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       #Post#: 2845--------------------------------------------------
       Canobie Lake Park Opening Day 2021
       By: Mrceagle Date: June 1, 2021, 9:27 pm
       After 3 reservations and 2 rain delays Canobie Lake Park was
       finally open for the season. It's Memorial day, a late opening
       for the park but it seems to be the go to opening weekend for
       most of New England this year.  The rain stopped early in the
       morning leaving the rest of the way cloudy and cool but at least
       the park was able to open one of their planed three day opening
       weekend.  crowds were light for the most part but seemed to pick
       up later in the day.  I arrived at the park around 10:20, just
       before opening, and stayed until 4. The park was open form 10:30
       to 6:00 a schedule they will keep all of the 2021 season.
       The entrance procedures are simpler this year. Reservations are
       still required and advanced Ticketing is recommended. My brother
       and I have season passes so we were all set. Bag checks are
       still being done but they have you hold your phone and keys
       While walking through the metal detectors instead of using the
       bins. signage at the entrance and around the park remind of you
       distancing and mask rules. Canobie like other parks are
       following the updated CDC guidelines but this just seemed to be
       a free for all to not wear masks. off all the guest in the park
       I saw only a few with masks.  I did my best to give people their
       space but really there is no distancing in any lines.  However
       there were plenty of sanitizing station around the park and I
       saw many people using them.  in all the park felt safe though I
       think it could have been cleaner. Now when I say Cleaner I'm
       really talking about Rides. The Dining areas were clean and I
       saw Employees cleaning tables between users. The bathrooms were
       also very clean.  Caterpillar's seats were covered in Pollen
       after 2.5 days of rain.  Davinci's Dream the seat I picked still
       had a pool of water on it and that pool has collected a lot of
       dirt which i had to dump and wipe off before I could sit down.
       On a plus side Jasper now has properly themed Clothing and is no
       longer wearing a beat up Canobie jacket.
       The park itself had plenty of rides to offer. Everything was
       operating except for Corkscrew, Timber Splash, Extreme Frisbee.
       Ice Jets and Skater did have some down time but they were up and
       running quickly.  Rides were not a big focus today so we only
       rode a few rides while at the park. We managed to get one ride
       in on Cannonball, the Sky Ride, Canobie Express, Mine of Lost
       souls, DaVinci's Dream, Caterpillar, and Untamed. I also took
       some time walking through the Palace arcade, boathouse arcade,
       and Pinball Alley.  I noticed there was a couple abandoned balls
       on the parks Stranger Things pinball machine. I have to say the
       machine is great and very impressive. there is a small projector
       built into the machine and a Screen in the middle of the
       play-field were images and effects are shown as you play.  I'd
       like to play it again but likely would not invest the money to
       do so at the park. Most of the pinball machines are now at a
       premium price from .75 cents to 2 Dollars. not every machine has
       it's price displayed but out of a couple dozen machines only 5
       or so are .25 cents.
       Read more and see photos at the Whalom Forums
 (HTM) https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/new_whalom_park/canobie-lake-park-opening-day-2021-t1712.html#p18520
       #Post#: 2850--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Canobie Lake Park Opening Day 2021
       By: dellice45 Date: June 3, 2021, 3:04 pm
       Are you talking about Stranger THINGS? I havent played that
       machine yet! Sound like you had a great day!
       #Post#: 2860--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Canobie Lake Park Opening Day 2021
       By: Mrceagle Date: June 3, 2021, 5:09 pm
       Yes I was talking about Stranger Things. I guess that's what I
       get for trying to write a trip report with Castle Rock  on in
       the background. Though  Stephen king needful Things pinball
       doesn't sound like a bad idea.
       The game is really good.  really enjoyed the game play and a
       number of unique elements.
       I uploaded a  photo form my phone while I was out to the Whalom