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       #Post#: 30--------------------------------------------------
       We expose evil baby trader who supplies children for rich by pre
       ying on poor
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 7, 2011, 3:22 am
       We expose evil baby trader who supplies children for rich by
       preying on poor
       By Mazher Mahmood
       IN A stench-ridden Indian village the News of the World has
       uncovered a vile trade in human life—cashing in on dirt-poor
       families ready to SELL their kids at £1,200 a time.
       At the centre of this wicked industry is a shameless, grasping
       MRS FIXIT, ripping off both the parents and childless rich
       Westerners—even though she's meant to be a caring SOCIAL WORKER.
       We expose the scandal as pop superstar Madonna prepares to
       journey to India in search of a second foreign child to adopt.
       And news travels fast. Desperate for cash, £1-a-day labourer and
       dad-of-five Imtiaz Alam made this desperate pitch to our
       investigators: "Madonna can choose ANY of my children."
       Then astonishingly, just like a pushy car dealer haggling on the
       forecourt, he insisted Madge does not have to settle for a
       second-hand model.
       "My wife is due to give birth again in three months," he told
       us. "Madonna can have a BRAND NEW baby if she wants.
       "She's such a big star I know she'll bring up my child properly.
       And we'll be happy with her money. It couldn't be better."
       It's the promise of £1,200 from crafty child trader Nida Warse
       that has lured poor Imtiaz, 36, and his wife—plus hundreds like
       them—into her racket.
       Greedy Warse, a chubby woman in her 40s, runs her lucrative
       empire from the small town of Moradabad about 150 miles north of
       Delhi in northern India.
       As a social worker she should be ensuring the safety and
       well-being of youngsters.
       Instead, she offers her human wares as if they were mere
       trinkets to be bartered over on a market stall of misery.
       And the £3,500 price tags presented to wealthy would-be parents
       means she creams off a massive £2,300 mark-up on EVERY illegal
       She's profiteering from the misery of her impoverished
       neighbours who misguidedly hope to improve their lot AND secure
       a better life in the West for their kids.
       The scam has certainly secured Warse one of the best houses in
       the area.
       Following a tip-off our investigators visited her home posing as
       a childless British couple desperate to adopt.
       Within minutes Warse was cynically proffering a range of
       children for sale.
       "Just choose which one appeals to you and I do all the paperwork
       for you," she boasted.
       "Even if they don't have birth certificates, I will sort
       everything out for you. As a social worker here, I have all the
       contacts. I have connections with families and doctors and I get
       to know who'd be willing to part with their children."
       Astonishingly Warse then called in three children to parade for
       our reporters, like wary contestants on a sick talent show.
       "This young girl is Simran, she's about four," said Warse as the
       first one entered the room. "And next is Fardeen, he's also
       four. And then I have this one, Amaan—he's just two years old.
       "If you don't like these, I have more to show you. I can even
       get you an unborn child but the problem is I've already agreed a
       deal on that one. You'll have to beat the price."
       Disgustingly, Warse then brags: "I wouldn't give you any
       rubbish. It's important to know about the breed.
       "A lot of girls get pregnant just to sell the babies, but you
       don't know the background, you don't know the genes.
       "If the kids are good looking the parents don't like to give
       them up easily. Its not easy to get pretty kids like these."
       As two more young children came into the room and joined the
       line-up Warse boasted of past deals. "One British couple who
       couldn't have children of their own were referred to me through
       a doctor in Delhi," she said. "I did everything for them.
       "You can try orphanages but it takes a lot of time and paperwork
       and, above all, you don't know the pedigree of the child.
       "Is it from a low-caste family? Is it illegitimate? Is it the
       son of a murderer? Bloodline is very important."
       Warse then promised that, after the sale, the natural parents
       would NEVER see their children again.
       "I make sure they never know where their children have gone,"
       she vowed.
       Asked the cost of buying one of her current stock of children,
       Warse lied: "The parents wanted 500,000 rupees (£6,000) but I
       knocked them down to 300,000 (£3,600) each.
       "Times are hard here and life is so expensive. There are
       families who have 12 people sleeping in one tiny room.
       "Parents are willing to give up one or two children but they
       expect enough money to help change their lives."
       Our reporters insisted on meeting Fardeen and Amaan's parents
       before supposedly considering them for adoption. Reluctantly,
       Warse took us to their village of Warsi Nagar, a 15-minute drive
       away. There, in the cramped backstreets where the stink from
       open sewers fouled the air, they were introduced to Imtiaz and
       his pregnant wife Roomana.
       Even though Warse claimed she had already fixed a buyer for the
       unborn baby she offered to switch it to us in a special discount
       package deal if we took TWO children.
       "I will arrange all the paperwork on the India side, everything
       that the British High Commission need," she added.
       "You have to sort out the England side, all the reports and
       documents you need there."
       While Warse took a break from her hard sell, Imtiaz chatted to
       us and made his outrageous offer to supply Madonna— already mum
       to baby David from Malawi and now looking for adoption No2 with
       less red tape than she's encountered in Africa.
       Imtiaz said: "Life is hard but Nida Warse said she will pay us
       100,000 rupees (£1,200) each if we give up our children. It's
       the only way out of our problems."
       His wife Roomana, 33, added: "I will do whatever Nida says. She
       has looked after me and I have to listen to her.
       "I will give up my baby because she has said it is best for our
       family." Then Warse pounced in a bid to close the transaction
       for two children.
       "I need a £2,000 deposit in my bank by the end of the week to
       confirm the deal," she said. "Otherwise you may lose the kids.
       There's a lot of people out there willing to pay more.
       "You can be sure the deal will go through smoothly. You hand me
       the money and I personally hand you the children.
       "The parents will not change their minds and call the police to
       investigate at the last moment, as has happened in the past."
       They won't need to. Our dossier, including covert video
       recordings, is available to the authorities.
 (HTM) http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/2704_baby_traders.shtml