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       #Post#: 6870--------------------------------------------------
       By: doomlord Date: January 24, 2012, 6:08 am
       Many have done it. I think it is my turn.
       VERSION: 1.6f
       Gameplay - What do you think about the game play. For example,
       are the abilities, items and spells fine? Is there too much
       killing? Is the campaign too repetive?
       I think the gameplay is good. It is unique yet the bugs ruin the
       fun more or less.
       Abilities, items and spells are creative and practical yet some
       are a bit weak.
       There is virtually no fantasy RPG that involves zero killing.
       The story itself takes place in a medieval world so killing is a
       part of an adventurer's life. No need to talk about it.
       You have to give up a few times to earn enough money for a good
       game (Child's Play difficulty notwithstanding). I think there is
       a crossroad in the campaign, leaving a player with 2 options:
       [li]Choose Child's Play difficulty and simply waltz through the
       [li]Choose another difficulty and accept the compulsory
       requirement of giving up a few times to actually complete the
       So the repetitiveness depends on whether the player chooses the
       second option or not. You want the challenge, you have got to
       accept the price.
       [quote]Terrain - What do you think about the terrain? Is it eye
       candy or not? What you believe is the most beautiful place and
       what should be improved.
       I am amazed by your devotion to creating the campaign's
       breathtaking terrain. Multiple doodads and the filter system is
       incredible. Every chapter is beautiful and magnificient.
       Atmosphere - What do you think about the atmosphere of the
       campaign? Too funny? Too sad? And does the music make the
       atmosphere better?[/quote]
       Sometimes Fradz's humorous sentences ruin a tense, dramatic
       atmosphere. Humor and sad can't go together. The music fits the
       atmosphere well and I think with a bit of dialogue improvement
       the atmosphere will be golden.
       Story - What do you think about the story. Is too simple or
       confusing? Is it mysterious and complicated enough? What is your
       favorite character?
       The story is not yet revealed fully so I can't rate this. Sorry.
       Cinematics - What do you think about the cinematics. Tell what
       is the worst and the best cinematic and why.
       Two words: Grammar Mistakes. Some are minor some are big. And
       the risk presented when skipping a cinematic doesn't help much
       either. The worst cinematic I think is the conversation between
       Galeoth and Joseph the Adventurer, the best one is the
       conversation between Galeoth and Phodom. The heated debate is so
       Bosses - What do you think about the bosses at the campaign? Are
       they challenging, balanced, different and unique enough? What is
       your faforite boss and what boss could need some improvements?
       Bosses are great. They are challenging, unique and fun to fight
       against. Yet some of their instant-kill spell is nasty and I
       think they aren't that balanced. And I think they can use some
       awesome backstories. Also powerful bosses should drop better
       items and quests involving killing them should reward more
       Diffculty - What is your opinion about the difficulties. Do you
       think the difficulties are balanced enough or do they need
       No comment. To be honest I haven't tested them all so I can't
       rate anything.
       All things consired, how would you describe your playing
       experience at the campaign? What could be done better and what
       you believe doesn't anymore need attension?
       Would you recommend this campaign to your friends?
       My experience is hard to describe so I will leave it alone. Bugs
       should be fixed. Cinematic should be skipped with less risk.
       Dialogues should have less grammar mistakes.
       I'm trying to recommend this to some of my best friends. I
       haven't known the result yet.
       #Post#: 6918--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: February 3, 2012, 5:58 pm
       Thanks for the nice review. I have some questions.
       [quote]Sometimes Fradz's humorous sentences ruin a tense,
       dramatic atmosphere. Humor and sad can't go together.[/quote]
       Like where?
       [quote]Yet some of their instant-kill spell is nasty and I think
       they aren't that balanced.[/quote]
       Like what?
       [quote]And I think they can use some awesome backstories[/quote]
       Like what?
       [quote]Also powerful bosses should drop better items and quests
       involving killing them should reward more handsomely.[/quote]
       Like what?
       #Post#: 7124--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: WsawW Date: February 15, 2012, 10:38 am
       well aero's reply was hilarious  ;D
       #Post#: 7125--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: February 15, 2012, 11:27 am
       Heh, Doomlord gave a long text but never gave any examples.  :o
       #Post#: 7132--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: doomlord Date: February 15, 2012, 7:21 pm
       No computer until Saturnday. That's why I can't give examples.
       #Post#: 7137--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: Mr.Foxy Date: February 16, 2012, 12:00 am
       Doomlord is so smart.
       So, he know everything, event has not computer.
       #Post#: 7139--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: doomlord Date: February 16, 2012, 12:19 am
       Problems ?
       #Post#: 7148--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: Mr.Foxy Date: February 16, 2012, 2:34 am
       That, he know everything
       He was say "proplem?" Woow!
       #Post#: 7153--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: doomlord Date: February 16, 2012, 3:26 am
       You are crazy, Mr.Foxy.
       #Post#: 7966--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Doomlord
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: March 26, 2012, 4:46 am
       Doomlord I strongly suggest to give me some examples here so
       that we can actually go on with this questionnaire.
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