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       #Post#: 54101--------------------------------------------------
       RULES - Please Read!
       By: sizzle Date: January 3, 2023, 5:02 pm
       [center]R  U  L  E  S[/center]
       [center]:pinkheart:Slight change of rules!!
       Only 2 bids pr. person in each challenge.
       Some never get the chance to bribe or bid due to the time zones.
       Making it fair for all!  :pinkheart:[/center]
       Color a bw picture - or change a color to bw - and bring it to
       life - have fun with playing with the items you get. Can do avs
       - board sets or even textures...feel free to create. Feel free
       to donate - mark as N/A if you have other plans for it. Stars
       only for donations.
       [center]1* for avs 2* textures 3* for sets[/center]