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       #Post#: 11304--------------------------------------------------
       Requesting a save from chapter 8
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: November 25, 2012, 4:53 am
       Do you have such a savefile from chapter 8? I need one for
       testing purpose. I have so boring abilities I would like to have
       some other abilities and it's boring to play the game from
       chapter 1 all the way to 9. Also, it's pretty complicate to
       change abilities middle of game so that's another reason.
       Just send a private message to me. I won't share your save file
       to anyone. It's only for testing purposes.
       Also tell me what abilities you've picked.
       #Post#: 11329--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Requesting a save from chapter 8
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: December 3, 2012, 4:05 am
       Request done.