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 (DIR) The Chosen Ones
 (DIR) What do you do while the game loads?
       3 replies
 (DIR) What's your DREAM JOB? 
       7 replies
 (DIR) Are you an animated gamer? If yes, How animated?
       11 replies
 (DIR) Poll for my idea thread
       7 replies
 (DIR) Do you encounter a bug with Mystic Storm in chapter 2?
       41 replies
 (DIR) What's your favorite board?
       3 replies
 (DIR) Who's your favorite Dragon?
       16 replies
 (DIR) Who is the most powerful character?
       6 replies
 (DIR) Who's your favorite Dragon Slayer?
       3 replies
 (DIR) Do you get fatal error from chapter 2 or 3?
       17 replies
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