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       #Post#: 2895--------------------------------------------------
       July 5 crowd
       By: depotrat Date: July 7, 2021, 12:41 pm
       The local TV news had a story with pics of an amazing SFNE
       attendance on Monday July 5.  The line to enter the park started
       on the stairs from the bridge.  I have never seen that type of
       crowd.  I wonder how long the lines were for rides that day.
       Did anyone from here go that day?
       #Post#: 2904--------------------------------------------------
       Re: July 5 crowd
       By: SuperWickedFun! Date: July 9, 2021, 11:57 am
       Didn’t get to go but that sounds crazy. Happy to see the park
       getting that much interest but it also doesn’t add up to the
       best visitor experience. Hopefully it all starts to even out.
       Great attendance and experience.