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       How social workers took away our children
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 10, 2011, 6:46 am
       How social workers took away our children for 11 months without
       a shred of evidence
       By SUE REID
       Last updated at 20:52pm on 9th May 2008
       Enjoying the sunshine at a park near their home, the Aston
       family cling closely to each other as if to make sure they will
       never be prised apart again.
       Jodie, a bubbly ten-year-old, entwines her arms around her
       brother, Luke, who was 12 last Thursday, while both children
       smile fondly at their parents, Craig and Donna.
       Yet the happy scene is full of poignancy. Until very recently,
       this Yorkshire couple were trapped in what a High Court judge
       described this week as "every parent's nightmare".
       For an interminable 11 months, Jodie and Luke were removed from
       their home because their parents faced accusations from doctors
       of the most hideous crime imaginable: sexually molesting their
       own daughter.
       They were permitted to visit their children only under strict
       supervision, for just three hours a week. All letters which they
       sent to Jodie and Luke were vetted by social workers - making
       them feel like criminals.
       What's more, they were cruelly ordered not to say "I love you"
       to either boy or girl. Throughout this ordeal, the couple always
       protested their innocence and were relieved beyond belief. When
       Mr Justice Holman cleared them of any wrongdoing. He ordered the
       children's return, insisting that his ruling be made public so
       lessons are learned by doctors, social workers and lawyers
       working in the child protection service.
       In a landmark judgment, he warned that even two decades after
       the infamous Cleveland child abuse scandal, parents are still
       being wrongly accused of molesting their sons and daughters.
       The Cleveland controversy was Britain's biggest and first mass
       child abuse scare.
       In 1987, 121 children were taken into state care in North-East
       England over five months after abuse was diagnosed on the basis
       of physical examinations carried out by a controversial
       paediatrician called Marietta Higgs.
       The parents were often wrongly condemned - just like the Astons
       today - without their children being listened to or their family
       background being taken into account.
       The doctors in the Eighties had relied on the discredited sign
       called Reflex Anal Dilatation (RAD), said to indicate sexual
       Last year, the controversial sign was condemned as unreliable by
       the Government's chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, who
       admitted that its use had led to mistakes in Cleveland.
       Everyone hoped the lessons had been learnt from Cleveland. But
       now the shocking extent of young Jodie Aston's ordeal is
       becoming clear, it seems that is tragically not the case.
       Mr Justice Holman said it was inevitable that Jodie was now
       "emotionally damaged" by her experiences.
       After the private hearing at Leeds High Court, he said: "Unless
       there is clear diagnostic evidence of abuse (for example, the
       presence of semen or a foreign body internally), purely medical
       assessments and opinions should not be allowed to predominate.
       Even 20 years after Cleveland, I wonder if the lessons have
       fully been learned." The importance of this judgment cannot be
       overstated. Jodie's father, a 33-year-old railway signals'
       engineer, courageously agreed to talk for the first time about
       the case.
       He said: "I hope the judge's words will rein in doctors, and
       help other parents accused of sexually abusing their children
       without any real proof." What happened to the Aston family seems
       incredible in 21st-century England. They are now seeking legal
       advice in the hope that the General Medical Council, the
       doctors' disciplinary body, will investigate their case.
       Yesterday, Leeds' Safeguarding Children's Board launched a
       review into Jodie's case, saying "all relevant, accurate facts"
       must be taken into account in future child abuse inquiries.
       Officials said it was too early to reveal how many other
       children have been taken into care or even adopted, as a result
       of suspected sexual abuse over recent years.
       However, the Mail is aware of two other families in the city who
       have had their children removed, largely on the basis of the RAD
       testing technique, yet who insist they are entirely innocent.
       The Astons' nightmare began when they took Jodie, then aged
       eight, to Leeds General Infirmary's casualty department on a
       Monday evening in August 2005. She had scraped her groin on a
       small wall while playing with friends.
       She was examined by doctors in Leeds at least eight times.
       Photographs and videos - later shown in court - were taken of
       her naked body again and again.
