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       #Post#: 44--------------------------------------------------
       Expectant mom upset by offensive offer
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 12, 2011, 7:44 am
       Expectant mom upset by offensive offer
       10:31 PM PDT on Wednesday, May 21, 2008
       By ELISA HAHN/KING 5 News
       EVERETT, Wash. - J.D. Ross and Julie Moore are expecting their
       first child.
       The young woman who is five months pregnant was waiting tables
       at a Mill Creek restaurant Monday night when a table of 12
       adults ordered a round of cocktails.
       After they left, she opened the bill holder to get the tip and
       also found a card inside that read:
       We wish to adopt a baby. We are a caring, happily married,
       financially secure and loving couple. We want to share our joy
       and love with a child.
       The card included the names of the couple and phone numbers.
       "I was just shocked because they didn't say a word to me about
       being pregnant, ask me how my pregnancy is going or ask me if I
       was pregnant or anything," said Julie.
       "I thought it was really creepy," said J.D.
       Both say it was a rude slap in the face.
       Julie Moore was offended by the offer.  "I don't wear a wedding
       ring at work. For them to assume I'm not married or that I'm
       working in a service industry that I maybe couldn't afford to
       have a child, I don't know, I felt there were too many
       assumptions there," said Julie.
       The couple on the card has returned any of KING 5's phone calls.
       We also called the attorney's number on the card and asked for
       "Joan," then learned that Joan does not exist.
       Seattle adoption attorney Albert Lirhus says the couple that
       handed out the card are his clients. He said, "If people call
       our office and ask for Joan, then the phone answerer knows the
       call is a priority."
       As far as the card is concerned, he said, "We haven't had any
       negative response to this method."
       J.D. and Julie sympathize with parents looking to adopt, but the
       way this went down troubles them.
       "It's way out of bounds, it's not right. It's not how you go
       about it," said Julie.
       The attorney says many couples looking to adopt post fliers or
       ads to get the word out that they are trying to adopt a child.
       But he says they usually do not go to specific people and he
       calls this incident "unfortunate."