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       #Post#: 644--------------------------------------------------
       If we lose
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: August 2, 2020, 11:22 pm
       Here is a repost of selected excerpts from The Turner Diaries
       (the entire text of which should be required reading for
       leftists just so they start taking this war more seriously),
       because this will become reality sooner or later if our enemies
       [quote]we had three Black males, one Black female-and two White
       sluts. I shook my head in disgust at the sight of the two White
       girls, neither of whom appeared to be over 18. It didn’t take
       long to decide what to do. We couldn’t afford the noise of
       gunshots, so I took a heavy crowbar and Bill picked up a shovel.
       We started at opposite ends of the crew on the floor, while the
       girls kept them covered with their shotguns. We worked quickly
       but precisely, one blow on the back of the head sufficing for
       each of them.
       Military units commanded by pro-Organization officers began
       disarming all Black military personnel as soon as we launched
       our Monday-morning attack. The excuse they used was that Black
       militants had launched a mutiny in other units and that their
       orders from higher up were to disarm all Blacks to prevent the
       spread of the mutiny. Generally, White servicemen were ready and
       willing to believe that story and did not need to be told twice
       to turn their guns against the Blacks in their units. Those few
       whose liberal predispositions made them hesitate were shot on
       the spot. In other units our enlisted personnel simply began
       shooting any Blacks they saw in uniform and then deserted to
       units commanded by our sympathizers. The Blacks, naturally
       enough, reacted in such a way as to make the story about a Black
       mutiny come true.
       And to help convince them-as well as to keep the niggers spooked
       and doing their thing-we have turned one of our transmitters
       into a phony “soul” station and been broadcasting a call for a
       Black revolution, telling the Blacks to shoot their White
       officers and non-coms before the Whites can disarm them.
       In units with a high quota of non-Whites, our people shot down
       Blacks at random, shouting slogans such as “White power!,” with
       the deliberate intention of provoking a Black reaction. This was
       followed up by the same tactic which we used here so
       successfully: seizing radio stations and broadcasting spurious
       calls for Blacks to turn their guns against their White
       Then a sweep through surrounding neighborhoods begins,
       converging on the designated holding area. Groups of infantry
       are preceded by sound trucks which repeatedly broadcast an
       announcement, such as: “All Blacks must assemble immediately for
       food and water supplies at the Martin Luther King Elementary
       School on 47th Street. Any Black found north of 43rd Street
       after 1:00 PM will be shot on sight. All Blacks must assemble
       ….” At first, groups of Blacks tried to stand their ground and
       defy the troops, apparently under the impression that the
       honkies wouldn’t actually shoot them. (Note to the reader:
       “Honky” was one of many derogatory slang terms referring to a
       White person which was used by Negroes in the three decades
       prior to the Great Revolution. Its origin is uncertain.) They
       discovered their mistake quite soon, however, and the word
       spread quickly. Most Blacks moved along the streets leading into
       the designated areas a block or two ahead of the slowly
       advancing infantry, who made quick searches of each building as
       they came abreast of it. Blacks who had not already vacated the
       premises were roughly driven into the streets at bayonet point.
       If they put up any resistance at all they were shot on the spot,
       and the sound of this occasional gunfire helped to keep the
       other Blacks moving along. There have so far been only about
       half-a-dozen instances of Blacks with contraband firearms
       barricading themselves in buildings and shooting at our troops.
       Whenever this happens the troops bypass the occupied building
       and call in a tank
       The presence of more almost-White mongrels would merely confuse
       the issue-and there is always the danger that they will later
       “pass” as White. Better to deal with them now, as soon as we get
       our hands on them. I have a suspicion their trip into that
       canyon north of here will be a one-way affair!
       August 1, 1993. Today has been the Day of the Rope-a grim and
       bloody day, but an unavoidable one. Tonight, for the first time
       in weeks, it is quiet and totally peaceful throughout all of
       southern California. But the night is filled with silent
       horrors; from tens of thousands of lampposts, power poles, and
       trees throughout this vast metropolitan area the grisly forms
       hang. In the lighted areas one sees them everywhere. Even the
       street signs at intersections have been pressed into service,
       and at practically every street corner I passed this evening on
       my way to HQ there was a dangling corpse, four at every
       intersection. Hanging from a single overpass only about a mile
       from here is a group of about 30, each with an identical placard
       around its neck bearing the printed legend, “I betrayed my
       race.” Two or three of that group had been decked out in
       academic robes before they were strung up, and the whole batch
       are apparently faculty members from the nearby UCLA campus.
