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       #Post#: 12037--------------------------------------------------
       By: CoNteMpT Date: March 28, 2013, 4:29 pm
       1: Poor
       2: Fair
       3: Average
       4: Good
       5: Excellent
       versions ive played: i play your campaign more or less
       frequently for 3 years now, but here ill talk about version 1.9a
       1) Gameplay - What do you think about the gameplay. For example,
       are the abilities, items and spell book spells fine? Is there
       too much killing? Is the campaign too repetitive?
       the gameplay in chapter 1, 5, 6 and 7 is excellent. chapter 2,
       3, 4 and everything after 7 feel a bit slow and dont really keep
       going as hard as the better ones. probably because of lack of
       story progress and content.  the items, spells and abilities are
       fine. too much killing? i think its not enough killing, but some
       of the killing we got is too mindless and not connected to
       quests, story or purpose. i would appreciate if i had the
       opportunity to fight bigger groups of monsters more frequently
       that are actually connected to something more than just
       the gameplay in chapter 1 i would say is 6/5, overall its more
       of a 3.5/5
       2) Bosses - What do you think about the bosses at the campaign?
       Are they challenging, balanced, different and unique enough?
       What is your favorite boss and what boss could need some
       most of the bosses are amazing and actually most of them are
       balanced aswell. i only have one really big problem with some of
       them: often times their spells have no real way to initially
       recognize them. sometimes you just fight if you dont know the
       game and out of nowhere you die. bam. dead. what the fuck just
       happened. on my first playthrough in 1.9a where i didnt play the
       campaign for a long time and especially not the later chapters,
       i died many times without knowing what even happened.
       i think spells that are really lethal if you dont avoid them
       should "announce" themselves more, with non-harmfull effects
       before the damage hits, for example: the axobada-dimension quest
       in chapter 9 with fradz: i played it for the first time and
       suddenly - dead. how could i know hes going to throw lightning,
       and how could i know where? i couldnt. so i died. same thing
       happens at a lot of boss fights with a lot of spells and that
       really shouldnt exist because that way it becomes trial and
       error, and thats a system of boss fights that should be reserved
       for dark souls and dark souls only.
       other than that, if you added more visibility to make the
       players foresee deadly spells better, it would all be very
       i think my favorite bossfight is against the invisible monster
       in chapter 5 even though it has one trial-and-error spell aswell
       but as i remember right now, its not instakill. other than that
       he is so ingenious, i love him.
       my least favorite boss probably is the obelisk boss in chapter
       9, hes horrible and his black nova has zero recognition and
       instakills everything below 12K hp.
       about balance: in chapter 9, the two jurxy's in the top left
       corner are basically unbeatable. you CANT beat them if you dont
       seperate them, and if you seperate them, you basically fight two
       jurxys after another, which is rather easy and defeats the
       purpose of placing them next to eachother. please completely
       remove them and put in another boss, or put in a jurxy with more
       hitpoints or whatever. having two of them is just bad.
       and the chapter-bosses are, most of the time,  too easy for my
       taste, especially all chapter bosses from chp5 onwards. they are
       so weak, they could be normal monsters. actually in chapter 6
       you have these patrolling skeletal guardians. they could defeat
       their boss easily. why is their boss so weak?
       in general you could say: if a chapter boss dies before i can
       read the stats of the item i could potentially steal from him,
       he's too weak.
       and im talking extreme here.
       my rating would be 3/5 which sounds kinda sad because i love
       your bossfights. still, too many things that drag down the big
       3) Difficulty - What is your opinion about the difficulties.
       What difficulty did you play? What was your impression about it?
