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       #Post#: 12672--------------------------------------------------
       By: megmaconqueror Date: April 23, 2013, 8:40 pm
       [quote]1) Gameplay - What do you think about the gameplay. For
       example, are the abilities, items and spell book spells fine? Is
       there too much killing? Is the campaign too repetitive?[/quote]
       The gameplay is great, at least if you are taking difficulty
       into the equation.
       Personally, with the lower difficulties, I find the gameplay too
       repetitive, and kind of dull. I guess that is just a side effect
       from playing on the harder difficulties.
       The abilities, items, and spell book spells are great. I'm very
       eager to try different combinations of items, and
       It would be a 5/5, if it weren't for the unavoidable side-effect
       from playing on harder difficulties.
       [quote]2) Bosses - What do you think about the bosses at the
       campaign? Are they challenging, balanced, different and unique
       enough? What is your favorite boss and what boss could need some
       While I haven't gotten through to many of the bosses, I think
       they are good.
       I believe the bosses in the early chapters could do with a bit
       more of a random factor to their attacks. And maybe bump up
       their challenge a bit. I am able to clear them very easily on
       hardcore, with no real threat to dying.
       I can't say I have a favorite boss just yet, I haven't seen many
       of them to decide.
       Overall I give a 4.5/5
       [quote]3) Difficulty - What is your opinion about the
       difficulties. What difficulty did you play? What was your
       impression about it? Do you think the difficulties are balanced
       enough or do they need improvements?[/quote]
       I love the difficulties, they offer solutions to different
       needs. For an example, for someone who's looking for a
       challenge, the hard+ difficulties are great; while someone who's
       wanting to play a little more laid back and/or focus more on the
       story, normal and below are great for them.
       I have been playing on hardcore because I love the idea of one
       live only. It makes me think every action through before doing
       it. As well as come up with unique ways to solve puzzles, such
       as a mini-boss or a large group of enemies.
       Mmm... I can't really say what my first impression is. It was
       too long ago :D
       I think they are balanced and don't need any tweaking to them.
       [quote]4) Terrain - What do you think about the terrain? Is it
       eye candy or not? What you believe is the most beautiful place
       and what should be improved.[/quote]
       The terrain looks great and is definitely eye candy.
       As I've said above, I haven't gone through much of TCO, so I
       cannot pick one as of yet.
       I do think the terrain can be improved. There are small things,
       like being able to walk into a giant rock, or building that
       could be fixed. They tend to ruin the feel of the game when
       something walks right through them. Aside from that, everything
       is great.
       [quote]5) Atmosphere - What do you think about the atmosphere of
       the campaign? Too funny? Too sad? And what about music, does it
       I don't think much about the atmosphere of the campaign. Mainly
       because that's not where my head is at. I'm more focused on the
       battles, and what I need to do to complete the campaign and for
       my character.
       I generally have sound disabled and my own music playing. So I
       cannot comment on the music.
       I give a 5/5, because I love TCO. But I would like to note that
       this is NOT a real opinion on this matter.
       [quote]6) Story - What do you think about the story. Is too
       simple or confusing? Is it mysterious and complicated enough?
       What is your favorite character?[/quote]
       I love the story so far. It isn't too simple or confusing.
       The mystery is what has me hooked. ;D
       All three of the player controlled heroes are my favorite.
       However, I do feel that Phodom is out of place when compared to
       the other two. While the other two come off as a bit insane,
       Phodom is more level headed.
       [quote]7) Cinematics - What do you think about the cinematics.
       Tell what is the worst and the best cinematic and why.[/quote]
       I love the cinematics so far.
       As said in questions 4, and 2. I haven't gone through much of
       the campaign, so I cannot pick a worst and best cinematic.
       [quote]8) All things considered, how would you describe your
       playing experience the game? What could be done better and what
       you believe doesn't anymore need my attention?[/quote]
       I would have to say my playing experience is pretty epic.
       I don't think there is anything that could be done better.
       Personally, I believe that a little more attention/extra help,
       is needed for bug fixing. And by bug fixing, I am addressing the
       major ones that cause crashes.
       [quote]9) Would you recommend this campaign to your
       If I had some, and if they played wc3. Yes!
       (why do I need to put a rate on this???) 5/5
       [quote]10) How did you found this campaign? You might have any
       hints for me to bring this campaign more to the daylight? Some
       sites for example where I could advertise the campaign?[/quote]
       I don't remember how I found this campaign. I probable just
       googled for "wc3 custom campaign" and eventually found it. :D
       Sadly I don't have any hints to help advertise. D=
       5/5 (again, why rating here???)