       The first thing I saw in the moonlight was the placard with its
       legend in large, block letters: “I defiled my race.” Above the
       placard leered the horribly bloated, purplish face of a young
       woman, her eyes wide open and bulging, her mouth agape. Finally
       I could make out the thin, vertical line of rope disappearing
       into the branches above. Apparently the rope had slipped a bit
       or the branch to which it was tied had sagged, until the woman’s
       feet were resting on the pavement, giving the uncanny appearance
       of a corpse standing upright of its own volition.
       There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in
       this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their
       necks. They are the White women who were married to or living
       with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males. There are
       also a number of men wearing the l-defiled-my-race placard, but
       the women easily outnumber them seven or eight to one. On the
       other hand, about ninety per cent of the corpses with the
       I-betrayed-my-race placards are men, and overall the sexes seem
       to be roughly balanced. Those wearing the latter placards are
       the politicians, the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV
       newscasters, the newspaper reporters and editors, the judges,
       the teachers, the school officials, the “civic leaders,” the
       bureaucrats, the preachers, and all the others who, for reasons
       of career or status or votes or whatever, helped promote or
       implement the System’s racial program. The System had already
       paid them their 30 pieces of silver. Today we paid them.
       It was like the Gun Raids of four years ago, only in reverse-
       and the outcome was both more drastic and more permanent for
       those raided. One of two things happened to those the troops
       dragged out onto the streets. If they were non-Whites-and that
       included all the Jews and everyone who even looked like he had a
       bit of non-White ancestry – they were shoved into hastily formed
       columns and started on their no-return march to the canyon in
       the foothills north of the city. The slightest resistance, any
       attempt at back talk, or any lagging brought a swift bullet. The
       Whites, on the other hand, were, in nearly all cases, hanged on
       the spot. One of the two types of pre-printed placards was hung
       on the victim’s chest, his hands were quickly taped behind his
       back, a rope was thrown over a convenient limb or signpost with
       the other end knotted around his neck, and he was then hauled
       clear of the ground with no further ado and left dancing on air
       while the soldiers went to the next name on their list.
       One famous actress, a notorious race-mixer who had starred in
       several large-budget, interracial “love” epics, had lost most of
       her hair, an eye, and several teeth-not to mention all her
       clothes-before the rope was put around her neck. She was a
       bruised and bloody mess. I wouldn’t have known who she was if I
       hadn’t asked. What, I wondered, was the point in publicly
       hanging her if the public couldn’t recognize her and draw the a
       proper inferences between her former behavior and her
       a White family might have a dossier as race criminals because a
       neighbor had once observed a Black attending a cocktail party at
       their home or because they displayed one of the “Equality Now”
       bumper stickers,
       The hanging of a few of the worst race-criminals in every
       neighborhood in America will help enormously in straightening
       out the majority of the population and reorienting their
       thinking. In fact, it will not only help, but it is absolutely
       necessary. The people require a strong psychological shock to
       break old habits of thought.
       The last was a White girl, about 19, a bit flabby but still
       pretty. The shootings had calmed her down enough so that she was
       no longer screaming, “Racist pigs!” at the soldiers, but when
       the preparations for her hanging shortly thereafter awakened her
       to her own fate, she became hysterical. Informed that she was
       about to pay the price for defiling her race by living with a
       Black lover, the girl wailed, “But why me?” As the rope was
       knotted around her neck, she blubbered out, “I was only doing
       what everyone else was. Why are you picking on me? It’s not
       fair! What about Helen? She was sleeping with him too.” At this
       last outcry before the girl’s breath was cut off forever, one of
       the other girls (presumably Helen) in the group of now-silent
       spectators on the lawn shrank back in terror.
