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       #Post#: 1087--------------------------------------------------
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 9, 2020, 1:58 am
       [quote]The remains of Neolithic immigrants uncovered in
       modern-day Spain reveal they were brutally executed in a
       'xenophobic murderous frenzy' over 7,000 years ago.
       An international team of archaeologists excavated a cave in the
       modern day Spanish Pyrenees and found the mutilated remains of
       five adults and four children.
       The children were aged between three and seven and all nine of
       the people in the cage had not just been shot with arrows but
       beaten, even after they had died.
       The gruesome discovery was found in the Els Trocs cave which is
       in the mountain landscape of the Huesca region.
       It required painstaking excavation to avoid damaging the fragile
       ancient remains in what would have been both hunting and farming
       The remains have been dated to about 5,300 BC, which is when
       hunter-gatherers were being replaced by farmers.
       Genetic data from the victims found they were in the first wave
       of immigrants from the Middle East, who spread throughout Europe
       about 10,000 years ago.
       The discovery in the cave documents an early escalation of
       violence between people of 'conceivably different origins and
       worldviews', according to the paper.
       The researchers studied the genome of the victims of the attack
       and found that two of them were father and son - a male of about
       30 and a boy of about six.
       The other three children had different mothers and the genomes
       haven't been studied to the same detail.
       It is likely they were all part of the same cultural group
       though, possibility farming immigrants coming in to an area
       dominated by hunter gatherers.[/quote]
       Nothing has changed.
       #Post#: 1088--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gentilism
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: September 9, 2020, 2:07 am
       Joetnar evolution confirmed:
 (HTM) https://phys.org/news/2020-09-ancient-hunters-frozen-northern-europe.html
       [quote]Ancient hunters stayed in the coldest part of Northern
       Europe rather than migrating to escape freezing winter
       conditions, archeologists have found.
       Evidence from Arctic fox bones show communities living around
       27,500 years ago were killing small prey in the inhospitable
       North European Plains during the winter months of the last Ice
       Researchers have found no evidence of dwellings, suggesting
       people only stayed for a short time or lived in tents in the
       area excavated, Kraków Spadzista in Southern Poland—one of the
       largest Upper Paleolithic sites in Central Europe. Until now it
       wasn't clear if people retreated elsewhere each winter to avoid
       the intense cold.
       Dr. Alexander Pryor, from the University of Exeter, who led the
       study, said: "Our research shows the cold harsh winter climates
       of the last ice age were no barrier to human activity in the
       area. Hunters made very specific choices about where and when to
       kill their prey."
       Inhabitants of Kraków Spadzista around 27,500 years ago killed
       and butchered large numbers of wooly mammoths and arctic foxes
       at the site. For the first time, the research team were able to
       reconstruct details of how the foxes were moving around in the
       landscape before they died, and also what time of the year they
       died, through analyzing the internal chemistry and growth
       structures of their tooth enamel and roots.
       The analysis of teeth from four of the 29 hunted foxes show each
       was born and grew up in a different location, and had migrated
       either tens or hundreds of kilometers to the region before being
       killed by hunters—by snares, deadfalls or other trapping
       methods—for both their thick warm furs as well as meat and fat
       for food. The carcasses were brought back to the site to be
       skinned and butchered.
       Dr. Pryor said: "Arctic fox provided both food and hides to
       Paleolithic hunters, with their fur coats reaching full length
       around the beginning of December; this winter fur usually begins
       shedding by early spring. They also lay down substantial stores
       of body fats seasonally that are greatest from late autumn
       throughout the winter season and do not start to become
       seriously depleted until early spring. Hunters most likely
       targeted the foxes in the late winter period—before the onset of
       fur shedding and loss of critical fat supplies. The high numbers
       of fox remains found at the site suggests what was happening was
       a deliberate, organized procurement strategy rather than just
       simple incidental hunting."
       The analysis of teeth suggests hunters engaged in large-scale
       winter hunting of solitary Arctic foxes that were ranging widely
       across the landscape. The site was used as a base camp for
       ranging visits to maintain trapping lines and for processing
       Krakow Spadzista was one of the most northerly sites in central
       Europe during the Late Gravettian when much of the northern
       plains region had already been abandoned. Mean annual
       temperature was between −1.0 °C and +4.3 °C.[/quote]
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/true-left-vs-right/western-civilization-sustainable-evil/
       #Post#: 1274--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gentilism
       By: johnnyjohnnyjohnny Date: September 24, 2020, 4:33 am
       [quote author=90sRetroFan link=topic=151.msg1087#msg1087
       [quote] when hunter-gatherers were being replaced by farmers.
       ... [/quote]
       Conquering settlers replacing the innocent native population.
       hmmm, sounds familiar, where have I heard of that before? Oh
       right, sounds exactly like the situation we have in Occupied
       Palestine between the Settler Jews and the Native Palestinians!
