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       #Post#: 30590--------------------------------------------------
       Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Sonic Date: August 11, 2017, 4:43 am
       Tucked far away in the Great Forest was one many inactive lairs
       a certain Doctor had left after his demise. Rumbling erupted
       from out of the mountains as the sound barrier shattered and a
       blue missile stormed into the woods,leaving a flaming trail in
       it's wake it bashed into the massive metal doors of the old lair
       sending them flying across the room. Uncurling the speeding
       object was revealed to be a blue hedgehog and self-proclaimed
       Fastest Thing Alive! Sonic stood tapping his foot as he held a
       small radar in his hand. "This lair locator Sal threw together,
       really works." He said as he pocketed the device, just them
       machine guns sprung out of the roof and took aim at the
       hedgehog. "Bout time!" He snarked as the Beebots flew into the
       room stingers at the ready. Sonic dashed up the wall with
       machine gun fire following his feet narrowly dodging each
       whizzing bullet, he jumped into the air and grabbed onto the
       roof mounted gun.
       The machine gun buzzed and whirred trying to shake Sonic off as
       the blue annoyance turned the turret on the Beebots blasting
       them apart, while the machines fell apart the barrels of the gun
       we're smoking hot and they clicked with the magazine running
       empty. Sonic jumped down swung off the barrels and send the
       turret hurtling into the ground, the guns sparked and burst into
       flames as Sonic made his graceful landing. His eyes lowered to
       an unimpressed look of boredom as the base computer started it's
       self-destruct countdown. Sonic zipped out as the metal fortress
       with it going up in flames behind him. Leaning on a tree he
       spoke into his watch. "Scratch one more base Sal, I don't know
       how many more of these are left." After hanging up he gave an
       annoyed uttering. "And now I'm bored." Taking a seat on a stump
       the hedgehog begun to pout. "Without a villain to fight, whats a
       hero? Beats being stuck cleaning up the Doc's old toys. "
       #Post#: 30601--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Ty the Hedgewolf Date: August 15, 2017, 1:18 am
       "I found another base guys, I will meet up with you shortly"
       spoke the frosty canine through his own locator. He causually
       froze and shatter the entrance door, taking his sweet time he
       walked into the middle of a big room, suddently being ambushed
       by the remains of Robotnik's cronies.
       Hands slipped into his pockets, a smile sprouted across his
       muzzle having the situation under control. Jaded eyes flashed
       blue, the room temperatures dropped to negative levels freezing
       the entire base including machines and robots within seconds. He
       calmy walked back outside and lightly tapped the frozen surface
       of the base, the entire building crumbled into frozen pieces.
       "Enemy base destroyed, im heading to the rendezvous point" he
       skated on slippery trails of ice, abandoning his postion.
       Eventually he meets up with Sonic, taking him alot longer to
       arrive, he aporached the bored hedgehog. "Sometimes I wonder
       where does Robotnik gets his resources from, and how come we
       dont get to use cool robots? I want my own mech someday" he
       #Post#: 30602--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Hunter Date: August 15, 2017, 2:08 am
       Hunter was nearby the two. He didn't really make his presence
       known, but he was still keeping an eye out on the two. He didn't
       really know whether or not they'd be people that he should
       openly trust or not. After all; a Spider like himself could be
       quite threatening at first glance. He decided to listen in on
       their conversation while staying hidden.
       #Post#: 30603--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Sonic Date: August 15, 2017, 2:34 am
       Sonic's ears perked up when Ty arrived as he answered with a
       friendly wave. "Off planet ore mine has always been my guess,
       there's not enough steel on Mobius for all the toasters we
       trash. You'd think now he's finally gone all these rust buckets
       would go offline." Sonic looked out over the clear blue sky his
       eyes wide with wonder. "I wonder whats next for us? I mean after
       everything we've dealt with it's almost too peaceful. Sal's had
       us running around the world knocking these bases off the list
       you think she's up to something?" Sonic asked scratching the
       burned flesh of his left ear. As he was playing with his ear he
       could have sworn he heard something moving not far away. "Ty
       your senses are dialed up to ten, do you hear anything?" Sonic
       said now on edge as his eyes darted around the woods.