       We were hanging a group of about 40 land developers and real
       estate brokers outside the offices of the Los Angeles County
       Fair Housing Association. They had all participated in a special
       program which made lower mortgage rates available for racially
       mixed families buying homes in predominantly White
       All captured White troops, as soon as they had laid down their
       weapons, were offered a chance to fight with the Organization
       against the System. Those who immediately volunteered were taken
       aside for preliminary screening and then sent to camps for
       indoctrination and special training. The others were
       machine-gunned on the spot, without further ado. The same degree
       of ruthlessness was used in dealing with the White civilian
       population. When the Organization’s cadres moved into the White
       strongholds in the Detroit suburbs, the first thing they found
       it necessary to do was to liquidate most of the local White
       leaders, in order to establish the unquestioned authority of the
       Organization. There was no time or patience for trying to reason
       with shortsighted Whites who insisted that they weren’t
       the practice was first established (and it was later adopted
       elsewhere) of providing any able-bodied White male who sought
       admittance to the Organization’s enclave with a hot meal and a
       bayonet or other edged weapon. His forehead was then marked with
       an indelible dye, and he was turned out and could be readmitted
       permanently only by bringing back the head of a freshly killed
       Black or other non-White. This practice assured that precious
       food would not be wasted on those who would not or could not add
       to the Organization’s fighting strength, but it took a terrible
       toll of the weaker and more decadent White elements.
       Then, of course, came the mopping-up period, when the last of
       the non-White bands were hunted down and exterminated, followed
       by the final purge of undesirable racial elements among the
       remaining White population.
       the Organization resorted to a combination of chemical,
       biological, and radiological means, on an enormous scale, to
       deal with the problem. Over a period of four years some 16
       million square miles of the earth’s surface, from the Ural
       Mountains to the Pacific and from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian
       Ocean, were effectively sterilized. Thus was the Great Eastern
       Waste created. Only in the last decade have certain areas of the
       Waste been declared safe for colonization. Even so, they are
       “safe” only in the sense that the poisons sowed there a century
       ago have abated to the point that they are no longer a hazard to
       life. As everyone is aware, the bands of mutants which roam the
       Waste remain a real threat, and it may be another century before
       the last of them has been eliminated and White colonization has
       once again established a human presence throughout this vast
       area. But it was in the year 1999, according to the chronology
       of the Old Era-just 110 years after the birth of the Great One-
       that the dream of a White world finally became a
       Our enemies openly confirm my thesis that they have not changed
       one bit since the colonial era:
       [quote]Living in the current year, it is easy to become
       discouraged by our present trajectory, but the odds that the
       world’s White population will be permanently transformed into a
       repressed minority are small. As history has repeatedly shown,
       Whites tend to rule, not to be ruled.
       That future can be found in Latin America. While many stories
       from the region illustrate this point, one from Haiti seems
       appropriate. Haiti is today ruled by a mulatto elite, but the
       truly rich and powerful are White foreigners. This was the world
       one young White American was visiting the night of the 1991 coup
       that ousted Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
       They started chopping down the fence and the night watchman
       said, “We have to go out, otherwise they’re going to come in
       here.” So I just kind of took a deep breath, and the two of us
       walked into the moonlight and held our machetes. And I just
       remember looking up and at that point I could hear them yelling
       “Blancs, blancs, blancs restent ici,” meaning, “Whites stay
       here, Whites live here.” And then, one by one, they started
       running away.
       This is the real story of Whites in multicultural societies.
       With rare exceptions, it is not a story of submission, but of
       dominance. Indeed, to anyone who is not entirely numb to the
       fate of the world’s non-White peoples, this history has
       frequently been horrifying.
       In Latin America, this has included genocide-levels of death and
       destruction waged against its Indigenous peoples during colonial
       times that included widespread biological warfare, massacres,
       and rape. In just the past few decades, it has included the
       obliteration of countless villages and wholesale slaughter of
       hundreds of thousands of people.
       Few Americans know this history, but that does not make it any
       less real. White people can be vicious. Sometimes it is for
       profit, sometimes it is for survival, but the result is almost
       always the same.
       By choosing to threaten the world’s White populations, our
       ruling elites are playing a very dangerous game. The question is
       not whether Whites will awaken, because we will. The real
       question is far more cold-blooded. When we finally do wake up,
       just how brutal will we be?[/quote]
       [quote]Last year, the Southern Poverty Law Center identified
       nearly 150 white nationalist hate groups, several of which were
       in incredibly ethnically diverse cities such as Atlanta, New
       York and San Francisco. That same year, the FBI noted that hate
       crimes jumped 16 percent between 2016 and 2017. Over 50 percent
       of the offenders in the 2017 cases were white. Some have latched
       onto the anti-immigrant rhetoric espoused by Trump, who enjoys
       wide support from those on the alt-right.
       "It's becoming more acceptable part of the mainstream,"
       Picciolini said. "We're now starting to hear politicians — a
       significant number of politicians — who are parroting the same
       kind of conspiracy theories."
