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       #Post#: 33--------------------------------------------------
       "Birthmothers Day" - An Adoptee's Perspective
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 7, 2011, 3:25 am
       "Birthmothers Day" - An Adoptee's Perspective
       by Anne Patterson
       Of all the most condescending insulting visions of adopters and
       baby brokers, the day called "Birthmothers Day" would win the
       prize for ignorance and disregard.
       While the traditional adoptee has had to live with a blind
       invisibility about our issues of loss and grief this celebration
       takes the whole thing to the largest level of illusion.
       Adopted adults have lost their mothers, their fathers, their
       families, their names, their heritage, their history, the rights
       to who they were when they were born, their birth certificates,
       and their identities. It is quite a long list of losses, and
       one's that should never be ignored.
       The expectation for adoptees to swallow their pain at the
       expression of their true feelings to keep adopters happy has
       been very damaging. Few adoptees are allowed to express their
       true feelings of loss and grief at being separated from their
       mothers and natural families. Birthmothers Day Celebrations is
       not only a total disregard for our feelings of sorrow but an
       overt exploitation of our pain. Not only now do we have to
       ignore our pain in adoption but the perversion of celebrating it
       is the expectation.
       I would never expect any mother who surrendered a child to
       adoption to celebrate that loss. I would further never expect
       any adopted adult or adopted child to ever celebrate their loss
       In researching what some call "Birthmothers Day Celebrations",
       it occurred to me who would be stupid enough and cruel enough to
       ever expect anyone to celebrate the loss and separations that
       occur in adoption. This was a question of other adopted adults
       enraged and insulted that such a thing had ever been created? It
       didn't take me long it know that this three ring circus of
       celebrations was all in itself both devised, orchestrated and
       planned by baby brokers and adopters. According to them, this
       celebration is a way of recognizing natural mothers.
       If they valued natural mothers, and moreover those who have been
       separated from their natural mothers, then "Birth Mothers Day"
       would not exist. The presumption that we adoptees need a
       separate day to think of our mothers is shocking.
       Most adopted adults have spent years both mourning, dreaming,
       fantasizing, grieving, hoping and trying to come to terms with
       our separations and loss in adoption. Our birthdays are of
       course the day of the most intimate connections to our mothers -
       whether they are shadows of what we hope to find, or real as in
       we have found and reunited with them this day is a day of
       reality, and deep feelings be we in contact with our natural
       mothers or not.
       Mothers day, recognized holidays and other regular days are also
       days that cannot change that we are adopted. We think of our
       natural mothers on all kinds of days. To designate a special day
       and to be told that this is the day to "celebrate" adoption by
       others is sick.
       This celebration is an in your face slap to natural mothers who
       are seen as not being worthy enough to be thought of, loved or
       cherished on what a normal society calls "Mothers Day". It is a
       coercive measure to dismantle the meaning of natural mothers and
       to give them a lower status while perpetuating the pedestal
       worship of adopters at their expense. What is even more damaging
       though is that adopted adults are supposed to participate in
       this. How dare a group of adopters and baby brokers tell me or
       anyone else what to think of our mothers, when to think of them,
       or to boldly be expected to celebrate our loss?
       I do not know anyone who would wish to celebrate being a first
       mother, nor anyone who would wish to celebrate being adopted.
       I interviewed many people when I heard of this disgusting
       orchestration; most adoptees were also insulted and certainly
       did not feel like celebrating, and most mothers were deeply
       angered and insulted that I know about this bizarre created
       celebration. That anyone would disregard their pain to the point
       of it being celebrated both angered and saddened both sides of
       Birthmothers Day Celebration Day - It is a day of cruel
       expectations, illusions and manipulation. Its goal is to promote
       the oppression and exploitation of other women so that baby
       brokers can sell their children. It is sick, twisted and highly
       offensive to me as an adult adoptee.
       It is bad enough to feel the loss of being unworthy and to have
       feelings of being not good enough as in being adopted those
       feelings are created. But to think of my mother or any mother
       celebrating their separation from their child is very cruel. How
       painful it would have felt to me to know my mother celebrated
       this loss. It would have if anything told me that she did not
       love me as she was happy to not be able to raise me. That would
       have turned into feelings of self-hatred and no self worth. How
       sick and damaging it is to children to have this type of thing
       going on. It would be up their with divorce day celebrations and
       or celebrating diseases and other tragedies.
       Adoption is not anything to celebrate. Expecting the victims to
       celebrate it is beyond bizarre - it is as damaging and as sick
       as it gets. I would sincerely hope that anyone see this for the
       manipulation that it is.
       Shame on those who participate, orchestrate and promote this
       bizarre parody of truth.
       I personally and professionally decry and boycott all days
       called "Birthmothers Day Celebrations". Neither my mother who
       surrendered me to adoption nor I would wish to celebrate. If we
       created "Infertility Celebration Day" I bet the brokers might be
       offended. Maybe that is what I will do: bake a cake and
       celebrate another person's pain?? Where is humanity going when
       such cruel orchestrations exist?
       Copyright 2002 © Anne Patterson
       Anne Patterson is a reunited adopted person and professional
       private investigator. She has 11 years experience and a 95.4%
       success rate in reuniting families separated by adoption. Visit
       her website at
 (HTM) http://www3.sympatico.ca/searches
 (HTM) http://www.exiledmothers.com/speaking_out/birthmothers_day1.html