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       #Post#: 2--------------------------------------------------
       Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: Jacqui Date: January 26, 2017, 3:25 am
       Hi people! Here's some hot news about the new project team which
       is trying to design and build a boat that will travel at awesome
       speeds. Check it out!
       "How fast can a boat go? The current World Record for a manned
       craft is 317.6 mph, set by Ken Warby in 'Spirit of Australia'
       way back in 1978. Almost four decades later, no-one has been
       able to go faster. It seems that it is virtually impossible for
       a human being to react quickly enough to deal with the high
       levels of kinetic energy, aerodynamic and hydrodynamic effects
       that threaten to destroy any boat travelling at extreme speeds
       on open water."
       "We are taking a different approach by introducing state of the
       art technology into a radical new hull design, which will
       incorporate rocket power and replace the pilot with
       sophisticated AI (Artificial Intelligence). A team of seven
       experts has been commissioned to handle Hull Design, Propulsion
       Systems, Stability Devices, Computer Control Systems, Venue
       Management, Sponsorship and Marketing, and Team Management. The
       project is being organised in four main stages:"
       "Stage One ('Feasibility Study') is in progress and should be
       complete by April 2017. As well as producing a preliminary
       design for the vessel and a holistic report on all the elements
       relating to successful operation at high speed, we are also
       negotiating with a sponsor who will have Naming Rights. At that
       point a dedicated website will be launched as part of the
       marketing drive to raise both public and media interest in the
       upcoming record attempts."
       "Stage Two ('Design Development') is expected to be complete by
       Summer 2018. It will comprise the construction of a series of
       prototype boats, in a process of evolution that will attempt to
       refine and prove the concept of every system involved, to ensure
       that these systems are all capable of functioning in a mutually
       supportive manner, and to develop the management strategies for
       operating the boat at increasingly higher speeds."
       "Stage Three ('Full Scale Testing') will take one or two years,
       and will include all the work needed to prepare for and execute
       the forthcoming record attempts. Command and Control decisions
       will be made, finalised marketing methods prepared, and a wide
       range of issues such as Health and Safety addressed. A choice of
       venue will be made, manufacture of a number of boats undertaken,
       and numerous training sessions held to ensure that all personnel
       are fully prepared for any eventuality."
       "Stage Four ('Capability Demonstration') will take place no
       earlier than 2021. This is the acid test, where the boat will be
       formally attempting to set a water speed record under the
       scrutiny of an independent official body and the representatives
       of the Guinness Book of Records. The intention is to make two
       runs in opposite directions, through a marked course of one
       kilometre or one mile, within a limited time. These are the same
       criteria used for manned record attempts."
       "Our initial work has suggested that the most likely
       configuration for the boat will be as a 'reverse three point
       hydroplane' and that it will require both interactive
       aerodynamic devices and movable hydrodynamic devices to maintain
       stability at high speed. The propulsion system is being
       developed as a multi-stage Solid Rocket Booster arrangement,
       using the same propellant as the SRBs which lifted the Space
       Shuttle to a height of 30 miles and a speed of 3,000 mph. The
       most complex part of the whole project is likely to be the
       software, which will have to be 'trained' to respond more
       quickly, delicately and intelligently that a human ever could."
       "We are looking at a number of locations which may provide
       suitable water surfaces. The craft is anticipated to need an
       Acceleration Zone of six miles, followed by a one mile Timing
       Zone, and then a six mile Deceleration Zone, for a total of
       thirteen miles. Since our team members are based in
       Cambridgeshire, London and Northamptonshire, the focus is on
       finding a test location in England. A UK venue is also preferred
       from a marketing point of view."
       "Monthly progress reports will be issued beginning in summer
       2017. In the meantime, we will be publishing news updates on the
       project as appropriate."
       Sounds like these guys and girls have their act together! Since
       I know the man in charge of it all, I'll see if I can get the
       go-ahead to put the breaking news on this Forum!