       The girl was referred to the community paediatrics department at
       the city's St James's University Hospital on the following
       Thursday. Nothing was found to be amiss after an intimate
       examination. But two months later, Jodie was changing into her
       pyjamas after school when her mother saw a spot of blood on her
       Jodie, who was prone to eczema and had visible raw splits in the
       skin of her hands and arms, was again taken to casualty before
       being referred for a second time to the paediatrics unit at St
       The hospital has a busy child protection team, overseen by the
       respected paediatric consultant Dr Christopher Hobbs.
       Significantly, he is an original pioneer of the RAD technique in
       this country. In June 1986, just a year before the Cleveland
       controversy broke, Dr Hobbs and his colleague Jane Wynne
       introduced young Marietta Higgs to this new way of diagnosing
       child molestation during a Leeds' medical conference.
       By looking at and probing a child's bottom, the paediatricians
       claimed they could see if there was reflex anal dilatation and -
       therefore - abuse.
       Dr Higgs enthusiastically embraced the technique, provoking the
       Cleveland crisis.
       However, 80 per cent of the "victims" were later returned to
       their parents because they had not been hurt at all.
       Since then, the nagging doubts about the technique have grown.
       Today, it is well-known that RAD can appear normally and
       spontaneously in any child.
       According to some paediatricians - notably an expert named
       Professor Astrid Hegar from America, where RAD has been
       abandoned in some states - half of all children who have not
       been sexually abused show the same "tell-tale" sign when their
       bottoms are examined.
       That means, of course, that almost any family taking their child
       to hospital or the doctor's surgery can be accused of child
       Yet in Britain, many child doctors - including Dr Hobbs - rely
       on the technique as an important piece of many pieces in the
       jigsaw of diagnosing child abuse.
       Even before 1987 - at the height of the Cleveland crisis - both
       Hobbs and Wynne were discovering high numbers of child sex abuse
       cases in Leeds by using RAD.
       According to the doctors' research, published in the medical
       journal The Lancet, 94 boys and 243 girls were diagnosed as
       sexual abuse victims in a previous two-year period. The paper -
       still quoted in medical literature - says that eight in ten of
       the boys, and a quarter of the girls, had "anal signs".
       Astonishingly, in half of all cases, the abusers were deemed to
       be the children's natural father and - even more bizarrely -
       five per cent were women. A quarter of the Leeds adults involved
       were convicted by the courts. The two doctors wrote at the time:
       "Sexual abuse is emerging as a major child and mental health
       problem." So it was against this background - in a city whose
       medical establishments were at the centre of the RAD debate -
       that Jodie Aston was taken by her mother to hospital. It was the
       first of many visits and, during one, on November 24, 2005, she
       met Dr Hobbs.
       Although he did not physically examine Jodie, at the end of the
       appointment he and a fellow paediatrician said that they
       suspected child abuse. It was a terrible moment for Jodie's
       mother, Donna.
       She says today: "I couldn't believe it. I began to cry. I walked
       out of there not knowing what to think. Jodie saw that I was
       quiet, and thought she had done something wrong. I waited in the
       car park for Craig to come and pick us up.
       "I asked Jodie if her Daddy had done anything to her. She said
       "no" and I believed her. But when I got in the car, Craig saw
       that I had been crying. He asked me what was wrong and I just
       mumbled something about child abuse because I didn't want to
       upset Jodie." At home, after the children had gone to bed, Donna
       had to ask her husband a question that no wife should have to.
       Craig said he had not touched his daughter.
       "I was being accused of something worse than murder," Craig said
       this week.
       "From that point, we began to watch the children like hawks.
       "We did not allow them even to go to the shops nearby. Luke said
       we were treating them like babies," added Donna, 34. However,
       the family remained under suspicion. Donna was told by the
       authorities that she was also considered the potential abuser of
       her daughter.
       The following March, Jodie faced another assessment with Dr
       Hobbs. Just a few weeks earlier, she had again come home with a
       small blood spot on her pants.
