not a
       good move. We know it doesn't work and simply can cause ore
       issue in the long run. Look at the outcry from the Catholic
       church or the Boy Scouts. Multiple lawsuits not because it
       happened but becasue they didn't adress the issues and it
       continued. Like those groups Thre are countless good people
       doing the right thing and they shouldn't be judge by the
       wrongdoings of a select few but if they do to little they will
       only be seen for the bad not the good.
       #Post#: 2568--------------------------------------------------
       Re: **** Issue within ACE
       By: dellice45 Date: September 25, 2020, 12:44 pm
       Yeah its crazy! Im not even the one to bring it to ACE.  Someone
       heard about it, told RUS, then he has to report it, I talked
       with Rep Director, ACE VP they ere going to pull the trigger and
       they got cold feet and said nothing we can do!  I did get
       evidence of the 2nd child because of this, but ACE already had
       this info, told me about it and still did nothing. Im not saying
       they have to go be the judge, I get it they even said we are
       only to determine if he should remain as an assistant rep and in
       the club for people feeling comfortable around the person. not
       if he was a pedi and i get that! I agree with that.  We are
       handling the other stuff with lawyers and police and thats where
       that goes. He will get his day!
       They had the chance to stop this and did nothing so in the end
       shows that they protect people without doing anything!
       I have nothing to gain by lying and Honestly i do not care if my
       world comes crashing down! I just care about m family, making
       sure that no other child has to ever go through this again in
       this community! THE ACE Goons are already attacking me all day
       every day and i jsut go back right at them! They will not get me
       to shut up or stop until the right thing is done!  Thats when
       this all goes away from my end and until every story is told and
       people are held accountable!
       Most people know who it is as we were friends for about 5 years
       and you would expect a friend to not do that when you trust
       someone! Thats my fault and I take full responsibility for that!
       That will never happen again!
       #Post#: 2578--------------------------------------------------
       Re: <a href=
       By: Mrceagle Date: September 27, 2020, 11:58 pm
       I suspect you will be seeing this response after you get back
       from the Honeymoon.
       I agree you have nothing ot gain nore have I seen you actively
       go out of your way to cause anyone any trouble. It's really not
       fair to you to be attacked by aynyone in ACE. You gave them the
       opertinity. They should at least remove him as a rep. It's
       obviously there lack of action that has driven this frustration
       and lead to your videos.  I know many feel that some Reps and
       group of members have been put on a higher pedestal than your
       average member.