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       #Post#: 26--------------------------------------------------
       Events on this day 
       By: ffrest1995 Date: February 1, 2016, 4:03 pm
       Here are the events that made history on February 1st.
       1788 - Isaac Briggs and William Longstreet patented the
       1790 - The U.S. Supreme Court convened for the first time in New
       York City.
       1793 - France declared war on Britain and Holland.
       1793 - Ralph Hodgson patented oiled silk.
       1842 - In New York City, the "City Despatch Post" began
       operations. It was a private company that was the first to
       introduce adhesive postage stamps in the western hemisphere. The
       company was bought by the U.S. governemnt a few months laster
       and renamed "United States City Despatch Post."
       1861 - Texas voted to secede from the Union.
       1862 - "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," by Julia Ward Howe was
       first published in the "Atlantic Monthly."
       1865 - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signed a Joint Resolution
       submitting the proposed 13th Amendment to the states.
       1867 - In the U.S., bricklayers start working 8-hour days.
       1884 - The first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary was
       1893 - Thomas A. Edison completed work on the world's first
       motion picture studio in West Orange, NJ.
       1896 - Puccini's opera "La Boheme" premiered in Turin.
       1898 - The Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, CT, issued
       the first automobile insurance policy. Dr. Truman Martin of
       Buffalo, NY, paid $11.25 for the policy, which gave him $5,000
       in liability coverage.
       1900 - Eastman Kodak Co. introduced the $1 Brownie box camera.
       1913 - Grand Central Terminal (also known as Grand Central
       Station) opened in New York City, NY. It was the largest train
       station in the world.
       1919 - The first Miss America was crowned in New York City.
       1920 - The first armored car was introduced.
       1920 - Canada's Royal North West Mounted Police changed their
       name to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The organization was
       commissioned in 1873.
       1921 - Carmen Fasanella registered as a taxicab owner and driver
       in Princeton, New Jersey. Fasanella retired November 2, 1989
       after 68 years and 243 days of service.
       1929 - Weightlifter Charles Rigoulet of France achieved the
       first 400 pound ‘clean and jerk’ as he lifted 402-1/2 pounds.
       1930 - The Times published its first crossword puzzle.
       1946 - Norwegian statesman Trygve Lie was chosen to be the first
       secretary-general of the United Nations.
       1951 - The first telecast of an atomic explosion took place.
       1951 - The first X-ray moving picture process was demonstrated.
       1953 - CBS-TV debuted "Private Secretary."
       1954 - CBS-TV showed "The Secret Storm" for the first time.
       1957 - P.H. Young became the first black pilot on a scheduled
       passenger airline.
       1958 - The United Arab Republic was formed by a union of Egypt
       and Syria. It was broken 1961.
       1960 - Four black college students began a sit-in protest at a
       lunch counter in Greensboro, NC. They had been refused service.
       1968 - During the Vietnam War, South Vietnamese National Police
       Chief Brig. Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan executed a Viet Cong officer
       with a pistol shot to the head. The scene was captured in a news
       1976 - "Sonny and Cher" resumed on TV despite a real life
       1979 - Patty Hearst was released from prison after serving 22
       months of a seven-year sentence for bank robbery. Her sentence
       had been commuted by U.S. President Carter.
       1979 - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was welcomed in Tehran as he
       ended nearly 15 years of exile.
       1987 - Terry Williams won the largest slot machine payoff, at
       the time, when won $4.9 million after getting four lucky 7s on a
       machine in Reno, NV.
       1991 - A USAir jetliner crashed atop a commuter plane at Los
       Angeles International Airport. 35 people were killed.
       1994 - Jeff Gillooly pled guilty in Portland, OR, for his role
       in the attack on figure skater Nancy Kerrigan. Gillooly, Tonya
       Harding's ex-husband, struck a plea bargain under which he
       confessed to racketeering charges in exchange for testimony
       implicating Harding.
       1996 - Visa and Mastercard announced security measures that
       would make it safe to shop on the Internet.
       1998 - Stuart Whitman received a star on the Hollywood Walk of
       1999 - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky gave a
       deposition that was videotaped for senators weighing impeachment
       charges against U.S. President Clinton.
