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       #Post#: 4--------------------------------------------------
       In love with the Gesture keyboard 
       By: justice Date: August 13, 2015, 11:19 am
       While the concept is difficult it has completely changed how I
       use my tablet.
       The concern was that when I was using custom gesture setups for
       each program, I ended up creating 4 or 5 different setups. This
       became more and more difficult to quickly remember and apply the
       gesture that was custom to that program.
       I decided that the best way to do it was have the entire
       alphabet mapped to the keyboard and to put modifier keys on the
       screen. This would allow me to learn the actual keyboard
       shortcuts for the program and apply the same exact keyboard
       gestures in each program.
       Game changer. Made so much sense after I started putting it
       I went through a variety of different versions of the keyboard
       and have settled (for a few months now) on the same setup. It's
       based off the frequency of letter use charts online. The most
       common and most frequently used letters are mapped to the
       easiest to use and apply gestures.
       I'm not completely sold on the concept being perfect, it's not.
       But it's a far cry easier than any other tablet setup I've had
       Here is a link to my current setup.
 (HTM) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz0s_tG9uKY3WmdCRmhsUWtHcjQ/view?usp=sharing
       I've also been using a text expander program for things like my
       email (*eml) or longer words or phrases that have numbers in
       The 5 finger gestures I've been constantly changing. Not sure I
       know what is the most useful or cool thing to put there. I
       imagine it may end up back at copy, cut, and paste sometime
       I will as we move further along create a "gesture alphabet for
       creatives" video to help with the learning curve.
       #Post#: 63--------------------------------------------------
       Re: In love with the Gesture keyboard 
       By: bjarkirafn Date: November 5, 2015, 5:01 pm
       I'm really interested in what I think it is? I have been using
       mouse gestures application for many years, like StrokesPlus in
       combination of Autohotkey. I'm pretty handicapped without them
       in my daily workflow.
       So the settings file you are sharing, how do I make it
       #Post#: 64--------------------------------------------------
       Re: In love with the Gesture keyboard 
       By: justice Date: November 15, 2015, 10:40 am
       load the file into the universal settings under general. sorry i
       missed this post.
       #Post#: 111--------------------------------------------------
       Re: In love with the Gesture keyboard 
       By: AndyWear Date: December 9, 2015, 3:02 am
       I need to try this out.
       I too use mouse gestures for Maya.  I love it, it makes
       everything really quick for me.