       Do you think the difficulties are balanced enough or do they
       need improvements?
       the difficulty on higher difficultys seems, except the thing i
       described on the boss panel, very good.
       about the lower difficultys i dont know because the only time i
       played on lower than hard was on my first play where i played on
       normal and i remember that to be pretty easy. anyways, i think
       the difficulty setting is great.
       my only problem is where you can "cheat" on the difficulty a bit
       with items that instantly kill monsters below your level. i feel
       like they make the game, especially bosses with summons, VERY
       easy and also defeat the purpose of normal monsters. you drink
       an exp potion at the beginning of a level (if even needed) and
       basically all normals monsters die without you having to fight
       i know you probably created those items to increase the speed
       and flow of the game and as a veteran player i KINDA like them
       because i dont have to sit through the stupid trashmobs every
       time, but basically they defeat the purpose.
       i wouldnt remove them but i also dont like them because it feels
       like somehow cheating. not sure about this.
       overall balance 4,5/5
       4) Terrain - What do you think about the terrain? Is it eye
       candy or not? What you believe is the most beautiful place and
       what should be improved.
       holy shit the terrain. i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE chapter 1 and i
       LOOOOOOOOVE chapter 5. other than that, its... humble. chapter 2
       basically has no terrain except the murloc place and even though
       its supposed to be partially desert, its too realistic (really
       'deserted' and stuff). i would enjoy different textures and
       maybe dunes in the desert
 (HTM) http://optimusspine.deviantart.com/gallery/450613
 (HTM) http://optimusspine.deviantart.com/gallery/450613
       check this on what a desert can look like.
       chapter 3 is decent for what the theme is about, cant really
       comment on it.
       chapter 4 though bothers me since it really doesnt look like a
       swap but not like a jungle either. i know its supposed to be
       marshes but that level just feels dirty, but PROBABLY thats what
       marshes should feel like? at least it does make me feel
       SOMETHING, so it could be considered good.
       chapter 6 is also on a very high level, its really good. chapter
       7 is amazing from the pure thought you put into that city, even
       though a third of it is occupied by that useless toy-racing
       my suggestion would be to remove the toy racing and put in
       something useful like some sort of slums with illegal fights to
       the death (similar to the arena but for hardcore duelists only,
       and less "rules" at least for your enemys).
       chapter 8 and 9 i hate so much right now, i would rather want to
       leave them out of my rating but since i cant, here it goes.
       3/5. yep. not more. thanks to chp8/9.
       5) Atmosphere - What do you think about the atmosphere of the
       campaign? Too funny? Too sad? And what about music, does it fit?
       okay here goes my favorite part. the atmosphere overall can be
       considered GODLY. you DID play legend of dragoon right? yes, its
       that kind of atmosphere where you get a boner before you even
       start playing just from the expections it creates in your mind.
       not too funny but perfectly fine, MAYBE the funny part is too
       much on fradz side, but its very well integrated in the story
       and overall feeling. the feeling of sadness and hatred in the
       first chapter is amazing and can also be considered godly. its
       so well written man, just wow. the only problem with the
       atmosphere for me is after he defeats xada when phodoms own
       story gets kinda "cut off" for the greater purpose of the dragon
       quest and all you get from that point on is only in chapter 7,
       and its all optional.
       lets say i didnt check all the cinematics in therdoom castle and
       lets say i didnt fight the epic boss and get to see the
       cinematics, then i actually start forgetting that phodom ever
       had problems. i forget that he lost his family and i forget that
       hes actually a broken man. oh, and  to give you credit, the
       crystal quest from chapter 9 brings back some memorys but its
       optional aswell.
       i think connecting phodoms sad fate to later chapters would be
       very satisfying because even if you have three characters,
       emotionally you still connect with phodom the most, so i want to
       have this sadness and lonelyness with me all the time. dont let
       me forget about it, phodom wouldnt forget either.
       okay now to the music: i think its unbelieveably good but later
       on it gets too repetetive. it would be great if you threw in
       some new tracks and in kar'gath maybe even something thats very
       heavy and evil.
       i know it uses up alot of space and is bad for the load time if
       you have multiple tracks in one map but how about this: legend
       of dragoon - ruined celes soundtrack for only the area of the
       destroyed city and rot'afor in chapter 8? THAT is atmosphere.
       other than that, yeah, just change the music more so that each
       or almost each chapter has its own recognizeable soundtrack
       fitting the overall chapter theme, and dont be shy to have an
       area in the chapter (like rot'afor) that gets its own soundtrack
       just to make it stand out more and support the feeling it should
       also, as last point, i want the legend of dragoon theme back
       that you had to introduce all levels.
       as a rating i give 3,5/5 because even though its really good,
       its also too limited later on and since its always the same or
       similar music, i kinda forgot at some point that this campaign
       even has music. until a bossfight starts, ofcourse ; )
       6) Story - What do you think about the story. Is too simple or
       confusing? Is it mysterious and complicated enough? What is your
       favorite character?
       its godly, enough said. my favorite character is tharo.