       2001 - Three Scottish judges found Abdel Basset al-Mergrahi
       guilty of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which killed
       270 people. The court said that Megrahi was a member of the
       Libyan intelligence service. Al-Amin Khalifa, who had been
       co-accused, was acquitted and freed.
       2003 - NASA's space shuttle Columbia exploded while re-entering
       the Earth's atmosphere. All seven astronauts on board were
       From On-this-day.com.
       #Post#: 31--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: Bennett Davishoff Date: February 2, 2016, 7:42 am
       Wow you are very smart!
       #Post#: 33--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: SimpsonsFan2000 Date: February 2, 2016, 12:03 pm
       Today is February 2nd. Here are the events happened in this day.
       1536 - The Argentine city of Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro
       de Mendoza of Spain.
       1653 - New Amsterdam, now known as New York City, was
       1802 - The first leopard to be exhibited in the United States
       was shown by Othello Pollard in Boston, MA.
       1848 - The Mexican War was ended with the signing of the Treaty
       of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The treaty turned over portions of land to
       the U.S., including Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona,
       California and parts of Colorado and Wyoming. The U.S. gave
       Mexico $15,000,000 and assumed responsibility of all claims
       against Mexico by American citizens. Texas had already entered
       the U.S. on December 29, 1845.
       1848 - The first shipload of Chinese emigrants arrived in San
       Francisco, CA.
       1863 - Samuel Langhorne Clemens used a pseudonym for the first
       time. He is better remembered by the pseudonym which is Mark
       1870 - The "Cardiff Giant" was revealed to be nothing more than
       carved gypsum. The discovery in Cardiff, NY, was alleged to be
       the petrified remains of a human.
       1876 - The National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs
       (known as the National League) was formed in New York. The teams
       included were the Chicago White Stockings, Philadelphia
       Athletics, Boston Red Stockings, Hartford Dark Blues, Mutual of
       New York, St. Louis Brown Stockings, Cincinnati Red Stockings
       and the Louisville Grays.
       1878 - Greece declared war on Turkey.
       1880 - The S.S. Strathleven arrived in London with the first
       successful shipment of frozen mutton from Australia.
       1887 - The beginning of Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, PA.
       1892 - William Painter patented the bottle cap.
       1893 - The Edison Studio in West Orange, NJ, made history when
       they filmed the first motion picture close-up. The studio was
       owned and operated by Thomas Edison.
       1897 - The Pennsylvania state capitol in Harrisburg was
       destroyed by fire. The new statehouse was dedicated nine years
       later on the same site.
       1913 - Grand Central Terminal officially opened at 12:01 a.m.
       Even though construction was not entirely complete more than
       150,000 people visited the new terminal on its opening day.
       1935 - Leonard Keeler conducted the first test of the polygraph
       machine, in Portage, WI.
       1943 - During World War II, the remainder of Nazi forces from
       the Battle of Stalingrad surrendered to the Soviets. Stalingrad
       has since been renamed Volgograd.
       1945 - U.S. President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister
       Winston Churchill left for a summit in Yalta with Soviet leader
       Josef Stalin.
       1946 - The first Buck Rogers automatic pistol was made.
       1946 - The Mutual Broadcasting System aired "Twenty Questions"
       for the first time on radio. The show moved to television 3
       years later.
       1949 - Golfer Ben Hogan was seriously injured in an auto
       accident in Van Horn, TX.
       1950 - "What's My Line" debuted on CBS television.
       1962 - The 8th and 9th planets aligned for the first time in 400
       1967 - The American Basketball Association was formed by
       representatives of the NBA.
       1971 - Idi Amin assumed power in Uganda after a coup that ousted
       President Milton Obote.
       1980 - The situation known as "Abscam" began when reports
       surfaced that the FBI had conducted a sting operation that
       targeted members of the U.S. Congress. A phony Arab businessmen
       were used in the operation.
       1989 - The final Russian armored column left Kabul, Afghanistan,
       after nine years of military occupation.
       1990 - South African President F.W. de Klerk lifted a ban on the
       African National Congress and promised to free Nelson Mandela.