       #Post#: 30633--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Ty the Hedgewolf Date: August 18, 2017, 11:07 pm
       He too share the same sentiments as the blue blur, for a while
       the gang has been reduced to being super powered janitors
       cleaning up the remains of machinery and robots. He sat down on
       the grass to ponder on the subject.
       "Who knows, for a long time all we're doing is cleaning up
       Robotniks leftovers, I dont mind peace but an old soldier like
       me needs to get into the action, I make a living doing contract
       jobs, gotta pay those bills yanno" at this rate he will get
       evicted fom his apartment before he even get a chance to cough
       up a ring.
       When Sonic detected someone nearby, his body sprung off the
       ground, natural senses kicked into gear, emerald eyes narrowed
       "Yeah, I heard something alright, stinks too.." he sniffed the
       air looking around.
       #Post#: 30648--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Hunter Date: August 20, 2017, 8:51 pm
       Hunter gritted his teeth a bit, internally swearing as he heard
       the two catching him. He took a deep breath, not wanting to
       really come off as a suspicious individual, he decided to reveal
       himself out of hiding. They were going to find out he was there
       one way or another. "Ah! Hello you two! How are you both doing
       today?" The spider greeted. Of course, he had to go with the
       most cliche and unoriginal greeting possible. He just hoped deep
       down that they weren't pest exterminators or anything. After
       all, he's heard cruel stories back in his hometown about other
       mobians that didn't live underground. Then again, those were
       just tales. He couldn't really know for sure unless he greeted
       #Post#: 30683--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Sonic Date: August 24, 2017, 6:22 am
       The moment the spider revealed himself Sonic's gaze turned sharp
       as lightning surged through his eyes taking a defensive
       position. "A little on edge with giant spiders following us
       around. Who are you & why are you following us!" The blue
       hedgehog demanded his feet aching for a good fight as he walked
       closer. "You've got 10 seconds starting now before I catch you
       and he freezes you alive....9...8...7.." Sonic started counting
       down as a threat to cause the intruder to explain himself
       #Post#: 30689--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Hunter Date: August 24, 2017, 11:34 pm
       Upon hearing this, Hunter's eyes widened, "WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA
       WHOA!! TAKE IT EASY!! I was just passing through!!" The spider
       exclaimed. Hearing the countdown, he quickly tried to
       explain,"Look pal, I was passing through, and I saw you nearby,
       so I thought I'd hide and see if you were hostile or not! Now
       just chill out!!"  Hunter was extremely on edge about this, he
       probably shouldn't have stuck around. After all, even though he
       did speak the truth, the truth couldn't sound any more cheesier
       and typical than an average lie, well, maybe it could, but
       still, Hunter didn't fancy his odds right now. He hoped that
       these two weren't going to have a bite to match up their bark,
       or at least if they could see the good in him. Being frozen
       alive wasn't something that he wanted to happen to him right
       now, or ever in all reality.
       #Post#: 30695--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Sonic Date: August 25, 2017, 7:58 am
       Sonic let out an annoyed sigh lowering his guard. "You know
       given any other time I'd say that's the worst lie I've ever
       heard, but given the Doctor is finally gone it's not like you'd
       be a spy or something. I'm Sonic and this is Ty, we're from
       Starlight town. We're out here in the ass end of nowhere just
       cleaning up some dangerous technology, wouldn't want some kid to
       wander into one of these things and end up riddled in bullets.
       Before you ask YES I'm THAT Sonic and yes you can have an
       autograph." Sonic said as he hit the cap off a marker and begun
       scrawling his across one of his head-shots. Before Hunter could
       react or reply the ego driven hero shoved the autograph in
       Hunter's hands before holding out his own as it waiting to be
       paid. "That'll be five bucks."
       #Post#: 30697--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Cleaning Up The Leftovers
       By: Hunter Date: August 26, 2017, 6:51 pm
       He was glad to hear that they were lowering their guard.
       Hunter's eyes blinked, "Um...okay, first question, what's a
       bullet? second off, I've never really even heard of you before.
       And third....the heck is a buck?" The spider asked. It was at
       this point that he realized that he never properly introduced
       himself, "OH! I forgot to introduce myself..." He cleared his
       throat before adjusting the collar of his tuxedo. "My name's
       Hunter, and...well, I've been living underground for most of my
       life, but recently I've decided to come and explore the world
       around me to try and search for my mother; Arachnia." He
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