       The now-reformed white supremacist said that the state of white
       nationalism is more troubling today.
       "Nothing I said [back then] was mainstream," he said. "To hear
       those words being said right now, on the national discourse, for
       somebody like me who's been there, it's like PTSD. For somebody
       who's still in the movement, it's like PCP. They are now hearing
       the words that they were saying for so long being said by more
       people. They feel that the bar has changed. Now, it's about
       being more extreme."
       More concerning is the fact that both the FBI and Justice
       Department have been slow in identifying crimes that fall under
       white nationalist domestic terrorism. In July, a report by the
       Brennan Center for Justice noted that while terrorism
       investigations are the FBI’s "number one priority," the policies
       of the Justice Department "de-prioritize far-right terrorism as
       a national security threat, ranking it behind cases it labels
       'international' terrorism.'"
       "There is no group whose task it is to stop every white
       supremacist," Picciolini said. "The violence angle scares me. On
       the cyberspace angle, we are completely behind on it. There are
       foreign actors that are bolstering it. There are still Americans
       who are going to Eastern Europe to get trained in these partisan
       camps. I don’t see any indication of it not spreading."[/quote]
       Which is the same as what I have been saying.
       [quote]Even if Trump — whose name many on the "alt-right" have
       referenced in their campaign — loses in the 2020 presidential
       election, Picciolini said he believes a majority of those who
       strongly identify with white nationalism will remain steadfast
       in their mission to start a global race war.
       "True-believer types will work harder," he said.[/quote]
       In other words, we can no longer be talking about trying to
       "de-program" them or "socially isolate" them or any such
       wishful-thinking bullshit that has no bearing on reality. The
       only thing we should be discussing is how to identify them and
       PHYSICALLY EXTERMINATE them as quickly and efficiently as
       possible. Before they do it to us (see previous posts).
       Worse, lest they acquire genetic engineering technology, they
       will be able to phase us into extinction, thereby establishing
       the totality of Yahweh's control over Zion.
       Considering how much support Trump currently still has despite
       being an epic failure on many levels, I'm sure that there are
       equally as many false-leftists who believe that it is impossible
       for the entire west to turn "white-nationalist" (oxymoron) and
       that a second wave of "white" colonialism is also not possible.
       Probably, many of them are also the false-leftists that tried to
       tell us all not to worry about Trump, all the lies and stupid
       shit constantly coming out of his mouth are just rhetoric....
       #Post#: 3301--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: January 12, 2021, 2:34 am
       It always pays to look at what our enemies are thinking. In
       reaction to recent events:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/news/red-coup/
       here is what they think:
 (HTM) https://vdare.com/articles/it-will-only-take-one-speech-next-champion-of-historic-american-nation-could-emerge-at-any-moment
       [quote]one unavoidable truth remains: The GOP base, exemplified
       by the staggering numbers who turned out for him, stands with
       Trump. However, many in the GOP Establishment have been
       intimidated into throwing in with the Ruling Class Narrative.
       This opens up a huge leadership vacuum.
       Still, party leaders are wary of impeachment. They know the base
       is with the president. “If you can replicate his draw amongst
       rural, working-class voters without the insanity, you have a
       permanent governing majority,” McConnell adviser Josh Holmes
       told The Washington Post
       Whoever rises to the occasion must have a simple pitch:
       The Left is exploiting the protests to disenfranchise the 75
       million Americans who voted for Trump. They want to take away
       your First and Second Amendment rights and prosecute you for
       dissent. Their coup against the president isn’t about Trump:
       it’s about you. I stand with the president. That’s why we must
       resist these acts of tyranny just like our forefathers did.
       Ahead of the 2016 Republican primaries, VDARE.com Editor Peter
       Brimelow said  it would only take one speech to launch patriotic
       immigration reform into mainstream discourse. Sure enough, Trump
       did that—more accurately, he did it with a soundbite—and he
       instantly rose to the top of the GOP field and never looked
       Right now, it would just take one speech of defiance against
       Cultural Marxist tyranny; one speech to galvanize resistance;
       one speech to offer hope; one speech to offer a path forward for
       the Historic American Nation.
       Whoever delivers that speech will be the new leader of the
       GOP—or, perhaps more accurately, the GAP: the Generic American
       Which is why the problem is not going to go away until the
       entire Trumpist base is physically exterminated.