       Also the situation in North America.
       Sounds like this "attack" was in fact justified retaliation by
       the natives.
       Seems that the identity of the attackers actually was never
       determined though:
       The researchers suggest that the attackers could have been local
       hunter-gatherers or another group of migrant farmers.
       If they were migrants then the attack may have been sparked by a
       land dispute over farming space.
       This very well could have been a family feud between two settler
       #Post#: 1276--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gentilism
       By: guest5 Date: September 24, 2020, 8:35 pm
       [quote]Conquering settlers replacing the innocent native
       population. hmmm, sounds familiar, where have I heard of that
       before? Oh right, sounds exactly like the situation we have in
       Occupied Palestine between the Settler Jews and the Native
       Palestinians! Also the situation in North America.[/quote]
       Firstly, hunter-gatherers do not create nation-states as they
       are tribal and live in tribes....
       There is a difference between colonialism and imperialism.
       Westerners often confuse the two. What the Jews are doing to
       Palestine is colonialism, and western colonialism at that. What
       Europeans did to the Native Americans was also western
       Colonialism: "the policy or practice of acquiring full or
       partial political control over another country, occupying it
       with settlers, and exploiting it economically."
       Imperialism: "a policy of extending a country's power and
       influence through diplomacy or military force."
       Unless the empire in question is tyrannical in nature the
       conquered territory simply becomes part of the conquering
       empire. Only in colonialism are settlers used to drive out the
       native population and their culture.
       Aryans would have simply helped teach the local hunter-gatherers
       how to become farmers themselves, kind of like how the Romans
       taught the English how to build roads....
       Hitler and Aryanists have never denied that Ancient Aryans were
       the creators of the nation-state and were conquerors.
 (HTM) http://aryanism.net/wp-content/uploads/iran-turan.jpg
       My Celtic ancestors also fought against tribalists apparently:
       [quote]Medieval Austria is the noble birthplace of the surname
       Reuter. Austria, which was originally home to a Celtic people,
       was conquered by the Roman Empire in about 15 BC. Following the
       fall of Rome, Austria was repeatedly invaded by barbarian
       tribes, such as the Vandals, Visigoths, and Huns, who swept in
       from the east. [/quote]
 (HTM) https://www.houseofnames.com/reuter-family-crest
       Fighting tribalists must be in my blood considering where I
       ended up ideologically aye? Must be some truth to the whole
       "blood memory" thing I'm thinking, no?  ;)
       #Post#: 1791--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western civilization = sustainable evil
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: October 26, 2020, 1:18 pm
       Because we need feel-good stories:
 (HTM) https://us.yahoo.com/news/9-old-hunting-father-accidentally-162440221.html
       [quote]9-year-old hunting with father accidentally shoots, kills
       Gunnar Holte was pheasant hunting with his father around
       Branched Oak Lake in Lincoln on Sunday morning when the incident
       occurred, the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office told
       That makes one fewer of these:
 (HTM) https://www.uguidesdpheasants.com/uploads/photos/MeadowCreekHunting.jpg
       Of course, I must emphasize that merely waiting for our enemies
       to all shoot themselves is a losing strategy. Indeed, that we
       more frequently hear stories of them shooting themselves than of
       leftists shooting them is testimony to leftist apathy.
       #Post#: 2646--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gentilism
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: December 4, 2020, 3:08 am
 (HTM) https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/ice-age-figurines-0014617
       [quote]Ice Age Figurines and the Sanctity of Prehistoric Obesity
       linking the famous Ice Age Venus figurines with a widespread
       prehistoric desire for “female obesity.”
 (HTM) https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/field/image/Ice-Age-figurines.jpg
 (HTM) https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/Hohle.jpg?itok=FdIA0bSg[/img]
       Mile-deep ice sheets advanced over what is today Northern
       Europe, causing winter temperatures to plunge to 10-15 degrees
       Celsius (50-59 degrees Fahrenheit). This killed off may hunters
       and forced other groups to retreat southwards to the central
       European forests. It was during this battle with the ice giants
       of the north that the Venus figurines were crafted and the
       researchers think this was no coincidence.
       The team of scientists measured the waist-to-hip and
       waist-to-shoulder ratios of each Venus figurine and discovered
       those that were found closest to the glaciers were “the most
       obese, compared with those located further away.”
