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       #Post#: 7070--------------------------------------------------
       Competition #38
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: February 14, 2012, 1:08 pm
       [center]Competition Idea
       In this competition you're challenged to create a mini-event or
       an event for the following boss fight. The theme is lightning.
       This boss is in chapter 8 and is a mini-boss. Only Galeoth will
       fight in this battle.
       Click to see the picture of boss.
 (HTM) http://www.tcocampaign.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1060.0;attach=454;image[/img][/spoiler]
 (HTM) http://www.tcocampaign.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1060.0;attach=456;image[/img][/spoiler]
       [*]If you decide to do a "mini-event", the spell must be pretty
       quickly and will happen every about 20 to 40 seconds.
       [*]Or if you decide to go a "event", then the spell can take
       longer time and will happen every about 30 to 60 seconds.
       [*]The idea can't be passive.
       Here's an example:
       Lightning Balls
       - Mini-event
       The boss stands in once place and look at Galeoth for 3 seconds.
       Then it throws fives times every 2 second a lightning ball where
       Galeoth is at the moment. The lightning balls moves very quickly
       and does 3000/4000/5000/6000 depending of the difficulty. When
       doing this event, the boss is vulnerable all the time meaning
       the boss can die.
       [size=22pt]Competition Rules
       [list][*]The idea have to be yours.
       [*]You can make unlimited amount of entries.
       [*]I will have all the rights to edit the rules all the time(I
       will do it correctly and I will be fair for everyone).[/list]
       Competition Prizes
       The winner of this competition will have his or her name to Hall
       Of Fame and will be credited as "Competition Winners" and "Idea
       Giver". If you have one more than once you'll be credited
       automatically as "Great Idea Giver". Also any other ideas that
       I'll use will be credited as "Idea Giver".
       I'm the only one who will judge the winner of the competition. I
       will judge all entries. The amount of entries you post will not
       decrease your chance to win in any way. However, if there are a
       lot of entries or horrible entries, I'll have the right to kick
       some of them away in order to make the final judge easier for
       This is the order how I judge:
       [list][size=12pt][*]Is your idea creative and fresh?
       [*]Can I possibly create your idea?
       [*]The presentation?
       The competition begins immediately and conclude at X.
       Final Words
       Good luck, may the best idea win. If you have questions,
       #Post#: 7072--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: DD Canada Date: February 14, 2012, 2:21 pm
       Someone (Doom most probably) might hop in and say something
       positive or move into posting an entry or entries, but I feel
       like speaking my mind clear first.
       Is this even possible? You just said by yourself that "like it's
       tough enough to judge the current competitions, so would it be
       to post more", yet here we are: Another competition, with
       unknown deadline (which is nice, considering that you couldn't
       go wrong on the moral side), but why? Finish up those that still
       exist as "non-judged", they're months rotten already.
       And finally...
       [quote]When doing this event, the boss is vulnurnerable all the
       time meaning the boss can die.[/quote]
       I understand that some words might be annoying to write, and
       that it's normal to screw them up because of that, but come on!
       You can't learn to write it properly if you never bother to
       correct the mistakes. For instance, it took me some time to
       naturally write "enthusiastic" without checking it over and
       over, so why wouldn't you try?
       "Vulnurnerable" should be "vulnerable". And PLEASE edit the main
       post and fix it, instead of noting out "yes yes" and doing
       #Post#: 7075--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: doomlord Date: February 14, 2012, 5:25 pm
       You know, I haven't participated in any competition since
       competition #35 (#37 is an exception). And I won't participate
       in this one either. I'm with Xavorn this time.
       #Post#: 7088--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: February 15, 2012, 1:51 am
       I desperately need more ideas for this boss. That is why I
       created this competition.
       #Post#: 7089--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: doomlord Date: February 15, 2012, 2:06 am
       Go judge other competitions. Then they (the members) will
       participate in this soon enough.
       #Post#: 7127--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: DD Canada Date: February 15, 2012, 12:42 pm
       Being able to see the boss clearly would help a lot when
       deciding what events it could possibly make.
       In other words, would it be possible to add an image of the boss
       & boss only? Or that image zoomed in a lot.
       #Post#: 7128--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: February 15, 2012, 12:46 pm
       Here's a better picture.
 (HTM) http://www.tcocampaign.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1060.0;attach=456;image[/img][/spoiler]
       #Post#: 7134--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: Mr.Foxy Date: February 15, 2012, 11:49 pm
       Where i can make that?
       #Post#: 7140--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: doomlord Date: February 16, 2012, 12:24 am
       Are you playing dumb or you plainly have no idea what Aero is
       talking about ?
       Where are you from ?
       #Post#: 7141--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Competition #38
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: February 16, 2012, 1:43 am
       [quote author=Mr.Foxy link=topic=1060.msg7134#msg7134
       Where i can make that?
       [/quote]Just write your idea here.
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