       This time, the paediatrician conducted a physical examination,
       which included RAD. He wrote in his report afterwards: "I feel
       that the time has come for me to involve social services,
       because I am concerned about the possibility that she may have
       been sexually abused."
       The family were trapped. The doctors ignored Donna's suggestion
       that eczema might be the cause of the blood spots. Meanwhile,
       social workers began visiting the family regularly.
       Overwhelmed with worry, Craig and Donna were advised to get an
       independent second medical opinion on Jodie's condition.
       Therefore, their GP arranged for a doctor called Ruth Skelton to
       examine their daughter. This proved to be a disastrous move.
       Dr Skelton had been trained by Dr Hobbs. As Mr Justice Holman
       commented in his judgment: "In my view, the selection of her was
       deeply regrettable. Dr Skelton lacked the complete independence
       that is required for a second opinion in these sorts of
       "She was being asked to review the previous opinion of someone
       who was a more senior colleague, then working daily at the same
       hospital, and who had been her own teacher."
       It emerged that Dr Skelton had discussed Jodie's case with Dr
       Hobbs before the so-called independent examination took place in
       March last year.
       Dr Skelton concluded that she could spot RAD. According to her
       report, she said that Jodie had "been sexually abused
       chronically, over a long period, both anally and probably
       vaginally . . . I feel that this child is not protected at all
       at present." Both Jodie and her elder brother, Luke, were taken
       away from the parents the same day. It was arranged that they
       would live with their maternal grandparents, aged 77 and 78,
       three miles away from their home in Armley, a suburb of Leeds.
       Donna still finds it hard to relate the story as she sits with
       the children and Craig in the family's neat sitting room.
       She says: "The social workers came at 9.30am to tell us they
       wanted to remove Jodie and Luke. It was a Thursday. Jodie and
       Luke were at school. They never came home for almost a year.
       "I packed a few things for the first night: toothbrushes,
       pyjamas, a big bear toy that was Jodie's favourite. Then I had
       to come home alone.
       "Craig was in a worse state than me. I thought he was going to
       harm himself. We woke up in night crying. We hugged each other
       because it was as if the children were dead."
       This week, she said: "There were more tears, but we had to cope
       for the sake of the children. On Christmas Day last year, we
       were only allowed to see them for one hour." Yet the family's
       fortunes were changing.
       Craig's lawyers had instructed the American paediatrician,
       Professor Hegar, to give her views. She has examined 40,000
       children for suspected abuse during a 28-year career. She
       believes that a family's history - and a host of other factors -
       are vital when deciding if a child has been molested.
       Professor Hegar studied the medical reports and photographs of
       Jodie. She said: "I believe that the medical examiners in this
       case have relied heavily on Reflex Anal Dilatation as diagnostic
       of sexual abuse.
       "This is a common finding in up to 49 per cent of children who
       have not been abused. There is no research ... that supports the
       use of RAD as a sensitive or specific finding for sexual abuse."
       Professor Hegar also suggested that dermatologists should
       examine Jodie to find another cause of her bleeding. One skin
       expert diagnosed that a small split in her skin, caused by
       eczema, may have produced the suspect spots of blood on Jodie's
       Her crucial views were also heard by video link during the
       hearing into Jodie's case. Afterwards, Mr Justice Holman said
       Donna and Craig Aston are intelligent, responsible parents.
       During the hearing, he met both their "bright and well-mannered"
       children, giving them chocolate biscuits and talking to them for
       nearly an hour.
       Jodie told him that no one had touched her at home, or at
       primary school. Her brother Luke declared, quite spontaneously,
       that it was "all a big mistake".
       He added: "We have got the best mum and dad. Why would they
       abuse my little sister?"
       Both of the Aston children said they loved their parents dearly
       and only wanted to go home. Now, at last, thanks to an
       enlightened judge, they have finally got their wish.
       But how many other families who suffered similarly disgraceful
       misdiagnoses, more than 20 years after it had been presumed the
       lessons of Cleveland had been learnt, are still fighting to
       clear their names?
 (HTM) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/article.html?in_article_id=565183&in_page_id=1879