       7) Cinematics - What do you think about the cinematics. Tell
       what is the worst and the best cinematic and why.
       cinematics are hard to judge really because one cinematics
       experience is based so much on everything that happened in this
       chapter before and the overall design, its just really hard to
       my favorite cinematics are, i guess, all those related to
       phodoms family in chp1, all tharo cinematics especially the one
       with the dragon in chp7 aswell as the yugrimar cinematic which
       made me feel extremely extremely weak and meaningless.
       what i cinematics i dont like is very hard to say since i dont
       remember them very well, naturally. the first that comes to mind
       is the cinematic in kar'gath after defeating xada. basically
       they cheer-talk alot and fradz+galeoth blabla alot while phodom
       should be the main focus here. he just killed the murderer of
       his family and is most likely motionally torn apart right now,
       but still he talks like its all cool and hey galeoth long time
       no see. that cinematic just disturbs me. cant think of any
       others right now.
       oh yes, and i think the text-speed in all NON-MAINSTORY
       cinematics should be increased.
       so overall your cinematics are very good and deserve a rating of
       8) All things considered, how would you describe your playing
       experience the game? What could be done better and what you
       believe doesn't anymore need my attention?
       i can tell you how i feel when playing TCO.
       it all starts like this: i turn on the campaign and immediately
       im like "oh cool, character customization". then the first
       chapter begins and i immediately love the characters and the
       music and i love that i actually feel the LOVE between phodom
       and his family. not sure how you made it that good, but it
       catches me completely.
       then during the whole first chapter i feel brilliant, its
       amazing. dont touch the first chapter except for bugs.
       in the second chapter though, i feel a little bit disturbed by
       being taken away from what horrible and emotionally tying
       experience i just had with phodom. whos this other guy and why
       do i have to play him NOW? okay, after a while i actually get
       into him because he seems to have an outstanding personality and
       i just bond with im, hes cool and after fighting the epic boss i
       loved him. im very satisfied and im totally curious about those
       two meeting up. lets get going.
       chapter three, oh god no, not another character and not in a
       level without other people where he can have no conversations
       and develop zero personality. who the fuck is this old man? i
       dont know shit about him and i sadly dont learn shit about him
       either during the whole chapter, except that he somehow is
       possessed with searching for dragons but i dont learn why, i
       dont learn about his past, about anything.
       basically i just "work" my way through this chapter not because
       the gameplay, bosses and quests are insufficient, but because i
       dont know about the character and i couldnt care less about him,
       and to the very day the introduction of galeoth left scars on me
       since i STILL not like him, even though i now know alot more
       about him. also, hes weak and squishy and useless, but thats
       just a side-effect.
       so chapter 3 really rips me out of every feeling i had for the
       characters. then chapter 4 comes along and its KINDA good when
       it directly connects to the first one, but since it has to get
       you OUT of galeoth ( which isnt too hard~~ ) and fradz and back
       to phodom, it does rather weak. at least you meet some other
       dragon slayers who dont matter for shit but are at least a bit
       of a distraction, so you finish that chapter too.
       chapter 5 is where it gets going again. i love it and its
       amazing, you learn so much about fradz, phodom, THARO and also
       dragons and history of balgaron, its just extremely good.
       chapter 6 is the most massive chapter in the game and on the
       first playthrough i remember it took me SIX hours to complete
       100% on EASY... and just as a side effect, it never gets boring
       for all those six hours. fucking yugrimar, he knows his stuff.