       1998 - U.S. President Clinton introduced the first balanced
       budget in 30 years.
       1999 - 19 people were killed at Luanda international airport
       when a cargo plane crashed just after takeoff.
       1999 - Hugo Chávez Frías took office. He had been elected
       president of Venezuela in December 1998.
       2004 - It was reported that a white powder had been found in an
       office of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. The CDC (Centers
       for Disease Control and Prevention) later confirmed that the
       powder was the poison ricin.
       From on-this-day.com.
       #Post#: 43--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: SimpsonsFan2000 Date: February 3, 2016, 1:36 pm
       Today is February 3rd. Here are the events happened in this day.
       1488 - The Portuguese navigator Bartholomeu Diaz landed at
       Mossal Bay in the Cape, the first European known to have landed
       on the southern extremity of Africa.
       1690 - The first paper money in America was issued by the
       Massachusetts colony. The currency was used to pay soldiers that
       were fighting in the war against Quebec.
       1783 - Spain recognized the independence of the United States.
       1809 - The territory of Illinois was created.
       1815 - The world's first commercial cheese factory was
       established in Switzerland.
       1862 - Thomas Edison printed the "Weekly Herald" and distributed
       it to train passengers traveling between Port Huron and Detroit,
       MI. It was the first time a newspaper had been printed on a
       1869 - Edwin Booth opened his new theatre in New York City. The
       first production was "Romeo and Juliet".
       1900 - In Frankfort, KY, gubernatorial candidate William Goebels
       died from an assasin's bullet wounds. On August 18, 1900,
       Ex-Sec. of State Caleb Powers was found guilt of conspiracy to
       murder Gov. Goebels.
       1913 - The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified.
       It authorized the power to impose and collect income tax.
       1916 - In Ottawa, Canada's original parliament buildings burned
       1917 - The U.S. broke off diplomatic relations with Germany,
       which had announced a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.
       1918 - The Twin Peaks Tunnel began service. It is the longest
       streetcar tunnel in the world at 11,920 feet.
       1927 - The Federal Radio Commission was created when U.S.
       President Calvin Coolidge signed a bill.
       1941 - In Vichy, France, the Nazis used force to restore Pierre
       Laval to office.
       1945 - Russia agreed to enter World War II against Japan.
       1946 - The first issue of "Holiday" magazine appeared.
       1947 - Percival Prattisbecame the first black news correspondent
       admitted to the House and Senate press gallery in Washington,
       DC. He worked for "Our World" in New York City.
       1951 - Dick Button won the U.S. figure skating title for the
       sixth time.
       1951 - The Tennessee Williams play, "The Rose Tattoo", opened on
       Broadway in New York.
       1966 - The first rocket-assisted controlled landing on the Moon
       was made by the Soviet space vehicle Luna IX.
       1969 - At the Palestinian National Congress in Cairo, Yasser
       Arafat was appointed leader of the PLO.
       1972 - The first Winter Olympics in Asia were held at Sapporo,
       1984 - Challenger 4 was launched as the tenth space shuttle
       1989 - South African politician P.W. Botha unwillingly resigned
       both party leadership and the presidency after suffering a
       1998 - Texas executed Karla Faye Tucker. She was the first woman
       executed in the U.S. since 1984.
       1998 - In Italy, a U.S. Military plane hit a cable causing the
       death of 20 skiers on a lift.
       2009 - Eric Holder was sworn in as attorney general. He was the
       first African-American to hold the post.
       2010 - The Alberto Giacometti sculpture L'Homme qui marche sold
       for $103.7 million.
       2015 - The British House of Commons voted to approve letting
       scientist create babies from the DNA of three people.
       From on-this-day.com.
       #Post#: 57--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: SimpsonsFan2000 Date: February 4, 2016, 10:51 am
       Today is February 4th. Here are the events happened in this day.
       1783 - Britain declared a formal cessation of hostilities with
       its former colonies, the United States of America.
       1789 - Electors unanimously chose George Washington to be the
       first president of the United States.
       1824 - J.W. Goodrich introduced rubber galoshes to the public.
       1847 - In Maryland, the first U.S. Telegraph Company was
       1861 - Delegates from six southern states met in Montgomery, AL,
       to form the Confederate States of America.