 (HTM) https://www.ancient-origins.net/sites/default/files/map_36.jpg
       Trying to explain this finding, the researchers say the Ice Age
       Venuses represented “an idealized body type for these difficult
       living conditions” and they suggest the carved figures conveyed
       ideals of body size for young women, and especially those who
       lived in proximity to glaciers, wrote Johnson.[/quote]
       See also:
 (HTM) https://trueleft.createaforum.com/human-evolution/temperature-effects/
       [quote]Concluding that the obese figurines conveyed “ideals of
       body size, for young women,” the researchers claim being what is
       now deemed overweight was a “desired condition.” This was
       because obese females could carry a child through pregnancy in
       times of need more successfully than a woman suffering from
       malnutrition. Expanding on this, the researchers say many of the
       figurines are well-worn and they think this means they were
       heirlooms passed down from mother to daughter through
       The paper suggests young women becoming fertile, or pregnant,
       may have been given a Venus figurine in the hopes that they
       would achieve a similar body mass to increase the chances of a
       successful birth. With this magical aspect in mind, it is also
       suggested that the figurines may have been “imbued with a
       spiritual meaning - a fetish or magical charm of sorts that
       could protect a woman through pregnancy, birth and nursing .”
       The desire for obesity in prehistoric societies was a key factor
       in the success of the tribe, and the need for fertile, healthy
       mothers, able to withstand the challenges of natural disasters
       and famines, was essential in these times of dramatic climatic
       upheaval. Johnson concluded that the Ice Age Venus figurines
       emerged as “an ideological tool to help improve fertility and
       survival of the mother and newborns,” promoting health and
       And False Leftists think fat-shaming is bad.....
       #Post#: 2863--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Turanian diffusion
       By: guest5 Date: December 15, 2020, 7:32 pm
       Did Prehistoric Women Hunt? New Research Suggests So
       [quote]This idea goes against a hypothesis, dating back to the
       1960s, known as the “Man-The-Hunter model.”[/quote]
       [quote]The authors of the study, published in Science Advances,
       also reviewed evidence of other skeletons buried around the same
       period in the Americas, looking specifically at graves
       containing similar tools associated with big-game hunting. They
       found that of the 27 skeletons for which sex could be
       determined, 41% were likely female. [/quote]
       [quote]The stereotypical view of hunter-gatherer groups is that
       they involve a gendered division of labour, with men hunting and
       women being more likely to stay nearer home with young children,
       or fish and forage, though even then there is some variation.
       For example, among Agta foragers in the Philippines women are
       primary hunters rather than assistants.
       Some present day hunter-gatherers still use atlatls today, and
       some people also enjoy using atlatls in competitive throwing
       events, with women and children regularly taking part.
       Archaeologists studying data from these events suggest that
       atlatls may well have been equalisers – facilitating hunting by
       both women and men, possibly because they reduce the importance
       of body size and strength. [/quote]
       [quote]In 2017, a famous burial of a Viking warrior from Sweden,
       discovered early in the 20th century and long assumed to be
       male, was discovered to be biologically female. This finding
       caused a significant and somewhat surprising amount of debate,
       and points to how our own modern ideas of gender roles can
       affect interpretations of more recent history too. [/quote]
       [quote]The past, as some say, is a foreign country, and the more
       evidence we have, the more variable human behaviour looks to
       have been. [/quote]
 (HTM) https://getpocket.com/explore/item/did-prehistoric-women-hunt-new-research-suggests-so?utm_source=pocket-newtab
       #Post#: 2885--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Gentilism
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: December 17, 2020, 3:09 am
       Some men say that they find it sexy when women hunt. I suspected
       some Gentile blood memory there.....
       #Post#: 4335--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western civilization = sustainable evil
       By: 90sRetroFan Date: February 19, 2021, 9:23 pm
 (HTM) https://us.yahoo.com/lifestyle/florida-fishermen-wrangle-300-pound-160900477.html
       [quote]Professional fisherman Joshua Jorgensen caught the
       monstrous fish in January after a three-year effort to find one,
       Canada’s Global News reported this week. Jorgensen and his boat
       captain, Jason Boyll, hooked the grouper near a coral reef in
       the Gulf of Mexico, at which point it took four grown men to
       lift the thing over the edge of the boat. [/quote]
 (HTM) https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/djz1Zppy9vKrLAzXebG3tg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU0MA--/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/HL6oNZvPRq4L4nlTIJAiiQ--~B/aD00NTA7dz04MDA7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_takeout_667/b606ef2df0ffb989bf684fa5e1cd0a1a[/img]
       Again, look at the fishers' facial expressions. Sustainable evil
       is what Westerners get off on.
       #Post#: 4338--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Western civilization = sustainable evil
       By: rp Date: February 19, 2021, 9:28 pm
       "Again, look at the fishers' facial expressions. Sustainable
       evil is what Westerners get off on."
       How is it that all of them invariably have practically the same
       expression? I was looking at a photograph of a fisherman holding
       a fish in my local newspaper, and I shit you not he had the same
       shit-eating grin. I instinctively felt an impulse to punch him.
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