       #Post#: 3364--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: January 13, 2021, 11:32 pm
       Our warning has been heeded! The Turner Diaries is making the
       mainstream news headlines!
 (HTM) https://news.yahoo.com/turner-diaries-inspires-white-supremacists-131148516.html
       [quote]In “The Turner Diaries,” a group of white supremacists
       attacks the Capitol in an effort to overthrow the U.S.
       government. Dozens are killed in the assault, including members
       of Congress and their staffers. But in the insurrectionists’
       view, the greater victory is symbolic.
       “The real value of all our attacks today lies in the
       psychological impact, not the immediate casualties,” the 1978
       novel’s narrator, Earl Turner, writes in his diary. “They
       learned this afternoon that not one of them is beyond our
       Since its publication by neo-Nazi leader William Luther Pierce,
       “The Turner Diaries” has become one of the most influential
       texts among white nationalists and right-wing extremists. It has
       inspired dozens of acts of violence, and has been held up as a
       blueprint for how to enact a violent insurrection.
       Last week, as rioters broke into the Capitol, incited by
       President Donald Trump, some saw frightening parallels with the
       events described in the novel. Experts who track rhetoric on the
       far right say the book has long been a reference point for white
       supremacists who see the government as an oppressive force to be
       “Many of the ideas that are central to ‘The Turner Diaries’ have
       turned into memes and proliferated online in right-wing media,”
       said Cassie Miller, a senior research analyst at the Southern
       Poverty Law Center. “There are books that are required reading
       for people who are enmeshed in the movement, and ‘The Turner
       Diaries’ is at the top of the list.”
       On social media and in militant chat rooms on sites like 4chan,
       Telegram and Stormfront, some users celebrated last week’s
       violence and likened it to “the Day of the Rope,” a mass hanging
       that occurs in “The Turner Diaries.” Some rioters who
       livestreamed the assault made references to hanging politicians,
       and strung up nooses and erected a gallows outside the Capitol.
       “The turner diaries mentioned this. Keep reading,” one user
       posted on Telegram in reference to the attack on the Capitol.
       Part of the book’s appeal to right-wing radical groups stems
       from its seemingly far-fetched plot, in which a small group of
       insurgents terrorizes the most powerful people in the world with
       attacks that rally other white people to the cause. Though it’s
       a work of fiction rather than an ideological treatise or
       tactical manual, many domestic terrorists have tried to emulate
       the attacks in the book.
       Fiction has often fed into right-wing propaganda movements, said
       Seyward Darby, author of “Sisters in Hate,” a book about women
       in the white nationalist movement. In addition to “The Turner
       Diaries,” influential right-wing novels include Jean Raspail’s
       “The Camp of the Saints,” a dystopian depiction of immigrants
       overrunning Europe, and “Hunter,” another novel by Pierce that
       valorizes a white supremacist who targets interracial couples
       and civil rights activists.
       The narrative, presented as found diary entries, follows white
       people who form terrorist cells and start a race war. The
       attacks they launch include a bombing of FBI headquarters, a
       mortar attack on the Capitol and “the Day of the Rope,” in which
       “race traitors” are lynched, including “the politicians, the
       lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper
       reporters and editors, the judges, the teachers, the school
       officials, the ‘civic leaders,’ the bureaucrats, the preachers.”
       Eventually, the group takes control of the United States and
       carries out genocide on a global scale.
       More recently, the book has cropped up online in messages posted
       by far-right groups like the Proud Boys and has been referenced
       by extremists who sought to overturn the presidential
       Will leftists start taking the rightist threat more seriously
       now? Eventually, either we exterminate the rightists or they
       exterminate us.
       #Post#: 5827--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: April 24, 2021, 2:06 am
       When our enemies tell us who they are, we should believe them:
 (HTM) https://counter-currents.com/2021/04/we-are-derek-chauvin/
       [quote]Chauvin will forever be a monster. He represents American
       white supremacy stretching back to slavery and lynchings. He
       will stand alongside Bull Connor and the Ku Klux Klan. He’s the
       face of “systemic racism” and every other imaginary problem in
       this country. His actions will justify a veritable revolution
       within our nation.
       The revolution will come from above. President Biden said the
       verdict was a step forward, but more must be done to eradicate
       systemic racism. He said George Floyd’s “I can’t breathe” should
       motivate the nation to do everything Black Lives Matter wants.
