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       #Post#: 14614--------------------------------------------------
       O Iibot, O Iibot! where art thou Iibot!
       By: Blazing Date: February 21, 2015, 11:14 am
       So just out of curiosity, for chapter 10 where are the locations
       that Iibot can be found after defeating the spider boss?
       Honestly i just want to find him for the dialogue. Those damn
       popags! So damn entertaining!
       #Post#: 14616--------------------------------------------------
       Re: O Iibot, O Iibot! where art thou Iibot!
       By: Tears Date: February 21, 2015, 11:03 pm
       If you are playing 2.1c or above, he should be at the mushroom
       forest, near the cave. However, you must go to the end of the
       forest then go back (I'm not sure about this, maybe it depends
       on time???). The next place is a small land across the river
       near the starting location.
       Just in case he appear randomly, you may also look for him at
       these locations:
       - Collapsed rocks near the mysterious box
       - Collapsed rocks at east side of the river, near popag camp
       - Opposite the lucky box
       #Post#: 14623--------------------------------------------------
       Re: O Iibot, O Iibot! where art thou Iibot!
       By: Blazing Date: February 22, 2015, 8:37 pm
       Thanks tears! ill try it on my next playthrough!