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       #Post#: 2861--------------------------------------------------
       Hershey and Knoebels 6/2 
       By: depotrat Date: June 4, 2021, 4:51 am
       We took our first long road trip of 2021 on Wednesday.  We had
       40% off tix for Hershey that they were selling prior to spring
       opening and thought a mid-week visit would be a good idea.
       Actually it wasn't that good an idea.  The park was moderately
       crowded at most so lines were OK but the problem was closed
       attractions.  Candymonium was open and that new to us coaster
       was #1 on the list.  We also rode Skyrush for the first time in
       9 years.  I knew they had made adjustments to the restraints
       that had led to the nickname Thigh Crush and it was better.
       Great Bear was running very well.  Lightning Racer is always a
       favorite.  We did multiple rides on all these.  Fahrenheit,
       Storm Runner, Sidewinder, Trailblazer, and Sooper Dooper Looper
       were all closed.  It didn't ruin our day as we had ridden all
       these in the past but that many closed coasters would have been
       rough on a first time visiting enthusiast.  It was not just
       coasters closed either.  A scan thru the Hershey ap showed 38%
       of all rides were closed.  Restaurants were the same story and
       actually worse.  The lines at the few locations were so long it
       drove us to wait to eat, leave the park a bit earlier than
       planned and eat out of the park.
       We stopped at Knoebels on the way home.  It was late in their
       day when we arrived so we just used tickets rather than buy the
       wristbands.  It was a different situation there.  The park was
       very quiet but almost everything was open.  Twister and Phoenix
       were running great.  We rode both twice.  Then it was just
       favorite flats to close the day.  IMO The Skooters are still the
       best bumper cars on the planet!!  We were worried that the
       carousel might not be doing the rings due to Covid but they were
       and they have changed how they load the ride.  Previously there
       were two entrances that opened at the same time and you had to
       be quick to get an outside horse to be able to do the rings. Now
       they still have two entrances, but one is marked for the outside
       horses and they open that one first and then the one marked for
       the inside horses. It makes for a much more orderly loading
       process.  My ring skills have diminished and I only got 8 of13
       rings as Casey got all 13 and shamed me!  LOL   We got a fresh
       sliced apple with caramel on the way out as the park was
       It was a lot of driving for one day but so nice to be back out,
       riding without masks, and feeling like 2019 after such a
       difficult 2020 for everyone.
       #Post#: 2868--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hershey and Knoebels 6/2 
       By: Mrceagle Date: June 5, 2021, 10:42 am
       That is a lot of rides to be closed at any park.  I haven't been
       and I would have been extremely aggravated to find that many top
       rides closed.  I know parks are having trouble finding people
       but I imagine there were some rides that were open that could
       have been sacrificed to keep their higher profile attractions
       up. Hopefully staffing will be better when school gets out.
       it's interesting that Knoebel's Seemed to not have that issue.
       #Post#: 3076--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hershey and Knoebels 6/2 
       By: dellice45 Date: June 30, 2022, 11:56 am
       ill be doing those parks on monday and tuesday!  Cant wait!
       #Post#: 3094--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Hershey and Knoebels 6/2 
       By: Mrceagle Date: August 26, 2022, 4:06 pm
       I managed to hit both these parks at the end of July before
       Wildcat was shut down. Both parks are great and had a lot of fun
       but 1 day at either park isn't enough I must have missed a half
       dozen or more rides at both parks. It was my first real road
       trip, multiple day with overnights in close to 20 years.