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       #Post#: 29--------------------------------------------------
       Justice minister Prentice describes views as 'odious'
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 4, 2011, 4:45 pm
       Justice minister Prentice describes views as 'odious'
       Posted: 25 April 2008
       writes Paul Stephenson
       Claims by MP John Hemming that there is a "massive social
       experiment in forced adoption" in the UK have been rejected in
       In a debate on family law this week, justice minister Bridget
       Prentice told the House of Commons there was "no coherent
       evidence" to support the "odious claims surrounding so-called
       forced adoptions".
       Hemming, Liberal Democrat MP for Birmingham, Yardley, had used
       the debate to put forward claims about the law being
       "systematically undermined" in family courts, and of incompetent
       and corrupt social workers, lawyers, experts or judges forcing
       through the adoption of children against the wishes of their
       However, Prentice told the Commons: "Instead of ranting, we
       should take a comprehensive, considered and objective view of
       what we can do to make life better for vulnerable children."
       She added: "I do not believe that there is systematic corruption
       and unprofessionalism throughout the social services, local
       authorities, the courts or elsewhere."
       Prentice said  Hemming’s claims, that "honest, skilled and
       hard-working professionals would seek to cause children to be
       adopted unnecessarily" were "unacceptable".
       Hemming, who chairs the Justice for Families campaign, used the
       debate to raise a number of individual cases he has been
       involved with.
       However, he claimed MPs could do nothing "to stop social workers
       who lie to the courts because they want to win a case and hit
       their adoption targets, or to stop doctors who provide rubbishy,
       unproven and unchallenged medical evidence that destroys
       families, but fills their bank accounts".
 (HTM) http://www.communitycare.co.uk/Articles/2008/04/25/108002/mps-dismiss-hemmings-forced-adoption-claims.html