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       #Post#: 3--------------------------------------------------
       Adult Application
       By: MikeBowes Date: September 7, 2013, 1:38 am
       Park Hotel
       Adult Application
       Real Life First name
       Time Zone
       Name of Adult
       Age of parent
       Please give a Detailed Description of the adult
       Occupation at the Hotel the Parent Will Have..
       Are you ok with just using Spanking as a primary discipline
       Will you spank someone of the same Sex(meaning will a Dad spank
       another boy or will a Mom spank another little girl. (some do
       have limits on spanking other boys and girls.
       Explain your spanking Ritual.  And what we should expect from
       you on the group
       Explain your Ideal Family (How many children) ages and sex of
       the children Again we want to place children in homes where they
       will feel love
       Do you agree to have fun? And to bring any problems to a mod or
       owner so it can be worked out so it doesn’t have to put on
       the board as a OOC. Those OOC posts end up being a really
       misunderstanding and any problems should be worked out with that
       person and a member of management
       Do you agree not to post one liners as answers to posts
       Do you agree to post on a regular basis  ??   amd do you agree
       to talk to management if a long term of absence needs to happy
       for work or RL issues
       Do you agree playing in a group where Children are constantly
       getting in trouble and needed to be punished.  This is a
       catch=spank group with a good story line and good story in the
       thread. we want to develop the story the love of the ritual and
       the spanking itself....
       Thank you for applying we will get back to you within 24 hours
       with a decision