       chapter seven is very nice but realy ONLY if you get all the
       optional stuff done. the plot progress here is weak and doesnt
       get me into anything. you should connect more optional things to
       the main progress and this chapter would be golden, no need to
       even add anything.
       after chapter seven, it sadly only feels like grinding and work
       to me. up until now im still very disappointed with chp 8 and 9.
       so overall i give you a rating of 3/5 here too, which doesnt
       really reflect on how well you did at some points. if i had to
       rate the chapters individualle it would be like 100/5 for the
       first one.
       so what i recommend here is to make the player bond with the
       characters more and be emotionally involved in their story, just
       like phodom.
       9) Would you recommend this campaign to your friends?
       i allready did many times, but when im asked like this, no, i
       wouldnt until its finished. paradox but thats what i would say.
       10) How did you found this campaign? You might have any hints
       for me to bring this campaign more to the daylight? Some sites
       for example where I could advertise the campaign?
       i probably found it by randomly browsing hive. sorry mate, but
       wc3 is basically dead and i doubt that there are any sites
       besides hive where you could really advertise it. there's this
       german community site called inwarcraft.de but there are not too
       many people left and man i dunno, i wish there was a way, but i
       know none.
       keep up the astonishing work
       #Post#: 12078--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CoNteMpT
       By: liauyuancheng Date: March 31, 2013, 10:59 am
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       the gameplay in chapter 1, 5, 6 and 7 is excellent. chapter 2,
       3, 4 and everything after 7 feel a bit slow and dont really keep
       going as hard as the better ones. probably because of lack of
       story progress and content.
       OMG totally agree with you. Chapt 2,3 and 4 seriously nd some
       revamp nxt time to develop the story further!! Now, it's just
       mindless travelling.....
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       i only have one really big problem with some of them: often
       times their spells have no real way to initially recognize them.
       sometimes you just fight if you dont know the game and out of
       nowhere you die. bam. dead. what the fuck just happened. on my
       first playthrough in 1.9a where i didnt play the campaign for a
       long time and especially not the later chapters, i died many
       times without knowing what even happened.
       Yeah thats true, but I guess we should suck it up and live on.
       Such boss fights is actually a trial and error game for
       beginners cause they do not know what kind of spells and events
       bosses can do. This forces people to learn from mistakes (aka
       deaths) and take steps to avoid dying again. So nothing should
       or can be done to this.
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       if you dont avoid them should "announce" themselves more, with
       non-harmful effects before the damage hits
       other than that, if you added more visibility to make the
       players foresee deadly spells better, it would all be very
       Agree! That was my suggestion to Aero too, allowing bosses to
       shout the name of the spell/event before casting it.
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       and the chapter-bosses are, most of the time,  too easy for my
       taste, especially all chapter bosses from chp5 onwards. they are
       so weak, they could be normal monsters. actually in chapter 6
       you have these patrolling skeletal guardians. they could defeat
       their boss easily. why is their boss so weak?
       in general you could say: if a chapter boss dies before i can
       read the stats of the item i could potentially steal from him,
       he's too weak.
       and im talking extreme here.
       Agree too! The normal bosses and minibosses generally only has
       one spell to cast, which is quite lame and easy for the player
       to defeat them... Suggested to add more spells to increase
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       chapter 7 is amazing from the pure thought you put into that
       city, even though a third of it is occupied by that useless
       toy-racing track.
       my suggestion would be to remove the toy racing and put in
       something useful like some sort of slums with illegal fights to
       the death (similar to the arena but for hardcore duelists only,
       and less "rules" at least for your enemys).
       Agreed! The car race track takes up WAYYY too much space, which
       can be converted to other stuff, like more optional quests to
       complete and more minibosses to fight.
       #Post#: 12214--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CoNteMpT
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: April 3, 2013, 2:58 am
       The problem with the story is that I created a very weak basic
       structure 5 years ago when I was young and fool. After that I've
       been trying to improve the story more and more. Some things
       however I cannot change and that is why the story is
       occasionally shit. It's too late to change now, I can't forever
       be stuck on this one abomination story. I'll move to "higher
       level" by writing the  book that continues the story.
