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       #Post#: 17--------------------------------------------------
       Rapist preyed on foster kids
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 1, 2011, 10:30 am
       Rapist preyed on foster kids
       Crime Reporter
       Published: 15 Apr 2008
       A RUTHLESS rapist found victims by getting a job as a care
       worker and trawling a council’s database for vulnerable young
       Simeon Kellman, 43, used computer records to identify teenagers
       who had just come out of the foster care system.
       Then he forced his way into their homes and attacked them.
       Kellman has just been jailed for eight years for the vicious
       rape of an 18-year-old, who was blindfolded and bound.
       But police fear he preyed on up to 20 girls. And yesterday they
       urged other victims to come forward.
       Father-of-two Kellman began his vile campaign after landing a
       care worker job with Greenwich Council in South East London.
       Cops say he made a “substantial” number of computer searches on
       profiles of former foster children.
       A police source said: “He must have been like a kid in a sweet
       “The lack of security at the council was breathtaking. Kellman
       was able to log on and cherry-pick kids coming out of the care
       “He got their new home addresses and went round pretending to be
       a friend, then attacked them.”
       Woolwich Crown Court heard last week how Kellman bundled the
       18-year-old into a cupboard after he raped her at her flat.
       He told her: “Don’t tell anyone or I’ll come back and you will
       be in trouble.”
       He cunningly changed his clothes between arriving and leaving to
       make CCTV identification difficult.
       The hysterical girl eventually freed herself and alerted her
       ex-foster mum.
 (HTM) http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/justice/article1041125.ece