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       #Post#: 16--------------------------------------------------
       Marriage of twins fuels adoption row
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 1, 2011, 10:28 am
       Marriage of twins fuels adoption row
       By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter
       Last Updated: 2:49am GMT 13/01/2008
       Twins who were separated at birth have married each other,
       unaware that they were brother and sister.
       Each had been adopted by a different family, with neither being
       told they had a twin.
       A High Court judge annulled the marriage after the couple
       discovered they were siblings, the House of Lords has been told.
       The judge ruled that the marriage had never validly existed.
       The couple's identities, along with details of how they met and
       fell in love, remain a closely-guarded secret.
       But the cross-bench peer Lord Alton, who told the Lords the case
       had been revealed to him by the judge involved, said the pair
       had felt an "inevitable attraction".
       He raised the case to illustrate the need for adopted children
       to be given full access to their birth records during a debate
       on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill last month.
       Lord Alton said: "They were never told they were twins. They met
       later in life and felt an inevitable attraction, and the judge
       had to deal with the consequences of their marriage that they
       entered into, and all the issues of their separation.
       "The right for children to know the identity of their biological
       parents is a human right.
       "There will be more cases like this if children are not given
       access to the truth. The needs of the child must always be
       "If you start trying to conceal someone's identity, sooner or
       later the truth will out.
       "And if you don't know you are biologically related someone, you
       may become attracted to them and tragedies like this may occur."
       The Government has faced stiff opposition over changes to
       fertility laws in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill.
       The changes, which are being debated in the House of Lords,
       would relax rules on who can have fertility treatment, with
       fertility clinics unable to bar single women and same-sex
       couples from having treatment.
       Critics say the Bill removes the need for fathers and will make
       it more difficult for children to find out about their
       biological parents.
       Ministers have already been forced to rewrite the bill following
       objections by peers to the original wording.
       It had said children born through fertility treatment needed a
       "social network", not a father and mother.
       The Lords will vote on the revised bill on Tuesday.
 (HTM) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/01/11/ntwins111.xml