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       date=1364506189]most of the bosses are amazing and actually most
       of them are balanced aswell. i only have one really big problem
       with some of them: often times their spells have no real way to
       initially recognize them. sometimes you just fight if you dont
       know the game and out of nowhere you die. bam. dead. what the
       fuck just happened. on my first playthrough in 1.9a where i
       didnt play the campaign for a long time and especially not the
       later chapters, i died many times without knowing what even
       i think spells that are really lethal if you dont avoid them
       should "announce" themselves more, with non-harmfull effects
       before the damage hits, for example: the axobada-dimension quest
       in chapter 9 with fradz: i played it for the first time and
       suddenly - dead. how could i know hes going to throw lightning,
       and how could i know where? i couldnt. so i died. same thing
       happens at a lot of boss fights with a lot of spells and that
       really shouldnt exist because that way it becomes trial and
       error, and thats a system of boss fights that should be reserved
       for dark souls and dark souls only.[/quote]
       Like what other bosses than Axobada?
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       date=1364506189]about balance: in chapter 9, the two jurxy's in
       the top left corner are basically unbeatable. you CANT beat them
       if you dont seperate them, and if you seperate them, you
       basically fight two jurxys after another, which is rather easy
       and defeats the purpose of placing them next to eachother.
       please completely remove them and put in another boss, or put in
       a jurxy with more hitpoints or whatever. having two of them is
       just bad. [/quote]
       But I want Jurxys to be there. In the epic boss fight you can
       too fight against multiple Jurxys so I don't see reason why I
       should delete them. Are they really that hard? Why?
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       date=1364506189]and the chapter-bosses are, most of the time,
       too easy for my taste, especially all chapter bosses from chp5
       onwards. they are so weak, they could be normal monsters.
       actually in chapter 6 you have these patrolling skeletal
       guardians. they could defeat their boss easily. why is their
       boss so weak?
       in general you could say: if a chapter boss dies before i can
       read the stats of the item i could potentially steal from him,
       he's too weak.
       and im talking extreme here.[/quote]
       The idea is that you don't need to complete all quests and kill
       all enemies to require to finish the campaign. The basic bosses
       should be easy enough. I will however, make this boss a little
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12037#msg12037
       date=1364506189]after chapter seven, it sadly only feels like
       grinding and work to me. up until now im still very disappointed
       with chp 8 and 9.[/quote]
       You think chapter 8 and 9 is are dissapointment? Why?
       [quote=liauyuancheng]Agree! That was my suggestion to Aero too,
       allowing bosses to shout the name of the spell/event before
       casting it.[/quote]
       I do not like the way that bosses shout their magics. It feels
       like Naruto/Bleach/One Piece which looks so stupid.
       [quote=liauyuancheng]Agree too! The normal bosses and minibosses
       generally only has one spell to cast, which is quite lame and
       easy for the player to defeat them... Suggested to add more
       spells to increase difficulty.[/quote]
       Then start a topic, tell a boss and a new spell to it. Your
       current topic just randomly tells boss spell ideas.
       [quote=liauyuancheng]Agreed! The car race track takes up WAYYY
       too much space, which can be converted to other stuff, like more
       optional quests to complete and more minibosses to
       The chapter has enough of mini-bosses already. And I don't want
       to create too many quests to a single chapter. But I was
       thinking to create a Death Knight quest.
       #Post#: 12236--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CoNteMpT
       By: CoNteMpT Date: April 4, 2013, 4:58 am
       1. the bosses without enough visibility to their spells that i
       have in mind right now are only axobada and the obelisk from chp
       9. there are more, but i cant remember them now.
       2. no problem about the jurxys, i just think two of them at the
       same time are a bit too much, but no problem if you want it like
       that. i just have to get better.
