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       #Post#: 47--------------------------------------------------
       Crawford's daughter attacks trend for celebrity adoptions
       By: Montraviatommygun Date: March 12, 2011, 7:47 am
 (HTM) http://lifeandhealth.guardian.co.uk/family/story/0,,2282148,00.html
       Crawford's daughter attacks trend for celebrity adoptions
       Elizabeth Day
       Sunday May 25, 2008
       The Observer
       One of the first children to be adopted by a Hollywood star has
       condemned the trend for celebrity adoptions as a
       publicity-seeking exercise with 'profound medical and
       psychological effects'. Christina Crawford, 68, who was adopted
       by the actress Joan Crawford in 1939 when she was just two
       months old, said the recent spate of high-profile adoptions gave
       her 'tremendous concerns'.
       Crawford claims she was physically abused by her adoptive
       mother. In 1978 she wrote the bestselling memoir Mommie Dearest
       about her experiences. It was later adapted into a film starring
       Faye Dunaway and Crawford went on to become an influential
       advocate for adoptees' rights.
       'I have tremendous concerns about celebrity adoptions by people
       like Madonna and Angelina Jolie,' she said in an exclusive
       interview to mark the publication of a 30th anniversary edition
       of her memoir. 'From the adoptee's point of view, it is vitally
       important to know who they are, where they came from, or it can
       have profound medical and psychological effects.'
       Madonna's high-profile adoption of a baby boy, David Banda, in
       2006 was back in the headlines last week when she presented her
       documentary about the effects of disease and poverty on Malawi
       at the Cannes Film Festival.
       Angelina Jolie, who is pregnant with twins, has three adopted
       children: Maddox, a six-year-old orphan from Cambodia; Pax, a
       four-year-old Vietnamese boy abandoned at birth; and an
       Ethiopian orphan, Zahara, who is three.
       Crawford alleges that her mother, who was one of the biggest
       film stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, adopted her four children
       for publicity purposes, although many of her recollections are
       disputed by her adopted younger sister. While their supposedly
       happy family life was detailed in lengthy magazine spreads,
       Crawford claims that behind closed doors her mother was an
       abusive alcoholic given to unpredictable bouts of rage.
       One of the most infamous scenes in the book and the subsequent
       film depicted Joan Crawford launching into a tirade after
       discovering that Christina had hung clothes on wire hangers. 'No
       wire hangers!' entered the vernacular as shorthand for maternal
       Crawford said: 'It was complete and total hypocrisy between the
       public and the private. She adopted us for the publicity.' When
       asked if today's celebrities are driven by the same motivation,
       she replied: 'What do you think? Why are they so keen on getting
       the maximum newspaper and magazine coverage?'
       Crawford was informed by Joan Crawford that her biological
       mother had died in childbirth, but discovered while researching
       her family history in the early Nineties that both her parents
       had been alive at the time. Her mother, a student, and her
       father, an engineer who had been married to someone else, both
       died before she could trace them. Joan Crawford died in 1977.
       David Holmes, chief executive of the British Association for
       Adoption and Fostering, said: 'I certainly agree that children
       aren't accessories, but I also think it's quite a sweeping
       generalisation. Just because someone is a celebrity doesn't mean
       they couldn't be a good parent. People adopt for lots of
       reasons, but the prime motivation is wanting to give a safe and
       secure home to a child.'