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       #Post#: 2617--------------------------------------------------
       The Conjuring HOUSE
       By: dellice45 Date: November 11, 2020, 11:38 am
       On NOV 7th, I had the pleasure of staying over night in the real
       conjuring house! Located in Harrisville, RI.  The house was
       built in 1736 and has a lot of paranormal captivity. The movie
       does add stuff in terms of activity that did not happen in the
       house but happened in the surrounding areas. The cost was 175
       bucks and we had a potluck supper, ghost hunting, playing a
       ouija board, using Spirit Rods and cameras. some used K2 meters
       and was only 12 people in the house in total. after we did a
       boatload of invitation that you could either stay up or sleep.
       Jimmy & I took our place in the living room and Is tased up most
       of the night just listening to the house. I slept maybe two
       So what is the verdict ?
       In my opinion the house is very active .  IM very skeptical of
       certain methods, but what I experienced I could not explain.
       1. Spirit RODS; I though they ere total BS until I held onto
       them myself and did as instructed in its sue, hold them without
       a death grip and when questions were asked, the rods started
       moving. I could feel as if something grabbed the ends and moved
       2. Ouija Board: in the past i've used them and seen it move
       without ahdns touchline it, but with hads touching, I paid close
       attention to everybody hands. I could not see pressure by
       anyones hands to make it move.
       3. While people were using the Ouija Board I felt a tingle run
       up and down my neck also felt as someone was rubbing my neck
       4. in the library there are two doors side by side , the door on
       the left when looking into the library has been known to just
       swing open. The door did swing open, hit the other door then it
       hit me lol We have footage of this, you cant see me in the
       footage, but you can see the door swing open and hit the other
       5. in the middle upstairs bedroom while using green grid lights
       after looking at photos I took we saw a black shadow that was
       only in one pic but there were 4 or 5 taken one after another,
       which lead into a softball showing up in the first bed room
       which was originally on the rocking chair in the middle bedroom
       and nobody can explain it because when we opened the door to the
       first bed room the ball was on the floor.
       Ive also paid for another date to go back as it is in FEBRUARY
       and with covid, limited people are allowed into the house at one
       time and there are events every month!
       Best part is the house is 5 minutes from my house.lol
       Over all it was a ton of fun, we had an amazing time and cant
       wait to do it again! So far I have released the walk through
       video of the house , tomorrow the Spirit Rod video comes out and
       on on Friday the 13th the 40 min Ouija Board Session goes up!
       The Spirit Medium who puts these events on is names Karen Tatro
       and is form New Hampshire! She is a great lady and very
       insightful and explains things as they re happening and what
       they may or may not mean.
       Tonight on The Grove Show I am going to play some videos from ti
       on there and the link will go up right before the show!
       #Post#: 2691--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Conjuring HOUSE
       By: dellice45 Date: March 9, 2021, 9:29 am
       We returned to The Conjuring HOUSE on FEB 26th.  We actually did
       live streams on SFNEOnline FACEBOOK PAGE while everything was
       going on!
       I will keep adding videos as we edit them out!
       This video is " Using Spirit Rods in The Seance ROOM "
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/cw6XUIo57iw
       #Post#: 2734--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Conjuring HOUSE
       By: dellice45 Date: March 25, 2021, 10:50 am
       Investigating the Upstairs Middle BED ROOM!
       This room was crazy, especially after watching a bunch of
       videos! This one was live streamed on SFNEOnline FACEBOOK, We
       have another Middle BED ROOM video from another camera that
       caught some other stuff! This video you can see the flash light
       going on and off on its own! Knocking coming from the closet!
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/ZwTtN2HDA6w
       Here is the other Middle BED ROOM VIDEO, but in NIGHT VISION!
       You can see ORBS, GHSOT BOY through the doorway, knocking! I am
       sure we missed a bunch more!
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/f2uwZydMQB0
       This next video is Using Spirit RODS in The LIBRARY!
       IN this one you can see a light up cat toy just start blinking
       and moving on its own, plus the special camera they made using
       an xbox Kinect camera that can show a spirit in the camera even
       though we can not see it with our eyes infant of us!
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/wvW9-AUlT_Q