       3. yes, chapter 8 and 9 are very disappointing. especially 8
       though. there is so little to do and basically everything there
       is, is extremely boring. that crystal cave puzzle  is so boring.
       the obelisk puzzle i cant figure out really because sometimes i
       let the characters attack in a certain order and something
       happens and the next time i let them attack in the same order
       and nothing happens. just cant figure it out.
       also aside from the main quest which takes like 2 minutes, there
       is VERY little to do. the best part is that 1on1 fight between
       fradz and the elemental boss.
       there is no addition to the story at all. the trolls have
       nothing to do with anything and yeah, you got that "The Healer"
       fight, which is kinda good, but i dont know man. it just feels
       like the level is completely empty and has a boring design. i
       cant help it.
       chapter 9 just feels very unfinished. the terrain of the caves
       is very plain and its VERY straight forward. its actually a cool
       idea to have the heros seperately fight death knights and a
       cavemonster boss but... you know, it just FEELS so empty all
       chapter long, nothing really goes on.
       the truth about fradz yeah, but thats really just a
       conversation. nothing really HAPPENS or anyhing.
       tbh i dont even remember how they even noticed...^^
       #Post#: 12239--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CoNteMpT
       By: liauyuancheng Date: April 4, 2013, 6:46 am
       [quote=liauyuancheng]Agreed! The car race track takes up WAYYY
       too much space, which can be converted to other stuff, like more
       optional quests to complete and more minibosses to
       The chapter has enough of mini-bosses already. And I don't want
       to create too many quests to a single chapter. But I was
       thinking to create a Death Knight quest.
       I suggest to include a Death Knight quest for Chapters 5, 6 and
       7. Currently, only chapters 4, 8 and 9 have it. Continuation and
       development of storyline is important. :)
       #Post#: 12362--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CoNteMpT
       By: Aeroblyctos Date: April 11, 2013, 2:56 am
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12236#msg12236
       1. the bosses without enough visibility to their spells that i
       have in mind right now are only axobada and the obelisk from chp
       9. there are more, but i cant remember them now.[/quote]
       I see. But the boss just has that carrion swarm and it always
       starts from the north so it shouldn't be a problem. Is there
       another spell that is a problem?
       [quote author=CoNteMpT link=topic=1344.msg12236#msg12236
       date=1365069481]chapter 9 just feels very unfinished. the
       terrain of the caves is very plain and its VERY straight
       forward. its actually a cool idea to have the heros seperately
       fight death knights and a cavemonster boss but... you know, it
       just FEELS so empty all chapter long, nothing really goes on.
       the truth about fradz yeah, but thats really just a
       conversation. nothing really HAPPENS or anyhing.
       tbh i dont even remember how they even noticed...^^
       chapter 9 just feels very unfinished. the terrain of the caves
       is very plain and its VERY straight forward. its actually a cool
       idea to have the heros seperately fight death knights and a
       cavemonster boss but... you know, it just FEELS so empty all
       chapter long, nothing really goes on.
       the truth about fradz yeah, but thats really just a
       conversation. nothing really HAPPENS or anyhing.
       tbh i dont even remember how they even noticed...^^
       The idea is for chapter 9 is that it is first straight forward
       but after the heroes unite then the chapter is open. And nothing
       really happens after the truth is told because they are still
       shocked. At the interlude between 9 and 10 happens but also in
       the last chapter.
       And about the terrain; no can do. I'm a shit terrainer and that
       is best I can do with cave terrain.
       And once again, the campaign basic structure has been created
       long time ago and I can't do anything about it anymore. I will
       just have to do my best to improve the poor house I build years
       ago. I feel like this is a great introduction for the world of
       Oelivert. The well designed story is being written to the book.
       This is just the beginning.
       [quote author=liauyuancheng link=topic=1344.msg12239#msg12239
       date=1365075987]I suggest to include a Death Knight quest for
       Chapters 5, 6 and 7. Currently, only chapters 4, 8 and 9 have
       it. Continuation and development of storyline is important. :)
       Chapter 7 will have an optional quest about the death knights. I
       feel like the death knights are for the later story so they're
       not so much shown at the early chapters.