       The Department of Justice announced the day after the verdict
       that it would launch a thorough investigation of the Minneapolis
       Police Department to assess them for racism. This is despite the
       police department fully cooperating with the trial and its
       officials testifying against Chauvin. There’s no reward for
       That’s why we are all Derek Chauvin. We all face persecution for
       doing our job and trying to preserve basic norms. He stands as a
       symbol of our plight. He is a political prisoner of the
       anti-white regime. We won’t win until people like him are free
       and police are once again the protectors of our community, not
       oppressors of the Right or punching bags for the Left.
       Whether we like it or not, we are Derek Chauvin.[/quote]
       #Post#: 6465--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: May 17, 2021, 10:21 pm
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTt5yxHaIq0
       #Post#: 7312--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: June 26, 2021, 10:50 pm
 (HTM) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/oregon-residents-receive-ominous-letters-for-flying-black-lives-matter-flag/ar-AALs1c2
       [quote]Residents in Forest Grove, Ore. received ominous and
       threatening anonymous letters in the last week in response to
       the flying of their "Black Lives Matter" flags.
       The letter, each identical in its message, was sent to at least
       three residents and one small business who all placed BLM flags
       outside their houses or buildings.
       In bold, black font, the letter read: "Thank you for flying the
       BLM flag. It will make it easier to identify who is a socialist,
       racist, woke and un-American when the fighting breaks out.
       Several more residents came forward to report getting the same
       letters, and the police are now investigating, according to The
       Kate Barrett said she was intimidated by the thoroughness that
       the sender of the letters had put into them. "It's scary because
       of the fact that they didn't hand-deliver it," she said. "It
       seemed like it was thought out — like they were looking around,
       writing down addresses."[/quote]
       Please start taking the rightist threat seriously if you are not
       already doing so.
       #Post#: 7313--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: rp Date: June 26, 2021, 10:52 pm
       "racist, woke and un-American when the fighting breaks out"
       All of these descriptors are applicable to rightists. But their
       psychopathic inversion is such that they assign these
       descriptors to leftists.
       #Post#: 7315--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: June 27, 2021, 12:04 am
       "Woke" is inapplicable to rightists.
       #Post#: 7318--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: rp Date: June 27, 2021, 12:46 am
       Whoops. Missed that when I quoted them.
       #Post#: 8797--------------------------------------------------
       Re: If we lose
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 15, 2021, 2:01 am
 (HTM) https://www.amren.com/blog/2021/09/verified-hate-biting-the-white-hand/
       From the comments:
       [quote]I look forward to the day when this conflict gets
       resolved the only way such conflicts ever get resolved. On that
       day, our enemies will not have a white government to protect
       them from people like myself.... and there are tens of millions
       of us. Their only hope will be to flee, and that is really the
       best advice I can give them in advance. Bug Out and make other
       plans for the future. If they insist on remaining, they will be
       buried here. They can fight all they like in the meantime, and
       they may need to if they hope to reach the national border of
       this country, but they will not be ignored or passed over or
       left behind unmolested when Patriots sanitize the county. Leave
       now, while you can, and avoid the rush. The watchword
       is.....Leave and Live. Take with you, whatever you can carry,
       but don't look back and don't plan on ever coming back.
       If you stay, you accept what happens. You started this fight,
       that you cannot win, so you have no one else to blame but
       yourself. Blacks are one person out of every eight in this
       country. Stand with them, if you are white, and it will make
       little difference. Choose wisely.[/quote]
       [quote]Over the last twenty years, I have told blacks,
       hispanics, and moslems to flee the USA now. Only the government
       is protecting them. If that collapses, the whites will attack
       swiftly and efficiently. Not that many whites have to be active
       to do this. I do know where you should go, but go now. You have
       been warned.[/quote]
       [quote]I totally agree and I know which side I would gamble on
       and support.[/quote]
       Of course, "Leave and Live" is a lie. They just want us out so
       they can nuke us from a distance. Read the Turner Diaries (top
       post in this topic):
       [quote]the Organization resorted to a combination of chemical,
       biological, and radiological means, on an enormous scale, to
       deal with the problem. Over a period of four years some 16
       million square miles of the earth’s surface, from the Ural
       Mountains to the Pacific and from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian
       Ocean, were effectively sterilized.[/quote]
       The only solution is for us to win:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/true-left-vs-false-left/firearms/
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/true-left-vs-false-left/true-left-breakthrough-ahimsa/
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/issues/demographic-blueshift/
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