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       #Post#: 2--------------------------------------------------
       Child Application
       By: MikeBowes Date: September 7, 2013, 1:36 am
       Please answer all questions so we can approve you to a family
       that will best fit you
       Real First name
       Time Zone
       Park hotel
       Kid Application
       Name of Child
       Age of Child (please be 6 and above)
       Description of Child
       Things your child could be Disciplined for?
       what does your child like to do
       We are a catch-spank group: yes real life stress is out there
       and playing simple
       spanking threads with a good plot line is very helpful in a real
       life: do you agree that doing catch-spank scenes will work for
       Catch spanking threads are  threads that in spanking
       we don't mind family threads as long as its ok between parent
       and child
       What Implements are OFF limits to you as a Child Character.
       Do you prefer to be spanked by a mom or Dad Character.. or does
       it not matter: we have problems in finding good adults and
       having you be flexible gets you playing faster
       Do you prefer to be spanked on the bare bottom or do you want it
       done any particular way
       Lot of groups like to stress Group interaction and family fun
       day! I enjoy those myself but their are times that when i post
       my thread i enjoy one-one with my parent so we can have a fun
       role-play. any problems with that type of atmosphere to play in
       Do you agree to play and have fun on the group and promise to
       come to one of the moderator or owners who can help diffuse or
       deescalate a situation from getting out of control
       Do you agree if approved to post on a regular basis and if a
       problem comes up to please
       Talk to the owners for a LOA so your family will not get
       effected by you not posting
       Thank you for your application
       We will get back to you within 48 hours
       #Post#: 125--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Child Application
       By: RodneySimmering Date: September 13, 2013, 12:33 am
       Real First name   Rodney Simmering
       Age:  38
       Time Zone  Central
       Park hotel
       Kid Application
       Name of Child   Gene Simmering
       Age of Child (please be 6 and above)  10
       Description of Child
       likes  candy, soda, cartoons, Nick and Disney, playing in the
       Dislikes; being told what to do, homework, going to bed early.
       Things your child could be Disciplined for?  Not listening to
       parents, being told what to do, can be mouthy,  sneaking away
       from mom and dad to have some fun with friends.
       what does your child like to do, play in the pool, hang out with
       friends, or at times can be happy just watching tv
       We are a catch-spank group: yes real life stress is out there
       and playing simple spanking threads with a good plot line is
       very helpful in a real life: do you agree that doing catch-spank
       scenes will work for you.    Yes
       Catch spanking threads are  threads that in spanking
       we don't mind family threads as long as its ok between parent
       and child
       What Implements are OFF limits to you as a Child Character.
       Do you prefer to be spanked by a mom or Dad Character.. or does
       it not matter: we have problems in finding good adults and
       having you be flexible gets you playing faster.  Prefer dad, but
       mom is ok
       Do you prefer to be spanked on the bare bottom or do you want it
       done any particular way.  leave it up to dad
       Lot of groups like to stress Group interaction and family fun
       day! I enjoy those myself but their are times that when i post
       my thread i enjoy one-one with my parent so we can have a fun
       role-play. any problems with that type of atmosphere to play in.
       Do you agree to play and have fun on the group and promise to
       come to one of the moderator or owners who can help diffuse or
       deescalate a situation from getting out of control.  yes
       Do you agree if approved to post on a regular basis and if a
       problem comes up to please
       Talk to the owners for a LOA so your family will not get
       effected by you not posting   yes