       1865 - The Hawaiian Board of Education was formed.
       1895 - The Van Buren Street Bridge opened in Chicago, IL.
       1901 - "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines" opened in New York
       1904 - The Russo-Japanese War began after Japan laid siege to
       Port Arthur.
       1913 - Louis Perlman received a patent for his demountable
       tire-carrying rims.
       1932 - The first Winter Olympics were held in the United States
       at Lake Placid, NY.
       1935 - CBS radio presented "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" for
       the first time.
       1936 - Radium E. became the first radioactive substance to be
       produced synthetically.
       1938 - The play "Our Town", by Thornton Wilder, opened in New
       York City.
       1941 - The United Service Organizations (USO) was created.
       1945 - During World War II, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt,
       British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef
       Stalin began a conference at Yalta to outline plans for
       Germany's defeat.
       1948 - Ceylon gained independence within the British
       Commonwealth. The country later became known as Sri Lanka.
       1952 - Jackie Robinson was named Director of Communication for
       NBC. He was the first black executive of a major radio-TV
       1953 - "The Stooge" premiered at the Paramount Theatre in New
       York City.
       1957 - Smith-Corona Manufacturing Inc., of New York, began
       selling portable electric typewriters. The first machine weighed
       19 pounds.
       1964 - The Administrator of General Services announced that the
       24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution had been ratified. The
       amendment banned the poll tax.
       1968 - The world's largest hovercraft was launched at Cowes,
       Isle of Wight.
       1973 - The Reshef was unveiled as Israel's missile boat.
       1974 - Patricia (Patty) Hearst was kidnapped in Berkeley, CA, by
       the Symbionese Liberation Army.
       1976 - An earthquake in Guatemala and Honduras killed more than
       22,000 people.
       1985 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan's defense budget called for
       a tripling of the expenditure on the "Star Wars" research
       1993 - Russian scientists unfurled a giant mirror in orbit and
       flashed a beam of sunlight across Europe during the night.
       Observers saw it only as a momentary flash.
       1997 - A civil jury in California found O.J. Simpson liable in
       the death of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.
       Goldman's parents were awarded $8.5 million in compensatory
       1997 - Two Israeli troop-carrying helicopters collided on their
       way to Lebanon, all 73 soldiers and airmen aboard were killed.
       1997 - President Milosevic of Serbia apparently surrendered to
       the will of his people, ordering his government to recognize
       opposition victories in local elections held in November 1996.
       1997 - Mario Lemieux (Pittsburgh Penguins) scored his 600th
       National Hockey League (NHL) goal during his 719th game. Lemieux
       reached the milestone second fastest in history. Gretzky had
       reached the plateau during his 718th game.
       1998 - In northeast Afghanistan, at least 5,000
       killed in an earthquake that measured 6.1 on the Richter Scale.
       1999 - Warplanes from Israel attacked south Lebanon just after
       rockets were fired toward Israel. No casualies were claimed on
       either side.
       1999 - Gary Coleman was sentenced to a $400 fine, a suspended
       90-day jail sentence, and ordered to attend 52 anger-management
       classes. The sentence stemmed from Coleman assaulting an
       autograph seeker on July 30, 1998.
       1999 - Amadou Diallo, an unarmed West African immigrant, was
       shot and killed in front of his Bronx home by four plainclothes
       New York City police officers. The officers had been conducting
       a nighttime search for a rape suspect.
       2000 - Austrian President Thomas Klestil swore in a coalition
       government that included Joerg Haider's far-right Freedom Party.
       European Union sanctions were a result of the action.
       2003 - Yugoslavia was formally dissolved by lawmakers. The
       country was replaced with a loose union of its remaining two
       republics, Serbia and Montenegro.
       2004 - The social networking website Facebook.com was launched.
       #Post#: 68--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: SimpsonsFan2000 Date: February 5, 2016, 3:23 pm
       Today is February 5th!
       1782 - The Spanish captured Minorca from the British.
       1783 - Sweden recognized the independence of the United States.
       1846 - "The Oregon Spectator", based in Oregon City, became the
       first newspaper published on the Pacific coast.
