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       #Post#: 2631--------------------------------------------------
       Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: SuperWickedFun! Date: November 17, 2020, 5:49 am
       I know that we've all been missing the park this year so a
       pleasant surprise this morning from SFNE was that the Holiday
       will Return starting November 27th in the form of Holiday in the
       Park Lights!  Full details can be found here:
 (HTM) https://www.sixflags.com/newengland/events/holiday-in-the-park-lights
       What's everyone's thoughts on this new event coming to the park?
       #Post#: 2632--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: depotrat Date: November 18, 2020, 7:56 am
       Too bad there are no rides included but it makes sense.  It will
       be nice to get to the park once this year.  We always enjoy the
       lights there so it will be worth the trip.  So it will be some
       holiday food and enjoy the lights - what else do we have to do
       #Post#: 2633--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: Mrceagle Date: November 19, 2020, 8:43 am
       My guess is the walkthrough lighting event is classified as a
       show/theater event the park itself is still an outdoor venue and
       restricted from opening. it's a loophole they can use to bring
       in some money. sounds like fun but don't think I'll do it not
       because I don't feel safe but $20a person on top of 30+ in gas
       to get there and back.
       I am glad they are able to do this. Is the park/zoo in
       Springfield not doing theirs? or will they be competing for
       #Post#: 2634--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: dellice45 Date: November 19, 2020, 1:40 pm
       As it is a very toned-down event, I still feel it's worth going
       to 1. Support the park, 2. get out of the house and get back to
       the park, and 3. I can also create some content to chronicle the
       year 2020 for the park!
       Here are some videos that have to do with Holiday IN The Park
       Six Flags COVID Safety VIDEO
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/cFvxzCaQxyU
       INfo For Six Flags Holiday In The Park Lights
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/SjOlQQWIdPA
       #Post#: 2640--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: dellice45 Date: November 28, 2020, 5:01 pm
       I went last night and did meet up with John, Ashley, Brandon,
       and Charles last night!  It was really weird since no rides
       going and there were times you could hear dead silence, but it
       was just nice to see some friends, eat some food, and enjoy the
       The DC UNiverse Sign is up, but we couldn't see if Supergirl was
       done, but we heard rumblings that nothing further has been done
       in the area! Monday and Tuesday I have a couple of videos coming
       out for everybody.  plus if nobody is going people can still see
       the lights!
       I would go again and spent almost 3 hours there. I looked at the
       gift shops, ate, waited for people, and had a blast! Wish the
       rides were open, but still grateful to be in the park at all
       this season!
       #Post#: 2642--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: SuperWickedFun! Date: November 29, 2020, 3:12 pm
       [quote author=Mrceagle link=topic=327.msg2633#msg2633
       My guess is the walkthrough lighting event is classified as a
       show/theater event the park itself is still an outdoor venue and
       restricted from opening. it's a loophole they can use to bring
       in some money. sounds like fun but don't think I'll do it not
       because I don't feel safe but $20a person on top of 30+ in gas
       to get there and back.
       I am glad they are able to do this. Is the park/zoo in
       Springfield not doing theirs? or will they be competing for
       Like Josh mentioned we got to meet up Friday night. It was great
       to just be there and to hang a bit. I understand your concern
       just will say it’s done really well and never once did I even
       feel slightly unsafe. Got there right at 5 and was the only one
       going through security. Seemed like more were coming in when I
       left but still nothing crazy and safer than going to a Walmart.
       Just in case that helps at all.
       #Post#: 2643--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: Mrceagle Date: November 29, 2020, 5:19 pm
       Glad you both had a good time. I'm not surprised the crowds are
       low there are a lot of competing, similar events and with no
       rides it's not as unique.  Did they at least have the band organ
       music or just the Christmas music over the speakers?
       #Post#: 2648--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: depotrat Date: December 11, 2020, 8:34 pm
       We went tonight.  It was well worth the trip.  SFNE did a good
       job all through the visit.  It was not much of a crowd and it is
       exactly 2 weeks to Christmas, so I doubt this is going to make
       any money.  The weather could not have been better.  We arrived
       at 5:30 and it was 47 degrees with almost no wind.  The new
       security with body scanners are easy to navigate and it is nice
       not having to empty pockets.
       The one way walking tour was very well done.  It was a nice
       leisurely, socially distanced walk thru a very well decorated
       park.  We are older and don't walk very fast but we covered the
       loop in just over an hour.  We then used our meal plan to get
       excellent salads from Riverboat Cafe.
       On the way out Dunkin Donuts had a table and were giving every
       visitor a giftwrapped box of 10 munchkins!  We saw Jen also at
       the entrance/exit thanking people for coming and wishing all a
       Happy Holiday.  Good job SFNE!!
       #Post#: 2649--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: Mrceagle Date: December 12, 2020, 9:10 pm
       Glad you made it to the event and had a good time. Also thank
       you for taking the time to share it.
       #Post#: 2652--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Holiday in the Park Lights Debuting 2020
       By: depotrat Date: December 19, 2020, 3:44 am
       I had to go to MA for work (socially distanced and safe for
       sure) so on the way home we were passing SFNE and popped in just
       to use our meal plan to get those great salads.   We thought it
       was lightly attended last week when we went.  This Friday it was
       easily less than half as many folks as last week.  On the walk
       in at 5:45 we were all alone. We went thru temp check, metal
       scan and the turnstiles alone.  We walked to the Riverboat and
       saw a couple of families but it was dead.  At the Riverboat they
       had one register open for the entire operation and we were
       second in line with nobody behind us.  We got the salads and
       retraced our steps out and saw one family coming in.  This is
       now 6 PM.
       The weather was 20 degrees colder than last week and we had all
       that snow Thursday.  SFNE had done a good job clearing the snow
       and tons of salt were down so footing was OK.  So I am not sure
       what held down the attendance so much but there is no way they
       made any money yesterday.  I would doubt they even covered the
       On the upside, these salads are so good (and the price is right
       on the meal plan) I might just maneuver to get back there next
       weekend which is the last weekend of operations.  Maybe they
       will do better in the weekend between holidays when less people
       are working.
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