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       #Post#: 54102--------------------------------------------------
       BRIBES and DONATIONS - Updated 4/25/23 PLEASE READ 
       By: sizzle Date: January 3, 2023, 5:05 pm
       Bribes and Donations.
       We will continue with the bribe system.. this can be done with
       all avs/sets for donation in the [color=pink]Avatar Magic Games,
       except for the Hearts Desire we would like to keep these just
       for this monthly auction.
       Bribes must be clearly noted in the threads the av/set is in....
       and can the [color=pink]Person Bribing the designer please  make
       note of the bribe in the monthly tally section   [center]
       .:tallies and bribes here:. .
 (HTM) https://tenderbrutality.createaforum.com/tallies-and-bribes/.[/center]
       [size=14pt]At the end of every month, if you have avs from other
       games that havent been bribed, you can donate them for the
       Auctions. please add them to this thread
       [center]  [color=limegreen].💗 Unbribed Donations
 (HTM) https://tenderbrutality.createaforum.com/heart's-desire/128151-unbribed-donations-for-donations-that-don't-get-bribes-during-the-month-o/.[/center]
       Designers can of course auction these with their own threads in
       the Members Auction or on their own boards,  :)
       We hope this works but please let us know if there are any
       question..or if we have missed a point....or if it makes no
       eVa, sizzlebrat and sassy.. :pinkheart: :kissheart: boobs
       #Post#: 60708--------------------------------------------------
       By: eVa Date: April 25, 2023, 9:57 pm
       i'm gobsmacked we have to institute a system because someone is
       consistently not posting their bribes.
       Each designer who donates their time and creativity at Tender
       Brutality works hard to provide avs and sets for bidding and
       auctions. It is reprehensible of anyone in this community to
       constantly not follow rules of bribing.  These rules are clearly
       stated on each design board thread.  AND repeated reminders have
       been given.
       Moving forward, in order to protect the designers and to ensure
       they receive the bribes due them, the following policy is in
       Briber has 48 hours to post all bribes from time of acceptance
       from the designer.
       1st time this is not done - Briber will be reminded
       2nd time - Briber will not be allowed to bribe any avs/sets or
       participate in auctions for one month.  Nor will anyone be
       allowed to bribe/participate in auctions on briber's behalf.
       3rd time - Same as the above for three months.
       4th time - Same as the above for six months.  In addition, stars
       will not be awarded to the briber for games played during this
       For every other Tender who follows bribing etiquette - we thank
       have an issue with the above - pm me, i am the person who will
       set you straight.