       1861 - Samuel Goodale patented the moving picture peep show
       1885 - Congo State was established under Leopold II of Belgium,
       as a personal possession.
       1881 - Phoenix, AZ, was incorporated.
       1917 - Mexico's constitution was adopted.
       1917 - The U.S. Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1917
       (Asiatic Barred Zone Act) with an overwhelming majority. The
       action overrode President Woodrow Wilson's December 14, 1916
       1924 - The BBC time signals, or "pips", from Greenwich
       Observatory were heard for the first time. They are broadcast
       every hour.
       1931 - Maxine Dunlap became the first woman licensed as a glider
       1937 - U.S. President Roosevelt proposed enlarging the U.S.
       Supreme Court. The plan failed.
       1940 - "Amanda of Honeymoon Hill" debuted on radio.
       1952 - In New York City, four signs were installed at 44th
       Street and Broadway in Times Square that told pedestrians "don't
       1953 - The Walt Disney’s film "Peter Pan" opened at the Roxy
       Theatre in New York City.
       Disney movies, music and books
       1958 - Gamel Abdel Nasser was formally nominated to become the
       first president of the United Arab Republic.
       1961 - The first issue of the "Sunday Telegraph" was published.
       1962 - French President Charles De Gaulle called for Algeria's
       1972 - Bob Douglas became the first black man elected to the
       Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA.
       1982 - Great Britain imposed economic sanctions against Poland
       and Russia in protest against martial law in Poland.
       1987 - The Dow Jones industrial average closed above the
       2,200-point for the first time. The market closed at 2201.49.
       1988 - A pair of indictments were unsealed in Florida, accusing
       Panama's military leader, Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega, of
       bribery and drug trafficking.
       1994 - White separatist Byron De La Beckwith was convicted in
       Jackson, MS, of the 1963 murder of civil rights leader Medgar
       1997 - Switzerland's "Big Three" banks announced they would
       create a $71 million fund for Holocaust victims and their
       1997 - Investment bank Morgan Stanley announced a $10 billion
       merger with Dean Witter.
       1999 - Mike Tyson was sentenced to a year in jail for assaulting
       two people after a car accident on August 31, 1998. Tyson was
       also fined $5,000, had to serve 2 years of probation, and had to
       perform 200 hours of community service upon release.
       2001 - It was announced the Kelly Ripa would be Regis Philbin's
       cohost. The show was renamed to "Live! With Regis and Kelly."
       2001 - Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman announced their separation.
       2003 - U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell presented evidence
       to the U.N. concerning Iraq's material breach of U.N. Resolution
       #Post#: 69--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: Bennett Davishoff Date: February 5, 2016, 3:44 pm
       Also Hail Ceasar comes out on this day. Doesn't interest me.
       #Post#: 71--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: SimpsonsFan2000 Date: February 6, 2016, 7:44 pm
       Today is February 6th!
       1778 - The United States gained official recognition from France
       as the two nations signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and
       the Treaty of Alliance in Paris.
       1788 - Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the U.S.
       1815 - The state of New Jersey issued the first American
       railroad charter to John Stevens.
       1843 - "The Virginia Minstrels" opened at the Bowery
       Amphitheatre in New York City. It was the first minstrel show in
       1899 - The U.S. Senate ratified a peace treaty between the U.S.
       and Spain.
       1900 - The Holland Senate ratified the 1899 peace conference
       decree that created in international arbitration court at The
       1900 - U.S. President McKinley appointed W.H. Taft as
       commissioner to report on the Philippines.
       1911 - The first old-age home for pioneers opened in Prescott,
       1926 - The National Football League adopted a rule that made
       players ineligible for competition until their college class
       1932 - Dog sled racing happened for the first time in Olympic
       1933 - The 20th Amendment to the Constitution was declared in
       effect. The amendment moved the start of presidential,
       vice-presidential and congressional terms from March to January.
       1937 - K. Elizabeth Ohi became the first Japanese woman lawyer
       when she received her degree from John Marshall Law School in
       Chicago, IL.
       1950 - NBC radio debuted "Dangerous Assignment".
