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       #Post#: 24--------------------------------------------------
       Social workers took our children away... 
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 4, 2011, 4:38 pm
       Social workers took our children away... because of an incorrect
       hospital diagnosis
       By FIONA BARTON - More by this author »
       Last updated at 00:14am on 8th March 2008
       There is nothing lavish planned for Benjamin Lamb's first
       The happy, lively toddler is going to the zoo with his mother,
       father and big sister, Caitlin.
       Then they will gather with the rest of their family to blow out
       the single candle on a birthday cake and toast his future.
       It will be a day of ordinary pleasures - but for the Lambs, it
       will mark the end of an extraordinary nightmare.
       Last September, Paul Lamb and Michelle Thomas, a young
       professional couple from Stockport in Manchester, had their
       children taken away by social services.
       For four traumatic months, the couple were permitted to see
       their children only if they were supervised.
       They were accused of deliberately harming them, of throwing Ben
       to the ground, of lying and of covering up their "unspeakable
       The couple believed they would lose their son and daughter for
       In fact, as a court finally ruled last month, they had done none
       of these things. The Lamb children were taken because
       information went unrecorded in a set of medical notes and a
       crucial diagnosis was missed.
       It began on September 25, 2007, in the dining room of the
       terraced house in Stockport the Lambs had just bought for their
       growing family.
       Miss Thomas, 25, an administrative assistant in the X-ray
       department of a local hospital, was holding six-month-old Ben in
       her arms.
       She said: "Ben began getting cranky and kicking his legs against
       me. He wriggled out of my grip and fell to the floor.
       "I tried to catch him but he caught his head on the ground. He
       cried for a few minutes and had a small red mark on the back of
       his head. We rang the GP straight away and he said to keep an
       eye on Ben overnight."
       A week later, Mr Lamb, 29, an accounts manager with a printing
       firm, was stroking his son's head when he felt an inch-long
       "boggy" swelling under his hair.
       The couple took the baby to the accident and emergency
       department at Stepping Hill Hospital.
       Staff said the swelling could not have been caused by the fall.
       Mr Lamb said: "The doctor said he thought perhaps Caitlin had
       been a bit rough with her brother or he had caught himself with
       a toy.
       "But the next day, the swelling was still there. I wasn't happy
       so I took Ben to a 24-hour GP service."
       Ben was sent back to Stepping Hill Hospital to be seen by a
       paediatrician. Again, the earlier fall was dismissed as possible
       cause of the swelling. Hours later, Ben was Xrayed for the first
       time and admitted to a ward.
       Miss Thomas said: "I said about him falling out of my arms but
       the doctors said it must have been much more recent than that
       because swelling occurs between 24 and 48-hours of injury. In
       the end, we stopped mentioning the fall."
       Ben was given an ultrasound scan, which showed fluid in the
       swelling, blood tests, and a CT scan which pinpointed the
       problem: a tiny skull fracture.
       "The consultant paediatrician treating Ben completely changed
       his attitude when the CT scan results came back. He ordered a
       skeletal survey," Miss Thomas recalled.
       "They were looking for other injuries. It meant they thought we
       were harming him."
       No other injuries were found but Stockport social services -
       which operates under the name " Safeguarding" - were called in.
       A woman social worker questioned the couple and other members of
       the family and when Mr Lamb's mother suggested the head injury
       could have something to do with the fall, the council official
       appeared shocked.
       She said it was the first time she had heard about it. The
       consultant also claimed to have been kept in the dark.
       Mr Lamb said: "I couldn't believe it. We had told our GP, the
       24-hour doctor, the nurse, the A&E doctor and at least three
       other medical staff but it wasn't in the hospital notes.
       "No one had written it down and they clearly thought we were
       making it up."
       Even when the family's GP confirmed they had reported the fall
       to him, it seemed nothing could stop the wheels of officialdom.
       Miss Thomas said: "The next day both our children were taken
       away. The social worker told us we had an hour to find a
       relative to have them or they would have to go into foster care.
       "She said we should get separate solicitors in case we blamed
       each other. We were both in tears."
       In the topsy turvy world of social services, Mr Lamb's protests
       at the shocking turn of events was later used as "proof" he had
       a temper.
       Stockport Safeguarding immediately applied for an interim care
       order for both children and Manchester County Court ordered
       medical evidence to be produced.
       To add to the couple's agony, they were questioned under caution
       by police. Neither of them had ever been in any sort of trouble
       At a court hearing six weeks later, consultant paediatrician Ian
       Mecrow said Ben's skull fracture was "non-accidental."
       Miss Thomas said: "We got permission to seek a second medical
       opinion but there were times we thought we would lose Ben and
       Caitlin for ever. It didn't seem to matter what we said, no one
       believed us."
       It was just before Christmas when the second opinion arrived.
       Consultant paediatrician Alan Sprigg of Sheffield University
       said the scan taken of Ben's head did indeed show the swelling
       was the result of the baby's earlier fall.
       It was, he said, a rare condition known as "late presentation."
       The diagnosis was accepted by Mr Mecrow but it took another
       month for the couple to clear their names and they had to endure
       a sustained attack on their characters by counsel for social
       But finally, on Friday February 1, four months after being
       parted, they were told they could take their children home.
       Mr Lamb recalled: "The first thing we did was take Caitlin and
       Ben to a park to play so we could be a normal family again.
       "We were so nervous. What would we do if either of them fell and
       hurt themselves? We would have to think long and hard about
       taking them to the doctors.
       "We feel very bitter about what happened. Social services played
       God with us, ruined our lives, then walked away without even
       bothering to issue so much as an apology."
       A spokesman for Stockport Council said: "The council is
       confident that its officers acted properly, entirely in the
       interests of the children. We firmly deny that any officer
       informed the parents to 'blame each other.'"
 (HTM) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=528590&in_page_id=1770