       #Post#: 3--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: James Date: January 26, 2017, 5:17 am
       Good job Jacqui for getting this information from the people
       actually putting the project together. I know that much of what
       they do has to be kept out of the public domain, but here's
       hoping they will be prepared to share some of the 'hot news'
       with us! I'm particularly looking forward to finding out more
       about the 'hydrodynamic stability devices' which I'm guessing
       are a hi-tech version of the 'Stabilisers' fitted to most large
       passenger ships.
       #Post#: 4--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: MintCake Date: January 26, 2017, 5:40 am
       The text from the team is impressive. I particularly appreciate
       the way they've broken down the project into clear stages,and
       their timescale of four years looks realistic, considering the
       amount of work that has to be done. I was wondering if the
       sponsorship is performance related, and if the development team
       will have to meet targets at the end of each stage to continue
       receiving funding? But I know that neither party to those
       negotiations will want to show their hand.
       #Post#: 6--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: Swordfish Date: January 26, 2017, 6:54 am
       I'm amazed how the design team have so very clearly explained
       their thinking and the way they are organising the project. The
       thing that most intrigues me is the idea of using solid rocket
       propulsion and how they are planning to use AI to control the
       dynamic behaviour of the vessel at very high speeds, where
       nobody yet knows what will happen. I imagine they will fit a
       'Black Box' or use real time streaming of data and imagery from
       the boat so that if things go wrong on a test run they will at
       least be able to learn from the event and use it to improve
       their approach on future attempts. It's good that they aren't
       making themselves a hostage to fortune by claiming they will
       reach XXX mph, but it's clear from reading 'between the lines'
       that they intend to beat the 'manned' record of 317.6 mph.
       #Post#: 7--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: Jacqui Date: January 26, 2017, 8:13 am
       I'm having a meeting with two of the development team at the
       weekend to see how they're doing, so if anyone on the Forum
       wants me to ask them a question, please post it on the Forum by
       6pm (GMT) on Friday 27th January and I'll try and find the
       answer for you! BTW, I do know that they will have a 'virtual
       black box' on all the test boats and in record attempts, and
       this will transmit a constant stream of data from sensors on the
       boat to recorders on the shore. They'll be fitting several TV
       cameras on the boat as well.
       #Post#: 8--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: James Date: January 26, 2017, 10:25 am
       Jacqui, would it be possible to ask what is meant by a 'reverse
       three point hydroplane?' Also, I've been wondering if the recent
       'Brexit' decision has made any difference to the process of
       obtaining sponsorship in 2017? Thanks!
       #Post#: 9--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: Airfixer Date: January 26, 2017, 2:13 pm
       Hey Jacqui! I'm interested in the criteria the team are using to
       find the right stretch of water to do the tests, and how they
       can predict which are more likely to have very smooth surfaces.
       Also, as I'm a wildlife photographer, I've noticed that lakes
       and rivers are often calmer just as dawn is breaking. Could the
       fast runs be done at that time of day? I suppose it may depend
       whether the navigation system on the boat uses visual waypoints
       or is electronic, or radio based. Could you ask about these
       points please? Cheers!
       #Post#: 10--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: Swordfish Date: January 26, 2017, 2:17 pm
       The multi-stage rocket arrangement is interesting. Could we be
       told a little more about how that is configured? I've seen some
       video of USA amateur rocket enthusiasts in action, and their
       birds really fly!
       #Post#: 11--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: Wildchild Date: January 26, 2017, 2:27 pm
       Are there any thoughts yet about the size of the boat? If the
       record attempt needs a six mile run-up, I'm thinking that a very
       long rocket or rockets will be needed to give a long enough burn
       time. And once the rockets expire, will there be devices to slow
       the boat down, or will air and water friction be enough to bring
       it to a standstill? Be good to know a few more tasty details,
       and to see this craft set a new record!
       #Post#: 12--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Creating The Fastest Boat
       By: Jacqui Date: January 26, 2017, 2:30 pm
       Good questions guys! Keep sending 'em in! Only another 22 hours
       before my deadline!
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