       1952 - Britain's King George VI died. His daughter, Elizabeth
       II, succeeded him.
       1956 - St. Patrick Center opened in Kankakee, IL. It was the
       first circular school building in the United States.
       1959 - The U.S., for the first time, successfully test-fired a
       Titan intercontinental ballistic missile from Cape Canaveral.
       1971 - NASA Astronaut Alan B. Shepard used a six-iron that he
       had brought inside his spacecraft and swung at three golf balls
       on the surface of the moon.
       1972 - Over 500,000 pieces of irate mail arrived at the mail
       room of CBS-TV, when word leaked out that an edited-for-TV
       version of the X-rated movie, "The Demand," would be shown.
       1973 - Construction began on the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario,
       1985 - The French mineral water company, Perrier, debuted its
       first new product in 123 years. The new items were water with a
       twist of lemon, lime or orange.
       1987 - President Ronald Reagan turned 76 years old this day and
       became the oldest U.S. President in history.
       1998 - Washington National Airport was renamed for U.S.
       President Ronald Reagan with the signing of a bill by U.S.
       President Clinton.
       1999 - King Hussein of Jordan transferred full political power
       to his oldest son the Crown Prince Abdullah.
       1999 - Excerpts of former White House intern Monica Lewinsky's
       videotaped testimony were shown at President Clinton's
       impeachment trial.
       1999 - Heavy fighting resumed along the common border between
       Ethiopia and Eritrea.
       2000 - Russia's acting President Vladimir Putin announced that
       Russian forces had captured Grozny, Chechnya. The capital city
       had been under the control of Chechen rebels.
       2000 - In Finland, Foreign Minister Tarja Halonen became the
       first woman to be elected president.
       2000 - U.S. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton formally declared
       that she was a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat from the state
       of New York.
       2001 - Ariel Sharon was elected Israeli prime minister.
       2002 - A federal judge ordered John Walker Lindh to be held
       without bail pending trial. Lindh was known as the "American
       #Post#: 74--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: SimpsonsFan2000 Date: February 7, 2016, 10:08 am
       Today is February 7th.
       1795 - The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified.
       1818 - "Academician" began publication in New York City.
       1877 - The first Guernsey Cattle Club was organized in New York
       1882 - The last bareknuckle fight for the heavyweight boxing
       championship took place in Mississippi City.
       1893 - Elisha Gray patented a machine called the telautograph.
       It automatically signed autographs to documents.
       1913 - The Turks lost 5,000 men in a battle with the Bulgarian
       army in Gallipoli.
       1922 - DeWitt and Lila Acheson Wallace offered 5,000 copies of
       "Reader's Digest" magazine for the first time.
       1931 - The American opera "Peter Ibbetson," by Deems Taylor,
       premiered in New York City.
       1936 - The U.S. Vice President’s flag was established by
       executive order.
       1940 - "Pinocchio" world premiered at the Center Theatre in
       1941 - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra and Frank Sinatra recorded
       "Everything Happens to Me."
       1943 - The U.S. government announced that shoe rationing would
       go into effect in two days.
       1944 - During World War II, the Germans launched a
       counteroffensive at Anzio, Italy.
       1959 - The play "The Rivalry" opened in New York City.
       1962 - The U.S. government banned all Cuban imports and
       re-export of U.S. products to Cuba from other countries.
       1966 - "Crawdaddy" magazine was published by Paul Williams for
       the first time.
       1974 - The nation of Grenada gained independence from Britain.
       1976 - Darryl Sittler (Toronto Maple Leafs) set a National
       Hockey League (NHL) record when he scored 10 points in a game
       against the Boston Bruins. He scored six goals and four assists.
       1977 - Russia launched Soyuz 24.
       1984 - Space shuttle astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert
       L. Stewart made the first untethered space walk.
       1985 - "Sports Illustrated" released its annual swimsuit
       edition. It was the largest regular edition in the magazine’s
       history at 218 pages.
       1985 - "New York, New York" became the official anthem of New
       York City.
       1986 - Haitian President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier fled his
       country ending 28 years of family rule.
       1991 - The Rev. Jean-Bertrand Aristide was sworn in as Haiti's
       first democratically elected president.
