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       #Post#: 18--------------------------------------------------
       A crying shame
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 1, 2011, 10:31 am
       A crying shame
       Sarah Treleaven, Financial Post
       Published: Saturday, April 19, 2008
       This first in a two-part series looks at the steeply rising
       costs of adoption. Next Saturday, the costs of surrogacy.
       Perfect-looking families stare out from online profiles on
       private adoption sites, pleading to provide a home for someone
       else's biological child. Couples view video clips of a
       four-year-old born to a drug-dependent mother, puzzling over
       whether she will be the right fit for their family. And then
       there are those who literally travel to opposite ends of the
       Earth to pick up a son or daughter they've only seen in a
       The picture of adoption in Canada includes multiple images.
       While there are three options for adoption in Canada--public,
       private domestic and international -- the system is far from
       simple to navigate. It is characterized by copious paperwork,
       lengthy wait times, few guarantees and -- in the case of private
       and international adoption -- extremely steep fees.
       While there are currently no fees associated with public
       adoption through a Children's Aid Society, the cost for private
       and international adoptions can range from $10,000 to $50,000.
       Prospective parents often start by paying for a mandatory
       homestudy, which determines if prospective parents and their
       environment are suitable for a child, and sometimes a parent
       training course. Additional expenses can include counseling
       costs for the child's biological family, legal fees (for
       facilitation by licensees, citizenship processing or name
       changes), oversight fees for adoption practitioners, travel
       expenses (including hotels, flights, incountry costs and visas),
       private agency fees and finally -- in the case of private
       domestic adoption -- the costs of marketing oneself as the ideal
       In the private domestic system, prospective adoptive parents
       create online profiles, print business cards and publish small
       books in an attempt to sell themselves to provincial adoption
       agencies and birth mothers. According to Sarah Pederson, program
       manager at Ottawa's Adoption Council of Canada, the
       administrative steps and expenses are wide ranging and
       guidelines are generally set by the provincial or territorial
       Ministry of Children and Youth Services.
       The wait times for private adoption can be excruciating and
       control is wrenched out of the hands of applicants as they wait
       to be picked by a young woman who gleans from a picture and a
       few short paragraphs that they just might be the perfect family
       for the baby she cannot keep.
       Denice GrantSmith and her husband, Lewis, are trying to arrange
       a private domestic adoption by posting on Web sites such as
       Canada Adopts!, and pushing their parent profiles to agencies.
       Ms. GrantSmith, herself an adoptee, says that they have spent
       $6,000 to $7,000 to date on a homestudy, Web site development,
       agency registration and the printing of profiles. For the entire
       process, she expects to pay "$20,000 at least," once
       parent-training classes, counselling and legal fees, and agency
       fees have been factored in.
       In the public system, it is the kids who must be marketed to
       prospective parents. They are typically older, classified as
       high need and have often been removed from a negligent
       environment. Virginia Rowden, director of social policy at
       Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies (OACAS), says
       that there are at least 9,000 children in Ontario alone
       available for adoption. Even up against the projected expenses
       for private and international adoption, these children are often
       the hardest to place.
       And the odds of placement might soon get even slimmer. Pending
       legislation in Ontario would require future adoptive parents to
       pay out-of-pocket for a lawyer to finalize their child's
       adoption. "Unless a fund is established to pay legal costs, free
       adoption services in Ontario will cease," says Marcelo
       Gomez-Wiuckstern, director of communications for OACAS.
       Then there are international adoptions. These are generally
       facilitated through an international adoption agency and the
       requirements and expense can vary widely depending on the
       child's country of origin.
       After two high-risk pregnancies that resulted in emergency
       Cesarean sections, Maike McCaskell and her husband decided to
       adopt a
       third child through international channels. Two years after
       starting the application process, Ms. McCaskell and her
       mother-in-law flew to China in August, 2004, to pick up a
       10-month-old baby girl. Within an hour of landing in Guangdong
       province, Ms. McCaskell was holding her new daughter.
       "I know that people don't necessarily believe me, but it's the
       exact same thing as when you give birth and they put the baby in
       your arms," Ms. McCaskell says.
       The McCaskells estimate that they spent a total of $25,000 to
       $27,000 on the adoption of their daughter. In addition to the
       homestudy, physicals, police checks and agency fees, the
       Mc-Caskells also paid for the translation of all of their
       documents and sundry government fees. Ms. McCaskell was required
       to stay in China for two weeks, and she estimates that the
       expenses related to the trip cost her $7,000.
       Michael Blugerman, an adoption practitioner in Toronto, says
       that China is one of the least-expensive countries of origin for
       foreign adoptions, averaging $23,000, including travel and
       incountry costs. In other countries, most notably Russia, the
       expense can be closer to $45,000 --not including personal
       Cathy Murphy, director of adoption services and acting executive
       director of Children's Bridge international adoption agency,
       says that mandatory incountry stays vary significantly -- from
       two weeks in China to eight weeks in Kazakhstan.
       The high cost of adopting from a foreign country prompted the
       National Bank of Canada to introduce the International Adoption
       Financial Package 10 years ago. According to Citizenship and
       Immigration Canada, inter-country adoption has been declining
       since 2003. But Linda Sefc, NBC regional manager, says that the
       loan program has been increasing in popularity, and that the
       average amount borrowed is $35,000 to $50,000.
       Even for couples with deep pockets, the adoption process can
       quickly wear them down. Money can buy few guarantees. The
       private system in Canada is suffering from a tremendous shortage
       of available newborns; fewer than 100 private adoptions were
       completed last year from the pool of hundreds, if not thousands,
       of couples waiting to adopt.
       The wait times for international adoption average two to three
       years, according to Ms. Murphy. But Mr. Blugerman says that the
       popular China program is now a four-to five-year wait, and the
       landscape is constantly changing. "The most active new area is
       Africa -- particularly Ethiopia and South Africa. I think [the
       wait] could be under a year. Some, like Korea, have slowed down
       to a dribble. There's more of a nationalistic fervour
       everywhere. The first principle is that these kids should be
       raised in their own country."
       But with a dearth of newborns available for domestic adoption,
       an unpredictable international adoption system and reluctance on
       the part of parents to take on children through the public
       system who might require special care, frustration over the
       inability to build a family is mounting. Regardless of
       resources, some parents worry that they could be waiting forever
       for a child.
       Laura, who asked that her real name not be used, has been
       waiting to adopt a baby through private Ontario channels for two
       years. "There's nothing you can do other than wait," she says.
       "Money isn't an issue. We're young, we have a nice house and
       cottage -- we're everything any birth mother would desire. We
       can provide a great life for a child, and it's just not
       happening for us."
 (HTM) http://www.financialpost.com/money/story.html?id=456035&p=1