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       #Post#: 3--------------------------------------------------
       Problem whit base.
       By: DragovichUif Date: November 11, 2012, 4:25 am
       When i come in game i was see this
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/MWUWo.jpg[/img]
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/NRGWG.png[/img]
       than i type /kill but still i was spawnig there.
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/DcrVn.jpg[/img]
       But eventually it worked.
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/hiW1c.jpg[/img]
       so i dont say that us base is bad but we need to do something
       about this.
       This bug i see when we come back from /gwar or game start
       #Post#: 4--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Problem whit base.
       By: tbhfounder Date: November 11, 2012, 3:40 pm