       1999 - NASA's Stardust space probe was launched. The mission was
       to return comet dust samples from comet Wild 2. The mission was
       completed on January 15, 2006 when the sample return capsule
       returned to Earth.
       2000 - California's legislature declared that February 13 would
       be "Charels M. Schulz Day."
       2008 - The Space Shuttle Atlantis launched with the mission of
       delivering the Columbus science laboratory to the International
       Space Station.
       #Post#: 85--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Events on this day 
       By: SimpsonsFan2000 Date: February 10, 2016, 11:26 am
       Sorry I was been not doing around doing them recently, but here
       it is. Today is February 10th!
       1763 - The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. In
       the treaty France ceded Canada to England.
       1840 - Britain's Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe
       1846 - Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
       Saints began their exodus to the west from Illinois.
       1863 - In New York City, two of the world’s most famous midgets,
       General Tom Thumb and Lavinia Warren were married.
       1863 - The fire extinguisher was patented by Alanson Crane.
       1870 - The city of Anaheim was incorporated for the first time.
       1870 - The YWCA was founded in New York City.
       1879 - The electric arc light was used for the first time.
       1897 - "The New York Times" began printing "All the news that's
       fit to print" on their front page.
       1920 - Major league baseball representatives outlawed pitches
       that involve tampering with the ball.
       1923 - Ink paste was manufactured for the first time by the
       Standard Ink Company.
       1925 - The first waterless gas storage tank was placed in
       service in Michigan City, IN.
       1933 - The singing telegram was introduced by the Postal
       Telegraph Company of New York City.
       1933 - Primo Carnera knocked out Ernie Schaaf in round 13 at
       Madison Square Garden in New York City. Schaaf died as a result
       of the knockout punch.
       1934 - The first imperforated, ungummed sheets of postage stamps
       were issued by the U.S. Postal Service in New York City.
       1935 - The Pennsylvania Railroad began passenger service with
       its electric locomotive. The engine was 79-1/2 feet long and
       weighed 230 tons.
       1942 - The Normandie, the former French liner, capsized in New
       York Harbor. The day before the ship had caught fire while it
       was being fitted for the U.S. Navy.
       1949 - "Death of a Salesman" opened at the Morocco Theatre in
       New York City.
       1962 - The Soviet Union exchanged capture American U2 pilot
       Francis Gary Powers for the Soviet spy Rudolph Ivanovich Abel
       being held by the U.S.
       1967 - The 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified.
       The amendment required the appointment of a vice-president when
       that office became vacant and instituted new measures in the
       event of presidential disability.
       1975 - The U.S. Post Office issued a commemorative stamp that
       featured NASA's Pioneer 10 spacecraft.
       1981 - The Las Vegas Hilton hotel-casino caught fire. Eight
       people were killed and 198 were injured.
       1989 - Ron Brown became the first African American to head a
       major U.S. political party when he was elected chairman of the
       Democratic National Committee.
       1990 - South African President F.W. de Klerk announced that
       black activist Nelson Mandela would be released the next day
       after 27 years in captivity.
       1992 - Mike Tyson was convicted in Indianapolis of raping
       Desiree Washington, Miss Black American contestant.
       1997 - The U.S. Army suspended its top-ranking enlisted soldier,
       Army Sgt. Major Gene McKinney following allegations of sexual
       misconduct. McKinney was convicted of obstruction of justice and
       acquitted of 18 counts alleging sexual harassment of six
       military women.
       1998 - A man became the first to be convicted of committing a
       hate crime in cyberspace. The college dropout had e-mailed
       threats to Asian students.
       1998 - Voters in Maine repealed a 1997 gay rights law. Maine was
       the first state to abandone such legislation.
       1999 - Avalanches killed at least 10 people when they roared
       down the French Alps 30 miles from Geneva.
       2005 - North Korea publicly announced for the first time that it
       had nuclear arms. The country also rejected attempts to restart
       disarmament talks in the near future saying that it needed the
       weapons as protection against an increasingly hostile United
       2009 - A Russian and an American satellite collide over Siberia.
       2009 - Amazon announced the Kindle 2.
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