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       #Post#: 17--------------------------------------------------
       Kroger Ad Match Up Expires Jan 2
       By: TheVealeysFreebiesandMore Date: December 27, 2010, 5:42 pm
       10/$10 Mix or Match
       Pepsi Product 2liter Coupon Purchase 1 Sprite and get it for
       Kroger Dip/Sour Cream
       Apples 10 lbs/$10
       Kroger Bagels and Cream Cheese
       Kroger Donuts. Nestle hot Cocoa
       Barillia Pasta
       Kroger Tortilla Chips
       Hunts Snack Pack puddings/ Kroger Fruit Snacks
       Hunts Pasta Sauce
       Dial or Coast Coupons 1.00 off Coast body or Bar Soap.. FREE
       just pay tax